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model and its spillovers particularly in
commodity producers. In line with that, various international organisations have been alerting in
recent years of the possibility of a low growth trap and [...] databases
- the EME GDP aggregate is based on ECB data after 1995, which are linked up to IMF
International Financial Statistics data (in year-on-year growth rates) before 1995
- potential growth rate [...] S. unconventional monetary policy
to emerging markets: The role of capital flows, Journal of International Money and Finance 73, 275-
Ang, A. & A. Timmermann (2012), ‘Regime changes and financial
es Unternehmens- und Technologiemanagement
(3) Das Studium vermittelt die Fähigkeit, in international tätigen Technologieunternehmen Aufgaben mit
Führungsverantwortung in verschiedenen Tätigkeit [...] 4 5 SU, Ü
Kl, 60 – 120 Min.,
und/oder LN
1 s. MH
Cultural Concerns and the International Manager
4 5 SU, Ü
Kl, 60 – 120 Min.,
und/oder LN
1 s. MH
MA Masterarbeit 25
unseres Newsletters in
neuem Design!
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
2 HAW intern
Die Einführungskampagne des
neuen HAW-Designauftrittes
3 Kompetenz & Innovation
Happy Birthday [...] entwickeln.«
Prof. Dr. Wolfram von Rhein/
Prof. Ralph E. Hartleben
Newsletter 1|2008 HAW intern2
bei der Umsetzung keine starke Marke
entstehen kann. Außerdem ist es nach
Ausgabe 2/2008 unseres Newsletters!
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
2 HAW intern
Rekord: 802 Erstsemester an der HAW!
3 Kompetenz & Innovation
Forschungsförderung für die [...] 2003 einen Zuwachs
um 55 %.«
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
Newsletter 2|2008 HAW intern2
Computertomographie in der
Reales Modell
ausländisches Bargeld ver-
schaffen. Rogoffs Vorstellung hat also allenfalls dann Sinn,
wenn sich international zumindest die Länder mit den wich-
tigsten Weltwährungen (US-Dollar, Schweizer Franken, Ja-
panischer [...] Dis-
cussion Paper 374.
Kahn, C.M., J. McAndrews und W. Roberds (2005), »Money is Privacy«,
International Economic Review 46, 377–399.
Kimball, M. (2013), Breaking Through the Zero Lower Bound, 9
Risiken der Digitalisierung
u.a. Schnittstellenvielfalt erschwert Umsetzung
interne oder externe IT-Kompetenz erforderlich
Qualifikation und Akzeptanz der Mitarbeiter
Einbeziehung [...] g und Schulung !
Nutzungskontrolle der erhobenen Daten !
interne und externe Vernetzung bietet Angriffspunkte
Echtzeit-Anforderungen u.ä. erschweren Schutzmöglichkeiten
fall is due to specific institutions
and policy choices in Norway and Sweden, not a future international trend.
SUERF Policy Brief
No 715, November 2023
Is cash losing its role [...] University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He is author of numerous articles in national and international journals.
His main fields of research are monetary theory and policy, financial markets as
Wahl einer festen Zinsbindung gegenüber einer variablen
Verzinsung bei Immobilienfinanzierungen international sehr unterschiedlich ist.8 Un-
einigkeit herrscht allerdings in der Literatur darüber, wie die [...] vorbehalten.
Open Access Dieser Artikel wird unter der Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.de) veröffentlicht, welche die Nutzung [...] 836. OECD Publishing, Paris
Badarinza C, Campbell J, Ramadorai T (2017) What calls to ARms? International evidence on interest
rates and the choice of adjustable-rate mortgages. Manage Sci. https://doi
The Redox Chemistry of Ruthenium Dioxide: A Cyclic
Voltammetry Study,Review and Revision, International Journal of Electrochemistry (2018),
11. S..Chalupczok, P [...] Impact of Various Acids and Bases on the Voltammetric Response of
Platinum Group Metal Oxides, International Journal of Electrochemistry (2018), doi.org/10.1155/2018/1697956.
12. A. Heindl, P. Kurzweil [...] Energy Storage Devices with
an Improved Service Life (Supercapacitors), (a) Poster Session, 3rd International Congress, Next Generation Solar
Energy Meets Nanotechnology, Erlangen, 23 – 25 November 2016
Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds.
An International Comparison
Gebhard Flaig
Horst Rottmann
Ifo Working Paper No. 15
[...] page
Ifo Working Paper No. 15
Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds.
An International Comparison
This paper deals with the effects to labour market institutions [...]
1 Introduction
Labour market institutions play a key role in explaining international differences in labour market
performance. The most important labour market institutions considered
Roffia (2013), Euro Area Money Demand and
International Portfolio Allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability,
Journal of International Money and Finance 32, pp 377-404.
Dreger [...] Euro Area,
Journal of International Money and Finance 29, pp. 111-122.
Evans, Martin D. D. (2005), Where Are We Now? Real-Time Estimates of the
Macroeconomy, International Journal of Central Banking [...]
Canova, F. & T. Menz (2011), Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Business
Cycles? An International Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43, pp.
Canova, F. & F. Ferroni
Roffia (2013), Euro Area Money Demand and
International Portfolio Allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability,
Journal of International Money and Finance 32, pp 377-404.
Dreger [...] Euro Area,
Journal of International Money and Finance 29, pp. 111-122.
Evans, Martin D. D. (2005), Where Are We Now? Real-Time Estimates of the
Macroeconomy, International Journal of Central Banking [...]
Canova, F. & T. Menz (2011), Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Business
Cycles? An International Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43, pp.
Canova, F. & F. Ferroni
Roffia (2013), Euro Area Money Demand and
International Portfolio Allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability,
Journal of International Money and Finance 32, pp 377-404.
Dreger [...] Euro Area,
Journal of International Money and Finance 29, pp. 111-122.
Evans, Martin D. D. (2005), Where Are We Now? Real-Time Estimates of the
Macroeconomy, International Journal of Central Banking [...]
Canova, F. & T. Menz (2011), Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Business
Cycles? An International Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43, pp.
Canova, F. & F. Ferroni
Roffia (2013), Euro Area Money Demand and
International Portfolio Allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability,
Journal of International Money and Finance 32, pp 377-404.
Dreger [...] Euro Area,
Journal of International Money and Finance 29, pp. 111-122.
Evans, Martin D. D. (2005), Where Are We Now? Real-Time Estimates of the
Macroeconomy, International Journal of Central Banking [...]
Canova, F. & T. Menz (2011), Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Business
Cycles? An International Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43, pp.
Canova, F. & F. Ferroni
Roffia (2013),
Euro Area Money Demand and International Portfolio
Allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability,
Journal of International Money and Finance 32, pp 377-404.
http://dx [...] Canova, Fabio & Tobias Menz (2011), Does Money Matter in
Shaping Domestic Business Cycles? An International
Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43, pp.
http://dx.doi.org/10 [...] Christian & Jürgen. Wolters (2010), Investigating M3 Money
Demand in the Euro Area, Journal of International Money
and Finance 29, pp. 111-122.
Currency Substitution, International Finance Discussion Papers 657, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Januar.
Europäische Zentralbank (2008), The International Role of the Euro, Juli [...] Juli.
Europäische Zentralbank (2010), The International Role of the Euro, Juli.
Europäische Zentralbank (2011), The International Role of the Euro, Juli.
Feige, E.L. (1997), Revised Estimates [...] ltern. Die Idee
stammt ursprünglich von Sumner (1990), der diesen Ansatz auf die Ermittlung interner
Hortungsbestände anwendete. Er wurde inzwischen allerdings auch für mehrere Währungen
Roffia (2013), Euro Area Money Demand and
International Portfolio Allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability,
Journal of International Money and Finance 32, pp 377-404.
Dreger [...] Euro Area,
Journal of International Money and Finance 29, pp. 111-122.
Evans, Martin D. D. (2005), Where Are We Now? Real-Time Estimates of the
Macroeconomy, International Journal of Central Banking [...]
Canova, F. & T. Menz (2011), Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Business
Cycles? An International Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43, pp.
Canova, F. & F. Ferroni
Angaben zur/zum möglichen internationalen Betreuerin/Betreuer |
Details of the possible international supervisor:
Akad. Grad/Titel, Name | Acad. degree/title, name: __________________________
invites you to its
annual study day. This year, the event is truly interdis-
ciplinary and international, under the topic of:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on AI and Big Data
aus unserer Verantwortung
für eine hohe Qualität in Studium und Lehre
Für Rückfragen: QM
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Ergebnisse der Erstsemesterbefragung WS 2015/2016
invites you to its
annual study day. This year, the event is truly interdis-
ciplinary and international, under the topic of:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on AI and Big Data
Karrieren erfolgreicher Unterneh-
mer in unterschiedlichen Stadien, die lokal, national
und international agieren und Markt und Moral
Workshopleitung Heike von Eyb,
FairTrade Stadt Amberg
invites you to its
annual study day. This year, the event is truly interdis-
ciplinary and international, under the topic of:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
on AI and Big Data