Research Cluster 3


The cluster "Ethics, Technology Assessment and Sustainable Management" is based on a cooperation between the " Institut für Sozialforschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung (IST)" at the OTH Regensburg, the " Institut für Nachhaltigkeit in Technik und Wirtschaft " at the OTH Amberg-Weiden and various representatives of the OTH who deal with sustainable management. Through both institutes, the cluster bundles the technical competencies, research / project, teaching needs of the OTH and coordinates their processing and implementation.

The following partners are currently represented in the cluster:

  • Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Sonja Haug, deputy Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellbach
  • Professors: 
Prof. Dr. Sonja Haug, Prof. Christine Hellbach, Prof. Dr. Karsten Weber
  • Research Assistants: M.Sc. M.A. Eike Wunder (OTH AW), M. A. Anna Scharf (OTH R)

Main research topics

Consumer responsibility and influence on sustainable management in retailing

Globalization, changing production and procurement markets, and effects on national and international supply chains have led to an increased need for retailers to address environmental and social-ethical aspects of business activities. Accordingly, this topic is addressed in research and teaching. The focus here is on the concepts of "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) and sustainability as well as the associated changes in value creation architectures. The complex subject matter is dealt with in an interdisciplinary and cooperative manner in selected focal areas. This results in recommendations for action for business practice and accompanying courses.

Conception/adoption of a framework for the integration of sustainability management and business ethics into the curricula of business administration and engineering courses at universities of applied sciences.

The research project aims to derive a framework based on the principles of the PRME network (Principles for Responsible Management Education) that is geared to the situation of business administration and engineering courses at universities in Germany. In a first step, curricular contents and concepts in the field of business ethics and sustainability management will be analyzed. The focus will be on study programs that have already implemented modules on social and ecological responsibility or that contribute to the principles of the PRME network in some other way. In a second step, a generalizable framework will be developed in close cooperation with selected universities from the PRME network and the Commitment to Sustainable Practices of Higher Education Institutions, and a concept for its implementation will be developed using the example of OTH Amberg-Weiden. In this context, all six principles of the PRME network are to be taken into account as dimensions of action

Further research topics can be found on the website of the cluster of the OTH Regensburg  Website des Clusters