



  • Open Innovation Evening - joint event of Siemens, Herding GmbH Filtertechnik and OTH Amberg-Weiden provides impulses for digital transformation
  • AI Summer School at WBU Pilsen
  • Faculty EMI: 114 graduates bid farewell to the faculty
  • Industry 4.0 - Spring School 2022 with Siemens Amberg
  • Taster days during the Whitsun vacations at OTH Amberg-Weiden
  • OTH Amberg-Weiden at the Long Night of Science in Nuremberg
  • EMI Forum takes guests on a journey to the cloud
  • Creative, innovative and modern - 1st Oberpfalztag in Amberg
  • Programming with a mask? - The main thing is that it runs!
  • Technology Forum: Amberg on the way to a Smart City - added value for citizens or unnecessary technology?


  • OTH Amberg-Weiden at "g'scheid schlau! The Long Weekend of Science online
  • New courses of study offered
  • OTH Amberg-Weiden bundles AI expertise in the Innovation and Competence Center Artificial Intelligence (IKKI)
  • BACK TO PHYSICAL: "Physical Computing" exhibition of the EMI faculty
  • AI no danger (PDF)
  • Expansion of the Digital Campus of the OTH Amberg-Weiden: Conversion of new laboratory space progresses
  • Expansion of the Digital Campus of the OTH Amberg-Weiden
  • Speinshart: Ideas for an AI research center (otv)


  • 2,500 sqm of new lab space: Expansion of the Digital Campus of the OTH Amberg-Weiden
  • OTH Amberg-Weiden uses ex-Grammer headquarters and expands Digital Campus
  • Dual study: OTH Amberg-Weiden and Neumarkt agency mr. pixel sign cooperation agreement
  • OTH and Neumarkt agency mr. pixel sign cooperation agreement


  • Deep Learning needs experience and intuition
  • Marvel, participate, experience: Night of Science attracts visitors
  • The future of aging
  • Physical computing: students present their exhibits at "50+ Fit and Active Day"
  • 2. exchange of experiences: dual studies
  • Dual Date IT
  • Two days of Industry 4.0 at the Lauf Industrial Museum
  • Study program of the week: Industry 4.0 Informatics
  • Dual study: Cooperation agreement with publisher C.H.BECK
  • Student groups from Istanbul and Tallinn at OTH Amberg-Weiden
  • Innovative teaching method: learning programming in the flipped classroom with IoT hardware


  • Cooperation agreement: Siemens Amberg becomes Innovative LearningOrganization (ILO)
  • OTH and Siemens offer new dual bachelor's degree program in Industry 4.0 computer science with training as an electronics technician for devices and systems
  • Automated all-rounders
  • Programming like the world champions
  • Computer science fair at HCA high school on July 5, 2018 (
  • OTV: New dual study program "Industry-4.0-Informatics"
  • Dual study program: Industry 4.0 computer science in cooperation with Siemens
  • Study program of the week: Industry-4.0-Informatics
  • EMI Forum "Linux - not just for nerds
  • Link collection for the Linux Presentation Day 2018.1 in Amberg
  • Industry 4.0 - Spring School 2018 at the Kulturschloss Theuern
  • Girls'Day-Academy: Girls program traffic lights
  • Girls'Day Academy: Laboratory practice at the OTH
  • Wild Robotic in the Bionicum - Robot meeting with "EMIlie Pepper".
  • OTH presents robot Emilie in Nuremberg - kitchen help on two wheels
  • Youtube: EMIlie Pepper at the Bionicum Nuremberg
  • Encounters of the third kind: 1st robot meeting at the Bionicum Nuremberg


  • Physical Computing Fair: Students present their developments
  • W-Seminar Computer Science Physical Computing - Herzog-Christian-August-Gymnasium Sulzbach-Rosenberg
  • University partnership between OTH Amberg-Weiden and Lodz University of Technology
  • Those who speak C++ and C# (Oberpfalz IT 7/2017, p.6)
  • Successful 3rd annual conference of the INDIGO network.
  • Arduboy Hackathon in Amberg
  • Linux Presentation Day - Discover the penguin in you!
  • IEEE EDUCON 2017: Presentation of the teaching concept "Training Scrum with Gamification".
  • Winter semester 2017/18: OTH Amberg-Weiden starts application phase
  • New Bachelor's programs "Industry 4.0 Informatics" and "Media Informatics" to start in winter semester 2017/2018 at OTH Amberg-Weiden
  • Robot Pepper: On advanced training in the Upper Palatinate (BR)
  • University live: OTH Amberg-Weiden shows its facets at open day
  • Amberg: Newcomers at the OTH: Pepper and Nao (OTV)
  • 1st PartnerForum at IGZ: Information, visit and exchange on "IT and digitalization".
  • 1st Spring School 2017 "Industry 4.0" at the Mining and Industry Museum Theuern
  • School cooperation with the Herzog-Christian-August-Gymnasium Sulzbach-Rosenberg
  • School cooperation of the OTH with the Herzog-Christian-August-Gymnasium
  • Exchange of experience on dual studies: Stakeholders from vocational and academic education in discussion
  • EMI-Forum: "The enemy in your computer" - crime on the net and how to solve it
  • New addition to the robot family: Pepper moves into the OTH Amberg-Weiden
  • In-service qualification programs for engineers and computer scientists


  • Media informatics students win Fraunhofer hacking event
  • Start-up funding approved: Industry 4.0 computer science in Amberg
  • European Conference on Software Engineering Education (ECSEE)
  • DELPH-IN Summit at Stanford University
  • How does international project management work at a major automotive supplier?
  • EMI Forum on May 19, 2016: e-file, e-government, e-justice - uh, what?


  • AWARDED: Committed. In. the. Teaching. - 10.12.2015 in Weiden - Heroes of the University.
  • ICT and RAKS clusters gain momentum
  • Physical Computing - Podcast
  • Scrum with Minecraft
  • Project management in practice
  • EMI Forum 2015 on Ambient Assisted Living
  • AAL Congress 2015