resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who otherwise will have
no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who otherwise will have
no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to impart the basics of operations and supply chain management related to the industrial transfor-
mations. Starting [...] English, proficiency in Ger-
man is not necessary.
Learning outcomes:
The following learning objectives are anticipated:
• You will be able to define the topic of supply chain management and the [...] will be able to classify current developments and their effects on supply chains
• You will be able to classify, evaluate, model and optimize supply chain processes
• You will be able to use, evaluate
will be on relating theoretical concepts to assessment and evaluation of practices in organizations.
Empirical projects will be analyzed to extract lessons learned and suggestions for improvement. Explorations [...] project work is used to test the entire learning
content and competency profiles, including the com-
petencies for presentation.
The assessed discussion contributions serve to dee-
pen the understanding [...] you are not eligible to sign up for more than 11 Advanced Modules or more than 4 Soft Skill Modules prior to having completed a minimum of 120
of 150 possible ECTS.
According to §6 (2) of the old Study
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Gewichtung: 100%
Hinweis: Die
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur Klausurteil: Betriebswirtschaft
Dauer: 30 Minuten
Gewichtung: [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Kolloquium Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten L
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur Klausurteil: Betriebswirtschaft
Dauer: 30 Minuten
Gewichtung: [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Übungsleistung Drafting of 3-5 experimental designs with a mi-
nimum of two different sensors each - for a to-
tal of 100% grade [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Übungsleistung Die zu erbringenden Übungsleistungen (Exerci-
ses) setzen [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Klausur über 90 Minuten (Einzelleistung), Ge-
prevented to attend the inspection on August 8th,
this must be announced in good time on the bulletin board (Schwarzes Brett).
Students who would like to view their exam then have the opportunity to
request [...] stated. In order to meet deadlines, inspection must be possible within
four calendar weeks from the day the grades are announced.
The agreed appointment must be observed, there is no right to catch up on [...] und Erstkorrektor-
The inspection will take place on Friday, August 8th, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00
at the MBUT Faculty with the respective first correctors
2. Sollten Erstkorrektoren
will conduct independent research to gather and analyze diverse data sources relevant to sustainable development.
• They will apply statistical and computational methods to analyze financial and sustainability [...] Examination*1)
Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2)
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Learning portfolio
Written: Reports on lab works (70 %), Test
Orally: [...] Examination*1)
Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2)
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Learning portfolio
Written: Presentation (20 %),
Test: (20%)
Orally: Discussion
will conduct independent research to gather and analyze diverse data sources relevant to sustainable development.
• They will apply statistical and computational methods to analyze financial and sustainability [...] Examination*1)
Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2)
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Learning portfolio
Written: Reports on lab works (70 %), Test
Orally: [...] Examination*1)
Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2)
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Learning portfolio
Written: Presentation (20 %),
Test: (20%)
Orally: Discussion
Vorlesungsfrei/WEFachschafts-Events OTH Termine Prüfungsphase
Nacht der
LuminaFest [...] LuminaFest
Stammtisch mit
Ersti-Tag &
Good to Know
1. Sep. bis 9. Okt. Bewerbungsfrist Deutschlandstipendium
[...] &
Good to Know
11.-15. Nov. Themenwoche Bewerbung
Verfahren (z.B. XAI, Embedded AI, semi-/self-supervised learning, active learning, federated learning,
contrastive learning, transfer learning, DL für Audiosignale)
Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching [...] Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 2018
Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python: das [...] and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
F. Chollet: Deep Learning with Python, Manning, 2018. (deutsche Version bei mitp Professional, 2018)
A. Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and
(2019). Hands-on machine learning with scikit-learn, keras, and
TensorFlow (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
Bishop., C. (2016). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. New York, NY:
Springer [...] Studierenden solide
Grundlagen in Deep Learning erworben. Insbesondere sind sie in der Lage:
den Stand der Technik von Machine Learning und Deep Learning zu verstehen
können die verschiedenen [...] concepts and their functionality
Introduction to Robot operation system (ROS)
Introduction to mapping and pathfinding algorithms
Introduction to robotic simulation tools
Insight into robot
students will be able to
understand, categorize and analyze cultures according to chosen cultural dimensions and taxonomies
understand, judge the benefit of different tools used to train personnel [...] solutions to deal with conflict in managing intercultural groups
analyze and adapt own behavior in intercultural situations as well as to evaluate behavior of others and advise them appropriately to be
[...] assimilators and critical incidents are investigated in their use to teach cul-
tural awareness. Students are given the opportunity to use these tools in both theoretical and practical exercises. Additionally
(7) In addition to specialist and methodological skills, the degree programme aims to convey the
joy of learning and the creative application of knowledge, promote the ability to criticise and
reflect [...] language skills in the first two study sections to enable them
to enter the German labour market at the start of the practical semester and to be able to
complete the third study section partly in German [...] deemed
to have been taken for the first time and failed.
(2) 1 Entry to the third stage of the programme requires that all modules of the first stage of the
programme have been passed. 2In order to ensure
has to checked individually.
details to be specified in the first
semester the module is taught
150h, details to be specified in the first
semester the module is taught
Learning Outcomes [...]
Methodological skills:
Ability to program algorithms for IoT applications
Ability to develop software projects in IoT environment
Ability to implement sensors and actuators using libraries [...] Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2) Learning Objectives/
Competencies to be Assessed
Written Exam
Written Exam, 90 minutes Written Exam (Kl90)
*1) Please refer to the applicable overview
and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
F. Chollet: Deep Learning with Python, Manning, 2018. (deutsche Version bei mitp Professional, 2018)
A. Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and [...] Verfahren des Supervised Learning (z.B. baumbasierte Ansätze, SVM, Ensemble-Methoden)
• Grundlegende Verfahren des Unsupervised Learning (z.B. PCA, k-means Clustering)
• Machine Learning in Python mit der [...] Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 2018
W. McKinney: Datenanalyse mit Python, O’Reilly, 2018
S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python: das Praxis-Handbuch für
ungen: 50 h
CAD Kurs: 20 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] h
Klausurvorbereitung: 30 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] h
Klausurvorbereitung: 30 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden
ungen: 50 h
CAD Kurs: 20 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] h
Klausurvorbereitung: 30 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] h
Klausurvorbereitung: 30 h
Gesamtaufwand: 150 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden
• Draw a professional or private
interest next to the card
• Link to other persons (draw line)
Spider Web
Let’s get to know each other
01.10.2024Welcome Presentation IIE & IME 2 [...] EMI, MB/UT, WIG
Folie 1: Welcome to OTH Amberg-Weiden
Folie 2: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 3: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 4: About Me
Folie 5: Study Profile [...] Lerngruppen und Mentoring.
• One-stop student support for year one
• Designed to ease the transition from secondary school
to university
• The programme offers consultation, mentoring,
• Draw a professional or private
interest next to the card
• Link to other persons (draw line)
Spider Web
Let’s get to know each other
01.10.2024Welcome Presentation IIE & IME 2 [...] EMI, MB/UT, WIG
Folie 1: Welcome to OTH Amberg-Weiden
Folie 2: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 3: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 4: About Me
Folie 5: Study Profile [...] Lerngruppen und Mentoring.
• One-stop student support for year one
• Designed to ease the transition from secondary school
to university
• The programme offers consultation, mentoring,
provides electricity and heat to the university. Additionally, energy systems
models are researched and developed using optimization, machine learning, and simulation
methods to represent the energy system [...]
environmental technology, renewable energies, or similar.
• High level of creativity, ability to work in a team, independence, commitment & flexibility.
• Basic knowledge of modelling and optimization [...] Within our team, you will receive individual support for your thesis and a comprehensive
introduction to the topic. If required, a workstation is available for you in the CHP pilot plant.
If you are
supply factors to demonstrate that
cash has to keep a vital role as a means of payment not only to maintain its status of a highly liquid
store-of-value but also as an efficient tool to combat crises [...] population is still accustomed to banknotes and coins in its payment habits. In addition,
there must be a robust cash infrastructure to ensure a well-functioning cash cycle to meet the
demand for cash [...]
declined from 2009 to 2020 from 54% to 21% and stayed roughly at that level in the following
years. Interestingly, the value shares also fell from 2009 to 2020, from 23% to 9%, but
PSR Payment Services Regulation
P2G Person-to-Government
P2B Person-to-Business
P2M Person-to-Merchant
P2P Peer-to-Peer (Person-to-Person) (see C2C)
Retail CBDC General Purpose Central [...] is referred to as D€ account pursuant to Art. 2 (5) of the
D€-R, it can be assumed that Art. 13 (7) refers to online accounts held with a PSP. Section 3.5contains
a discussion as to whether one [...]
Pursuant to the D€-R, the main task of participating PSPs (also referred to as "intermediaries") is "to
distribute the D€" or "provide" or "distribute D€ payment services" to D€ users (which