You can register for language courses at the OTH Language Centre (SZ) from around 1 August for the winter semester and 10 February for the summer semester.

Yes, more detailed information on external participation can be found here.

The Language Centre can only issue certificates of the UNIcert® language programme for UNIcert® courses, e.g. the English UNIcert® II, III courses. The German courses are not part of this language programme; if you need proof for your application, you can add the grade confirmation from Primuss together with a copy of the module description of your course to your application.

The Moodle courses are only set up after the course has started and are only used for announcing dates, uploading documents and communication in urgent cases. Enrolment takes place after the first lecture and participants who have come to the first lecture are enrolled in the Moodle course.

A language course will only take place if there are enough (at least 8) registrations. Should the number of participants shrink considerably within the two lecture dates, we reserve the right to cancel the course.

No, there is no right to expect that certain scheduled language courses will be offered. Furthermore, the implementation of all language courses can be made dependent on a sufficient number of participants.

If a language course does not take place, those who have registered will be informed in good time.

All room and time details of the language courses are published in the timetables.

We ask for your understanding that we do not admit native speakers to our courses. Our teaching staff are in close contact with the Students’ Office on this matter and will not admit native speakers to the examination.

With the exception of the A2.2 course, for which there are special conditions, language courses taken at the Language Centre cannot replace the language certificate required for admission to studies.

Students from all four faculties of our university take part in our SZ courses. Each faculty or degree programme has different requirements for credit accreditation, so we would ask you to first check the module handbook of your degree programme and, if necessary, ask the Students’ Office whether a language course can be accredited to your degree programme.

 Course accreditation always requires an individual examination and the decision is made by the respective examination board in consultation with the Language Centre. If the workload, language level and examination performance on the submitted module description are comparable to the course for which you are seeking credit, then this language course can be accredited to your degree programme.

We do not recommend attending courses that are significantly below the level already acquired.

The levels are structured consecutively, which is why we recommend taking level B1.2 after level B1.1. This is followed by level B2.1 and only then can you take part in level B2.2.

 If you have sufficient previous knowledge, you can also attend the higher courses. To do so, you must successfully pass a a placement test or interview. This does not apply to UNIcert III courses if you want to obtain the certificate.

Please note that it is generally not possible to join a course after the second lesson.

Our teachers focus exclusively on the target level and cannot provide additional individual assistance in class. The best thing is to switch to a lower level if it is offered.

Our language courses are taught exclusively face-to-face.

No, our English courses are reserved exclusively for students on German-language degree programmes. As a rule, English courses are not creditable for English-language degree programmes.

As a rule, yes, but there are also courses that students from other degree programmes can take as compulsory elective modules or „Vertiefung” modules. These students then have priority for course participation. We regulate it in such a way that we reduce the registration list in the online registration accordingly, i.e. instead of offering 25 free places, we only offer 15, because 10 places must be secured for specific study groups such as e.g. WPM.

Our language course groups have a maximum of 25 course participants.

Then you can still sign up on the waiting list („Nachrückerliste”).

Then come to the first lecture; there may be one or two free places on the course, because someone did not turn up - but this does not guarantee you a place on the course.

No. Our courses are scheduled in presence - please note that by registering you would potentially be taking the place of someone who would like to attend the course in presence.

If you cannot attend our language course because of another lecture, please deregister from the language course so that other interested students can move up. Please note that we will not postpone any language course dates.

Online registration is active from 1 August to 1 October and from 10 February to 15 March.

The UNIcert® training programme lasts several semesters, as it consists of various modules that are offered alternately in the winter and summer semesters. If you are aiming for a UNIcert® certificate, you must achieve a minimum participation rate of 75%. Furthermore, all skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading comprehension and text production) of each module should be taken and passed with a minimum grade of 4.0.

The courses offered by the Centre for Languages (for all study programmes and without any ties to your OTH AW study location) can be found here: Sprachenzentrum

Click here to get to the online registration (only for enrolled/immatriculated students): registration