Studienjahr 2022-2023
1. Interne Akkreditierungsverfahren
2. Evaluationen
3. Weiterentwicklung Qualitätsmanagement
4. [...]
QM-Aktivitäten-Bericht / Studienjahr 2022-2023
1. Interne Akkreditierungsverfahren
• Elektro- und Inf
© Medical Valley EMN e. V.
Our Ecosystem
The Medical Valley EMN is an
(inter)nationally leading innovation
ecosystem in the area of
healthcare innovation.
companies [...] creating medical
value here, in
medical valley.
…Medical Valley to
an internationally
visible model
region for optimal
Courses (20 ECTS)
4 x
Country Block
(20 ECTS)
Vertiefung International Business – 14 Module zu je 5 Credits /
Major International Business Courses – 14 Courses with 5 ECTS each
(70 ECTS)
einsatz und ordnungsgemäße
Bewirtschaftung, individuell
angepasstes internes Kontroll-
• Interne Revision mit eigenstän-
digen Befugnissen ist imple-
Steigerung der [...] Niveau
• Aktives Welcome Center (Stu-
dien- und Career Service und
International Office)
• Nachhaltige Verankerung des
International Student Club
• Anzahl agiler Kooperationen
• Welcome Packages [...] Amberg-Weiden soll auf diesem Weg noch mehr als heute in der Oberpfalz, aber auch überre-
gional und international verankert sein. Auch in den kommenden Jahren werden die zentralen bildungs-
und strukturpolitischen
International students who obtained their university entrance qualification outside Germany have to have their qualifications assessed by Uni Assist . They have to register for VPD assessment. The VPD
The Erasmus+ program of the European Commission is a program to promote international academic mobility within Europe. It is open to students of all disciplines and all types of higher education institutions
International students at our University may apply for „Deutschlandstipendium”, a scholarship which involves federal and privately donated funds. The grant consists of a monthly rate of 300 Euros for a
industrial projects are published by
notice board.
3.2.2 Internal work, external work
Final theses can be carried out internally or externally at other universities, in companies or
authorities [...] ................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Internal work, external work ........................................................................... [...] first and second examiner must be named for each thesis. The first examiner is usually also
the internal supervisor of the thesis. If the first examiner does not belong to the circle of full-
time professors
industrial projects are published by
notice board.
3.2.2 Internal work, external work
Final theses can be carried out internally or externally at other universities, in companies or
authorities [...] ................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Internal work, external work ........................................................................... [...] first and second examiner must be named for each thesis. The first examiner is usually also
the internal supervisor of the thesis. If the first examiner does not belong to the circle of full-
time professors
be an autonomous business model permits the firm to
determine accountable actions and to balance internal capabilities and
resources, an issue that is often underestimated by managers
(Edvardsson et al [...] in a dynamic
environment and applying updated prior knowledge and experience to
learn from the internal and external environment”. (Qumer et al.,
2008) Agile service development may lead to higher customer [...] Implementation of process for service delivery
• Review of development stage
• Development cost (internal, extern, material)
• Pricing and billing
• Terms and conditions
• Sales plan, cost plan, profit
für uns öffnen und
zugänglich machen. Somit frei nach dem
Motto des International Offices: Explore
the world, be international!
sie haben oft auch ein deutsches Abitur,
was Bewerbung und Zulassung [...] und
deren MitarbeiterInnen für BRiNO?
Der Vorteil für Unternehmen, die nicht
auf ein eigenes internes Fortbildungspro-
gramm setzen möchten, liegt bei BRiNO
darin, dass mit Fort- und Weiterbildungen [...] Weltweit
...und diese sind im Zuge der Internatio-
nalisierung der OTH Amberg-Weiden für
das International Office an der Tagesord-
nung: Natürlich gibt es Schwerpunkte,
wie beispielsweise das Kennenlernen
Keywords : European Economic and Monetary Union, European Monetary Fund,
International Monetary Fund, Euro-Crisis
JEL: E61, F02, F33, F55
Zu [...]
The so-called Troika, consisting of EU-Commission, European Central Bank and International
Monetary Fund, was supposed to save the member states of the European Economic and
Monetary [...] and to avoid future crises, which are mainly due to the escalating public debt
and the lack of international competitiveness of some members of the monetary union.
Tourist Info Weiden Here are the links to museums in Weiden: City Museum with Max Reger Collection International Ceramics Museum Weiden You may also join a sports club. There’s everything from football over
den im zweiten Semester
Erhebungsmethode: Online-Befragung
Erhebungsart: Interne Evaluation
Angeschriebene Studierende: 678
Teilnehmer/-innen: [...] tudienmesse
2 Nennungen Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Weiden)
2 Nennungen Datenbank „International Programmes in Germany“ / DAAD
1 Nennung Studieninformationstag an der OTH AW
1 Nennung [...] 100%
Social Media Accounts der OTH AW (Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube) [Nz=39]
Datenbank "International Programmes in Germany" / DAAD
Berichte der OTH AW in Print- und Online-Medien [Nz=73]
the global financial crisis, which was linked to a fragile banking sector and the
loss of international price competitiveness.
While no compelling inferences can be made as to the driving force of [...] Finally,
Born et al. (2018) assess, in a large panel of countries, the disciplining effect of
international debt markets by enforcing government expenditure cuts. They find
that government expenditures [...] ’Troika’, that is a group
of institutions including the European Commission, the ECB and the International
Monetary Fund, which also developed and negotiated the programmes for structural
antimikrobielle Oberflächen
Antimicrobial Surface Technology
12:15 – 13:00 Henning Lensch RRP International Singapore,
Healing Architecture:
Innovative Konzepte und Beispiele
[...] Studie
How to speed up patient recovery? –
Room Design and health recovery results
of an international study
16:45 – 17:30 Thomas Fritsch, HT Group Heideck, Germany
Der Patient im Fokus –
Mit deinem Master bist du attraktiv für innovative und
spannende Unternehmen, national und international. Starte
durch in der Boom-Branche!
Mach‘ Karriere
Ramona Merk , Master Logistik & Di [...] en, internationale Warenströme, multikul-
turelle Kontakte. Der Master ist interdisziplinär, international
ausgerichtet und verbindet dich mit der ganzen Welt.
Autonome Systeme, selbstständige Fer
classmate recommend
School recommendation
The propaganda from our University
international cooperation
Chinese University Recommendation
Cooperative school
through [...] university.
cooperation project
Joint training project between schools
From the international exchange office in our institute
Listen to the teacher.
I found it from my college
to find the courses. If you have any questions, get in touch with the Language Center or the International Office. By the way: There are other languages on offer, for example English, Czech, Russian, French
testing in an international context”. This is where we step into the picture. We extend the hedge
portfolio evidence of Chordia et al. (2014) to an international setting.4 Figure 1, reporting [...] McMillan, D., 2009. Financial Co-Movement and Correlation: Evidence From 33 International Stock
Market Indices. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1 (3), 215–241.
Fama, E., 1965 [...] significantly decreased exploitable returns of capital market anomalies in
the US. Using a novel international dataset of arbitrage portfolio returns for four well-known
anomalies (size, value, momentum and
AW_S1678_01-2013 final.indd
2 HAW intern
Technische Hochschule im Verbund
3 Kompetenz & Innovation
Kompetenzzentrum Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung: [...]
Technische Hochschule: HS.R
und HAW im Schulterschluss
Newsletter 1|2013 2
HAW intern
Vor einem Jahr, am 1. Mai 2012, wurde das Kom-
petenzzentrum Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung [...] zu einem Studienab-
schnitt im Ausland zu motivieren. Mehr da-
zu unter http://www.haw-aw.de/international/
Regelmäßige internationale Erfahrungen sam-
meln auch die studentischen
unsere 34 Partnerhochschulen in
21 Ländern sind hierzu nur ausgewählte Bei-
i nhalt
2 fh intern
Aktiver Start mit
ehrgeizigen Zielen
3 Kompetenz
& Innovation
Zeitaufwand und Kosten
minimieren: [...] Fabrik
4 fh weltweit
Made in China
5 Firmenportrait
Die josef witt gmbh–
nicht nur international
6 fh extern
Ehrungen für die besten
Absolventinnen und
7 [...] Umwel t techn ik : 213
Patent ingen ieurwesen: 90
newsletter 2 . 2005 fh amberg-weiden 2 fh intern
»Ein Planer ist ein
brachte es Johannes
Greifoner, Account
Cash: New International Evidence, Banco de la República de Colombia, Discussion Paper
No. 1074.
Ashworth, J & C A E Goodhart (2020), The Surprising Recovery of Currency Usage,
International Journal [...] an Bedeutung verlieren, sowohl im weltweiten Maßstab als auch
in den Emissionsländern der international nachfragten Sorten (USD, EUR, CHF, GBP und JPY) als klar
widerlegt angesehen werden kann. [...] banknotes, in:
Deutsche Bundesbank (Hg.), War on cash: Is there a future for cash?, Tagungsband
"International Cash Conference 2017", Seiters, Frankfurt am Main, 200-248.
Krüger, M. & F. Seitz (2017)
Factor forecasting using international
targeted predictors: the case of German GDP Christian Schumacher
11 2009 Forecasting national activity using lots of
international predictors: an application [...] from Fraport AG, 7.2 million passengers from other
euro-area countries landed at Frankfurt International Airport in 2007. This amounts
statistically to around 20,000 passengers per day. Frankfurt [...] Felbermayr
in Germany: pains and gains Wido Geis
foregone? Wilhelm Kohler
19 2008 International portfolios, capital Nicolas Coeurdacier
accumulation and foreign assets Robert Kollmann
Studienjahr 2020/21
WiSe 2020/21: Interne Evaluationen:
SoSe 2021:
Externe Evaluationen:
International Management & Sustainability (M.A.)
Ingenieurpädagogik [...] Studieneingangsbefragung
Künstliche Intelligenz – International (B.Sc.)
Wirtschaft singenieurwesen –
Digital Engineering & Management (M.Eng.)