The main difference between different multi-core
processor designs is their link to the memory. The best
known design is Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
(MIMD). MIMD means that n processors [...] coupled IPT systems.
Coupler Layout
There are several designs available for building magnetic
couplers in electric vehicle charging. Common designs are
the “DD” (known also as butterfly pads), circular [...]
date 2016-03-23T15:33:07Z
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date 2016-03-04T11:40:24Z
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date 2016-05-11T18:43:13Z
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dc:title Nachha
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meiller, Prof. Martin Frey,
Prof. Dr. Dominikus Heckmann:
Design, Visualisierung, Bedienkonzepte,
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schäfer:
generator shaft: just one set of bearings required, no
gear, no coupling
• compact design, low material usage
• design can be easily adapted to different boundary conditions, fluids etc.
[...] chapter above the advantages of a pure impulse turbine design are the
ability to process very high pressure ratios per stage and the option to design the turbine stage
with partial admission due to the [...] sufficient accuracy.
However, the disadvantage of the impulse design is the lower efficiency potential compared to
the reaction design. In an impulse stage the nozzles convert the entire required stage
generator shaft: just one set of bearings required, no
gear, no coupling
• compact design, low material usage
• design can be easily adapted to different boundary conditions, fluids etc.
[...] chapter above the advantages of a pure impulse turbine design are the
ability to process very high pressure ratios per stage and the option to design the turbine stage
with partial admission due to the [...] sufficient accuracy.
However, the disadvantage of the impulse design is the lower efficiency potential compared to
the reaction design. In an impulse stage the nozzles convert the entire required stage
date 2016-07-13T08:45:50Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title OTH_Flyer [...] Informatikers – die Ingenieurskunst besteht in
sorgfältiger Anforderungsanalyse, klarem System-
Design und dem Beherrschen großer Software-Pro-
jekte. Genau damit beschäftigt sich das Studium im
date 2016-07-13T08:46:10Z
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dc:title OTH_Flyer [...] Berufserfahrung. Sie vertreten mit
hoher Kompetenz ihr Fachgebiet als (Medien-)
Informatiker, Designer oder Medientechniker.
Unsere Hochschule pfl egt Kontakte zu über
30 Part
date 2016-07-25T11:56:38Z
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date 2016-09-22T15:40:42Z
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Überarbeitung von Design, Aufbau und Struktur des Intranets
Unterstützung bei der Implementierung von einfachen Funktionalitäten im SharePoint (über Nintex
Forms und Nintex Workflow Designer)
Unt [...] schaften oder vergleichbar
Erfahrungen im Bereich Webdesign und -programmierung (Corporate Design/ Webprogrammierung –
XML, Java Script, etc.)
Erste Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Microsoft SharePoint
date 2016-11-04T16:21:33Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title Na [...] Global Reporting Initiative (GRI
Even though it is very extensive and was not actually design-
ed for universities, GRI 4 is nevertheless one of the methods
being taught to students in
date 2016-11-04T16:21:33Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title Na [...] Global Reporting Initiative (GRI
Even though it is very extensive and was not actually design-
ed for universities, GRI 4 is nevertheless one of the methods
being taught to students in
Schnittstellen, Prozesse
Requirements Engineering, Systems Engineering, Implemen-
tierung, Design Verifikation und Design Validierung, Entwick-
lungsmethoden, Produktentwicklung gemäß ISO 13485, Ge-
setze und
date 2017-01-09T09:23:55Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title Flyerpatenttag-2017.indd
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dc:title Flyerp
date 2017-01-05T10:43:22Z
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dc:title Flyer_10
chapter above the advantages of a
pure impulse turbine design are the ability to process very
high pressure ratios per stage and the option to design
the turbine stage with partial admission due to the [...] sufficient accuracy.
However, the disadvantage of the impulse design is the
lower efficiency potential compared to the reaction
design. In an impulse stage the nozzles convert the entire
required stage [...] generator shaft: just
one set of bearings required, no gear, no coupling
• compact design, low material usage
• design can be easily adapted to different boundary
conditions, fluids etc.
Figure 2:
Statistics and Design of Experiments
• Radiation Physics
• Biophysics
• Optics and Laser Technology
• Precision Engineering
• Technical Mechanics
• Vibration Mechanics
• Development and Design
• Computer