digital adaptive learning module lead to a change in performance
of participants on the Mathematik I für Ingenieure exam compared to participation in traditional face-to-face
Empirical [...] Introducing an adaptive learning module on „complex numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“ [...] within the learning videos
kept me paying attention.
The interactive elements in the learning videos
enabled me to check newly acquired knowledge
immediately and directly.
Learning videos ...
10.03.2021 | Corona, Hochschulkommunikation
according to the current BAföG-legal decree: Students who receive BAföG benefits are obliged to use online offers to the same extent as normal teaching activities and to make use of them according to their [...] is to enable students to make successful progress in their studies, taking into account the measures currently required. All students are recommended to take the offered examinations in order to avoid [...] at the moment. We are pleased to be able to offer you a loan service again. Update 17/04/2020: Digital lectures and seminars Dear students, I would like to take the chance to welcome you all – first semester
Informationen Weitere Informationen werden in der Vorlesung oder im
Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt gegeben.
und hinderlich wird die Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen
(L-Laufwerk, moodle, meet-to-learn) genannt. Ein einheitliches System würde den
Verwaltungsaufwand der Fakultät und der Studierenden [...] ls als gut
bewertet. Hier muss aber auch erwähnt werden, dass die Funktionen von moodle und meet-
to-learn nicht ausreichend genutzt werden, um die Bedienung der Lernplattform selbst, aber
auch des Kurses [...] und hinderlich wird die Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen
(L-Laufwerk, moodle, meet-to-learn) genannt. Ein einheitliches System würde den
Verwaltungsaufwand der Fakultät und der Studierenden
expenses, we could travel to multiple places to see
the beautiful sea and mosque. We had more fun than I expected, from early morning to
midnight. More likely, I was happy to see one of my favorite [...] traveling back to Germany, we had a chance to say goodbye to everyone at Istanbul
University. We had a great time together till the time came for departure. I am proud and
happy to participate in [...] enrolled in summer school to train and build my skills while experiencing
an exciting and enjoyable learning environment. Because I believe this summer school will be
ideal for me to master language skills
In order to provide high-level academic content and to ensure innovative, up-
to-date practical standards with regard to the digital revolution, we employ ex-
perienced [...] progress and changing customer behavior?
Do you want to know how technology, innovation culture and business are ac-
tually connected? Do you want to learn more about how the digital world of Big
Data, social [...] gives you the opportunity to:
• acquire knowledge in fundamental principles and practices to manage business processes
in the digitalized world
• apply management principles to trends, perspectives and
observed that many students do not learn to work independently and to
reflect on their own learning process in high school. Autonomous learning can therefore by no means
be taken for granted as an ability; [...] The analysis of our interviews showed that it is important to create a well-structured introduction to e-
portfolios to allow students to use them successfully. All students mentioned that clear ex [...] and react to feedback.
3.2.2 Flexibility and room for creativity
Another important aspect that the interviewees pointed to was the ability to work in a creative, flexible
way and to show one’s
students to take on a leading role in groups or organisations and to -
specifically promote the professional development of team members. Students will learn to define goals
independently, to use suitable [...] suitable means to achieve them and to attend detailed project planning and
implementation. The aim of the programme is to be able to recognise, assess and deal with opportunities and
risks in an international [...]
decisions, to subject them to critical reflection and to incorporate them responsibly into their decisions and
(4) After completing their studies, students should be able to take on material
students to take on a leading role in groups or organisations and
to specifically promote the professional development of team members. Students will learn to define goals
independently, to use suitable [...] suitable means to achieve them and to attend detailed project planning and
implementation. The aim of the programme is to be able to recognise, assess and deal with opportunities
and risks in an international [...] and decisions, to subject them to critical reflection and to incorporate them responsibly into their decisions
and actions.
(4) After completing their studies, students should be able to take on material
1 IK.01 Artificial Intelligence (Robotics Starter & Meeting) [🇬🇧 &🇩🇪 ] 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA
Künstliche Intelligenz (Robotik Starter & Meeting)
1 IK.02 Programming & Technical Language (Processing) [...] Künstliche Intelligenz & Informatik
2 M KI.11 Künstliche Intelligenz 1 (Ethik, Interaktion & Meeting) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA
2 M KI.12 Programmieren 1 (Python) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA
2 M KI.13 Informatik 1 ( [...] 28
X Künstliche Intelligenz & Informatik
3 M KI.21 Künstliche Intelligenz 2 (Symbolik, Logik & Meeting) 5 5 SU/Ü ModA
3 M KI.22 Programmieren 2 (C & C++) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA
3 M KI.23 Informatik 2 (Dat
Dozenten und Dozentinnen Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen (Moodle, meet-to-learn,...)
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, mehr
Dozenten und Dozentinnen Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen (Moodle, meet-to-learn,...)
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, mehr
against Russia) of the European Council of 2 March, 2022,
to prohibit to "sell, supply, transfer or export euro denominated banknotes to Russia or to any natural or legal
stabilizes [...] helped to overcome import limitations
set by the government and started to provide almost everything – from basic food to
medications. In addition, traditional supermarkets were also able to re-supply [...] RBZ (IMF, 2009, 8) which were later exchanged for
banknotes to meet the rising cash demand by the public due to ever increasing prises. To avoid
an inflation-induced scarcity of cash, however, four
Dozenten und Dozentinnen Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen (Moodle, meet-to-learn,...)
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, mehr
K. Barnes, R. Marateo, F. Pixy: Teaching and Learning with the Net Generation,
Generation.pdf (2009)
K. Ceymowa: [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] is integral part of their business and private life. However,
employees of Gen. Y need support to strengthen their awareness about significance,
correctness, completeness and plausibility of the
project teams in digital business. They learn to assess speed, adaptivity, user-
centricity and flexibility as key drivers of a changed process management. You will learn to adopt new, dynamic and flexible ways [...] / Internationalität:
Course Content
Students learn to argue the impact of digitalization on the management of project teams and to apply methods and tools for the
analysis, design, implementation [...] ways of
thinking as a contrast to traditional, planning-oriented project management in order to meet the requirements of very high innova-
tion speed and the rapid changes
the top 5 paths, 3 paths
belong to behavioral culture, 1 path belongs to institutional culture, 1 path belongs to
spiritual culture, and no path belongs to material culture.
15 [...] held 12 study
meetings to find the paths of creating harmonious corporate culture. Authors identified 62
analysis units and 27 small categories and 4 categories. All paths were assigned to 4
categories [...] harmonious corporate culture in order to seek out
which paths were perceived and received by most people. The results of this paper are
useful to entrepreneurs who want to build harmonious corporate culture
the top 5 paths, 3 paths
belong to behavioral culture, 1 path belongs to institutional culture, 1 path belongs to
spiritual culture, and no path belongs to material culture.
15 [...] held 12 study
meetings to find the paths of creating harmonious corporate culture. Authors identified 62
analysis units and 27 small categories and 4 categories. All paths were assigned to 4
categories [...] harmonious corporate culture in order to seek out
which paths were perceived and received by most people. The results of this paper are
useful to entrepreneurs who want to build harmonious corporate culture
The purpose of this paper is to propose a service development process
that is adapted to manufacturing companies and to discuss its
implication for companies with a focus on [...] are the impacts to the success?
Revenue Model
• For what value are customers really willing to pay?
• For what do they currently pay? How?
• How much does the service contribute to overall
revenues [...] simultaneously, the consideration of a
service offer to be an autonomous business model permits the firm to
determine accountable actions and to balance internal capabilities and
resources, an issue
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
60% - Fallstudienbearbeitung eines empirischen [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min.
Gewichtung 100%
Über die Klausur werden [...] eitung: ca. 30 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
After the lecture, the students are able to (professional, methodical, and social competencies):
changing world will eventually cease to be relevant. There is much still
to learn in the field of economic policymaking, and [a central bank] must continue to learn and
update its thinking” (IMF, 2000 [...] designed to disseminate and
to provide a platform for discussion of either work of the staff of the OeNB economists or outside
contributors on topics which are of special interest to the OeNB. To ensure [...] Governing Council wants on occasion to meet at a national
central bank to underline the European nature of the system.
Recently, the Governing Council of the ECSB decided to reduce the frequency of monetary
project teams in digital business. They learn to assess speed, adaptivity, user-
centricity and flexibility as key drivers of a changed process management. You will learn to adopt new, dynamic and flexible ways [...] Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
To be determined
Inhalte der Lernveranstaltung / Internationalität:
Course Content
To be determined
Lehrmaterial und [...] / Internationalität:
Course Content
Students learn to argue the impact of digitalization on the management of project teams and to apply methods and tools for the
analysis, design, implementation
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a