CEE-related Scholarship and Funding Possibilities
Funding opportunities for study visits and internships in CEE
- BTHA scholarships for language courses in CEE (Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Hungary)
- BTHA scholarships for study and research visits in CEE (Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary)
- BAYHOST Mobility Assistance Program(for different countries)
- DAAD Scholarship Programs
- For information on the funding programs Erasmus, PROMOS, OTH International, BAföG abroad and Hochschule International, please contact the International Office of the OTH Amberg-Weiden (international@oth-aw.de)
- IAESTE Internships
- Gemeinschaft für studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa (GFPS) e.V.
If you are interested in studying abroad as part of your studies, please contact the International Office (international@oth-aw.de) and the OTH AW Competence Centre for Bavaria - Central and Eastern Europe (KOMO) (komo@oth-aw.de) with pleasure.