Biotechnologie II 1 MBUT 111 Klausur Lindenberger
05.02.2024 8:30 9:30 IEE WPM Plant and Equipment Design in Energy Technology 10 MBUT 205 Klausur Prell
05.02.2024 11:00 12:30 MA 18-19 Maschinenelemente
nalen Zentralbanken verursachen. Die Dänische Nationalbank vermutet: „Regardless of
the specific design, the issuance of a retail CBDC will involve extensive and resource-
intensive administration for [...] 2023.
European Central Bank. (2022b). Central bank digital currencies: Defining the problems, designing
the solutions.
date 2024-01-30T08:49:55Z
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J. P. Beaumont “Auslegung von Anguss und Angusskanal” (Hanser-Verlag)
J. Shoemaker “Moldflow Design Guide” (Hanser-Verlag)
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
and Practice”, College Publications, 2014
• Maier, A., „Handbook of Engineering Systems Design”, Springer, 2023
• Madni, A.M., “Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering”, Springer
and Practice”, College Publications, 2014
• Maier, A., „Handbook of Engineering Systems Design”, Springer, 2023
• Madni, A.M., “Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering”, Springer
and Practice”, College Publications, 2014
• Maier, A., „Handbook of Engineering Systems Design”, Springer, 2023
• Madni, A.M., “Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering”, Springer
der Lehre (kompetente Dozierende, schwammige Fächerinhalte) (WP)
zu viele Kurse drehen sich um Design Thinking (DB)
Je 1 Nennung Einführung von Wahl- bzw. Vertiefungsfächern (MP)
BA- und MA-Studiengang
Sustainable Building Technology Pres. - 5 x Späte / Pirkl Pirkl / Späte
IEE ohne 2 Plant and Equipment Design in Energy Technology Kl 60 5 x Prell Bischof
IEE ohne 2 Energy Management with AI-Methods ModA
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