Checkliste Barrierefreiheit und SEO für Redakteure
Accessibility, SEO, Usability
In General
- First things first
- Search engines do not always index the entire page if it is long. Content further down may not make it into the index.
- Better usability if the visitor does not have to search for the content for a long time.
- Page URLs should not change and if they do, they should be redirected (our system sets redirects automatically).
- Link, link, link: Try to be linked by others (the better the other page is ranked, the better for us), link as much as possible yourself.
The link text should indicate what to expect when the link is called up (do not link "here").
- Responsive behaviour should be checked
- Pay attention to page titles, these should be individual/unique, no multiple page titles
- Subdivide texts, make them readable.Avoid "Word formatting".
- „Word-Formatierungen“ vermeiden.
Semantically correct marking up of text
- Headings are declared as headings (not just highlighted in bold).
- Hierarchy of headings is important for SEO. Optimally from H1 to max. H6 descending without gap. H1 is assigned automatically (first heading of the page).
- Keywords should appear in headings (especially H1).
- Lists (unnumbered or numbered) are declared as enumerations. Also consider nesting.
- Tables as tables. Tables should not be used for layout purposes if they are not tabular data.
- Use table legends
- Highlighting through bolding in the text (keywords) → very important for SEO
- File names should match the content of the image and contain a keyword
- Alt attributes
- are indexed by search engines
- help accessibility → read aloud by screen readers
- Title attributes help people with barriers → tooltip when hovering over them with the mouse
Specifying the data globally via the file list (recommended) or "element-specific" for the respective content element
SEO only
- Maintain keywords and descriptions in the page properties. Please do not overdo it with the keywords. A lot does not always help a lot. → Max. 10 keywords.
- Avoid „Duplicate Content“
- Avoid pages with very little content
- Try to generate URLs that are as short as possible: remove certain words such as "and", "or" or "for", keywords are welcome in the URL.
Accessibility only
In General
- The content is written in the simplest possible language.
- Offer alternatives
- Do not just upload a flyer with content for an event. PDFs are usually not accessible unless they have been specially prepared; making PDFs accessible is much more time-consuming than placing accessible content on a website.
- Alternative text for images
- Videos ideally with subtitle data or text alternative
- Animations that run automatically (longer than 5 seconds) should be able to be paused (e.g. pause button for sliders).
Linked files with file sizes in the link text- Contrasts should be high enough (Color Contrast Analyser)
PDFS barrier-free
- The PDF must be tagged.
- Font enlargement must be possible and usefully usable (flow around).
- There must be no formal deficiencies for important content.
- The contents in the tag structure must be in a sensible order.
- Important images must have meaningful alternative texts.
- Tables must be correctly labelled.
- PDFs with 3 or more pages must be structured by bookmarks.
- The PDF must be structured correctly.
- The main language must be indicated