List of publications

Here you can find all publications and conference papers of the IdeaL team.

Reviewed publications


Dechant-Herrera, K., Altieri, M., & Bach, S. (2024). Vergleichende Analyse der Lernleistung zwischen einem digitalen Selbstlernkurs und einer inhaltsgleichen Präsenzeinheit zur Ingenieurmathematik. In transcript Verlag eBooks (pp. 117–128).

Gailer, B. & Bach, S. (2024). Automatic assessment of the geometric performance of basic operations with complex numbers: An example question using STACK and JSXGraph In: Weinmann, M. (Ed.) (2024, Juli 22). Proceedings of the International Meeting of the STACK Community 2024. International Meeting of the STACK Community 2024 (STACK Conference 2024), Amberg, Germany.


Knaut, J., Altieri, M., Bach, S., Strobl, I., & Dechant, K. (2022). A Theory-Based Approach of Feedback in STACK-Based Moodle Quizzes Taking into Account Self-Regulation and Different Proficiency of Learners. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(23), pp. 38–55.

Conference papers


Weinmann, M., Altieri, M. (2023, 21. September). Innovative Hörsäle für modernes, digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen [presentation]. MINT Symposium 2023, Nuremberg. Vortragsfolien.pdf

Weinmann, M., Strobl, I. & Greim D. (2023, 23. February). No Plug but Play – Die Learning Hall als innovativer Raum für das individuelle Lernen [poster presentation]. Werkstatt-Konferenz 2023, online. Poster_Werkstattkonferenz_IdeaL.pdf


Bach, S. & Knaut, J. (2022, 4. October). Interactive self-learning modules for engineering mathematics using STACK and JSXGraph [presentation]. 3. International JSXGraph Conference, online.

Gailer, B. (2022, 4. October). Tools and workflow for the development of interactive JSXGraph applets in a Moodle course [presentation]. 3. International JSXGraph Conference, online.

Knaut, J., Altieri, M., Bach, S. & Strobl, I. (2022, 25. April). A theory-based approach of feedback in STACK-based Moodle quizzes taking into account self-regulation and different proficiency of learners [presentation]. International Meeting of the STACK Community 2022, Leoben, Austria.

Infomation video learning module "complex numbers" (German only)
Image video digital classroom (German only)
IdeaL project meeting at the 17.03.2023
Impressions of the meeting

Mrs. Dechant-Herrera welcomes all participants …

… and as moderator gives a first short insight into the contents of the workshop.

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Math. Altieri welcomes the participants and introduces the project.

Ms. Strobl presents the self-learning module "Complex numbers”.

The learning management system Moodle offers an environment conducive to learning for this purpose.

Project staff …

… and the interested audience …

listen to the practical report of Prof. Dr. Schmid, who integrated the self-learning module "Complex Numbers" as module supervisor in the lecture Mathematics I for Engineers in the winter semester 2022/23.

Ms. Dechant-Herrera explains the design of the study and the resulting empirical observations and findings.

As a result, a lively discussion developed about the experience and insights gained from the use of the self-learning module.

Mr. Knaut, as head of the Digital Teaching Service Center, presents the services and possibilities of the Service Center.

The team consists of several STACK programmers and also offers didactic advice.

The innovative spaces include the Digital Classroom …

… the film studio, where Mr. Greim presented state-of-the-art equipment, such as a lightboard.

Lastly, Mr. Weinmann provided insight into the collaborative, various options available at the Learning Hall.

Finally, Mr. Greim answered questions for the digital audience, as well as the interested parties present in persona.

Thanking for the interest and the lively participation, Prof. Dr. Altieri and Mrs. Dechant-Herrera closed the project meeting.

The presentation slides