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dc:title Siemens
of a three-step design chain for the simple and efficient design of
tube bundle heat exchangers or evaporators respectively with a focus on ORC applications. It contains a design calculation
tool [...] calculation and design of the heat exchanger. The present paper deals with all of
these design steps in an attempt to integrate the solutions to these problems into a single design chain for ORC tube [...] CONCLUSION
With the three-step design chain for tube bundle heat exchangers in ORC plants, the operator has a great tool at
his hands for designing basic heat exchangers as they are used in
of a three-step design chain for the simple and efficient design of
tube bundle heat exchangers or evaporators respectively with a focus on ORC applications. It contains a design calculation
tool [...] calculation and design of the heat exchanger. The present paper deals with all of
these design steps in an attempt to integrate the solutions to these problems into a single design chain for ORC tube [...] CONCLUSION
With the three-step design chain for tube bundle heat exchangers in ORC plants, the operator has a great tool at
his hands for designing basic heat exchangers as they are used in
LESSONS LEARNED: FURTHER [...] a course on project-
based product design from a bachelor's degree programme for ‘Sustainable Engineering’. It is the only
course focusing on product design in the curriculum of the bachelor programme [...] introduction of e-
portfolios in a product design course, In DS 117: Proceedings of the 24th International
Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022), London, September
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Martin Frey
OTH Amberg-Weiden
Vom „Human Centered Design“ zum „Circular Design“
– wie neue Herausforderungen neue Herangehensweisen
11:15 – 11:30 [...] haben
die Studierenden die Möglichkeit in einem 90-
minütigen Workshop die Innovationsmethode „Design
Thinking“ näher kennen zu lernen.
Angemeldete Studierende erhalten am Ende der [...] ETN Studientag
Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt
Beispiele und Methoden
nutzerzentrierter Designs
12:00 – 13:30 Uhr
Mittagspause mit Mittagessen in der OTH Mensa
13:30 –
• Clean Production Technology and Eco-Design
• Design and Planning of Water Treatment Plants
• Air Pollution Control
• Waste Treatment Technologies
• Design and Planning of Recycling Plants
• Thermal [...] industries in
Germany: Environmental engineers may work as project
engineers in the development and design of technical
plants and equipment or in areas concerned with resource
efficiency and environmental [...]
includes the following compulsory modules:
• Management
• European Environmental Law
• Plant Design and Plant Automation Engineering
• Process Engineering
• Mathematical and Numerical Methods
• Process
pro and cons of the cantilever design compared to the axial design. The cantilever designed showed
the expected higher efficiency. Nevertheless, the axial impulse design provides many other
turbine [...] roller bearings, slide bearings or aerodynamic bearings - depending on task
• compact design, low material usage
• design can be easily adapted to different boundary conditions, fluids etc.
[...] regard to
their suitability for a so-called “micro-expander-construction-kit” which should help to design and
build an appropriate expander for any given application out of a wide range of boundary conditions
pro and cons of the cantilever design compared to the axial design. The cantilever designed showed
the expected higher efficiency. Nevertheless, the axial impulse design provides many other
turbine [...] roller bearings, slide bearings or aerodynamic bearings - depending on task
• compact design, low material usage
• design can be easily adapted to different boundary conditions, fluids etc.
[...] regard to
their suitability for a so-called “micro-expander-construction-kit” which should help to design and
build an appropriate expander for any given application out of a wide range of boundary conditions
14. Cross, N. (2001), “Designerly Ways of Knowing: Design Discipline Versus Design Science”, Design Issues, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 49–
15. Cross, N. (Ed.) (2011a), Design Thinking, Berg Publishing [...] user-centered design and how design impacts our daily lives. It's a
foundational text for understanding the importance of usability and user experience in design.
• "Change by Design: How Design Thinking [...] Market Research
• Design Thinking in Marketing
o Principles of Design Thinking
o Design Thinking Process: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test
o Case Studies on Design Thinking in Marketing
Engineering is concerned with the develop-
ment and design of innovative machines, plants and
equipment. The Mechanical Engineering programme is
designed to ensure that students learn how to solve
problems [...] (minimum 22 weeks) in semester 5.
The first group -Fundamentals of Mathematics and Science-
is designed to lay the groundwork for the further progress
of study. It combines the following modules:
[...] Technical Mechanics
• Material Science
• Strength of Materials
• Machine Parts I
• Development and Design I
• Electrical Engineering I
• Dynamics of Machines
• Technical Thermodynamics
• Technical Fluid
Beispiel als User-Experience-DesignerIn, als Interface-
DesignerIn, als Bild- und ToningenieurIn oder Multimedia-
RedakteurIn in klassischen Medien, als EntwicklerIn oder
DesignerIn für Multimedia (Werbe [...]
date 2020-12-04T12:10:22Z
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pdf:docinfo:title MP2020_OTH-AW_Flyer-Studiengaenge_DINlang_final.indd
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dc:title MP202
Innovative Konzepte und Beispiele
für das Design von Einrichtungen
im Gesundheitswesen
Healing Architecture:
Innovative concepts and examples for
the design of healthcare facilities
13:00 – [...] GmbH, Philips GmbH
10:00 – 11:00 Hygienisches Design von Krankenhäusern
und Medizinprodukten
Hygienic Hospital and
Medical Device Design
date 2017-02-24T09:57:00Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title Programm Hospital Engineering Trends 2017_8-Seiter DL.indd
03.2023 — Design Thinking
13.00 Uhr
15.30 Uhr
15.45 Uhr
16.15 Uhr
17.00 - 17.30 Uhr
10.00 Uhr
10.10 Uhr
14.10 Uhr
14.30 - 17.30 Uhr
Design Thinking [...]
date 2023-03-20T11:59:33Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title Hackathon_2023
03.2023 — Design Thinking
13.00 Uhr
15.30 Uhr
15.45 Uhr
16.15 Uhr
17.00 - 17.30 Uhr
10.00 Uhr
10.10 Uhr
14.10 Uhr
14.30 - 17.30 Uhr
Design Thinking [...]
date 2023-03-20T07:50:30Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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und unterstützenden Tools
• Regelmäßige Austausch- und Feedbackrunden
Was bedeutet Design Thinking?
Design Thinking ist ein ganzheitlicher, am Menschen orientierter
Innovationsansatz und dient der [...]
date 2022-02-21T12:07:57Z
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5.3 Design
During design elements are integrated into the service to meet
customers needs. This may be product design (design of material
components), facility design (configuration of [...] operations design (protection of infrastructure during service delivery)
and service process design (interaction between supplier and
customer) (Ramaswamy, 1996). The key question during the design is
whether [...] machine where modules are sold to bring a machine to
4 Design Principles
In the following, we define design principles, which describe
fundamental ideas about the practice of good
g 2 9
Electronic Devices and Circuit Design 9
Digital Design 7
Embedded Systems 7
Electrical Machines and Drives 7
Mechanical Construction Design 3
Computer Science 1 7
Computer Science [...]
date 2018-03-28T07:20:20Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title 1803Fl
lives. Engineers who understand
how plastics materials can be designed, tested and
manufactured are in great demand. This programme is
designed to prepare the graduate for a professional career
in the plastics [...] engineering, plus a full study of plastics materials,
properties, physics, engineering sciences, product design,
plastics processing and computer aided engineering. Many
lectures are complemented by practical [...] Computer Science
• Technical Mechanics
• Materials Science
• Strength of Materials
• Machine Parts
• Design
• Fundamentals of Elecrtrical Engineering
The main part of the programme (semesters 3 to 7)
date 2017-07-27T08:09:29Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2017-07-27T08:09:29Z [...] from all disciplines to aquire new and additionals
competencies. Increasingly, they must be able to design and implement innovative business
models, analyze and evaluate data and understand digital economics
date 2015-03-02T13:48:29Z
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dc:title Amberg_FB [...] koloniebildenden Einheiten zu quantifizieren
(Abb. 4).
Unmittelbare Patientengefährdung durch
Design- und/oder Entwicklungs-„fehler“ bei
Die steigende Zahl an Instrumenten und Geräten
development and media design.
This background in mind, it is the goal of this programme
to convey in seven semesters a combination of
engineering know-how and skills in media design for the
application [...] preparation and the use of media
products with a combination of skills in computer sciences
and design.
The graduates of this course of study have acquired
profound knowledge in engineering and the [...] to Computer Sciences
• Basics in Media Production and Media Technology
• Media Science and Media Design
• Web Systems
• English
The second stage (semester 3 to 7) will establish profound
Modelle mit Auswirkungen
auf Design und Organisation - Fallstudie /
European University Hospitals - Patient Centered
Healthcare Designs; New Models impacting Design
and Organisation - case study [...]
date 2023-08-29T14:30:49Z
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- Computational-Thinking vs. Design-Thinking
- Generatives und parametrisches Design
Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen KI-Revolution nimmt das Modul Design Computation die Frage der gegenseitigen [...] Ansätze und Methoden des strategischen und operativen Innovationsmanagements (Design Thinking,
User (Human) Centered Design, Lean Startup, Dreiklang aus Nutzerbedürfnissen, Machbarkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit [...] erfolgreich Unternehmen gründen. Crown Publishing Group, Danvers
· Brown T. (2009): Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation. Harper Collins
Publishers, New