Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Weighting: 100%
The Learning Portfolio is used to check the entire
learning content and competence [...] Expertise
- You will learn building blocks of workshop/meeting design and delivery and how to apply them, internally or with clients, from
idea workshops to prototyping to business model presentation [...] environment.
• Personal competence (self-competence): Students learn to self-reflect their cultural values and learn strategies how to assume
ethical responsibility in an international context.
Intercultural Competence
Machine Learning (English) 1. Levi
2. Bergler
PrA Project Work: Conception and
prototypical implementation of a
machine learning use case
Natural Language Processing [...] arrive punctually 30 minutes before the start of the examination in order to be seated in the lecture
hall. The candidates have to bring a valid identity card or passport.
2) Contact with persons other [...] and
task-specific AI-project (project
documentation and presentation)
Deep Reinforcement Learning 1. Nierhoff
2. Bergler
Energy Management with AI
1. Lechner
2. Wiehl
Business Analytics Capstone • How to ask the right questions of the data, and know how to use data effectively to address busi-
ness challenges • How to make data-driven decisions to real business challenges [...] petenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Up to 10 individual and group assignements to
form the grade.
The practical performance is used to test the entire [...]
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to learn the process that applies a broad range of behavioural science knowledge and practices to help organi-
sations build their capability to change
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2018.
• A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 201.
• S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python [...] Einsatzgebiete von Reinforcement Learning
Problemstellung und Grundbegriffe
Temporal Difference Learning (z.B. Q-Learning, SARSA)
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Teaching [...] Nachbereitung sowie KI.Meeting)
Lernziele/Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Das Modul besteht aus zwei Vorlesungsteilen KI.Ethik und KI.Kognition sowie einem KI.Meeting.
Nach dem erfolgreichen
- You will learn building blocks of workshop/meeting design and delivery and how to apply them, internally or with clients, from
idea workshops to prototyping to business model presentation [...] environment.
• Personal competence (self-competence): Students learn to self-reflect their cultural values and learn strategies how to assume
ethical responsibility in an international context.
Inhalte [...] sustainable development
• ... to find solutions to achieve the sustainable objectives.
Methodological Competence:
• ... to apply the analysis concept for world views and to explain its elements as well
Business Analytics Capstone • How to ask the right questions of the data, and know how to use data effectively to address busi-
ness challenges • How to make data-driven decisions to real business challenges [...]
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to learn the process that applies a broad range of behavioural science knowledge and practices to help organi-
sations build their capability to change [...] able to learn when one or more managers or administrators works or gets the opportunity to work with OD what
are the issues and processes are associates with it
Students will be able to learn the issues
Students will learn the elementary skills to implement basic algorithms in an object-oriented software
development environment.
Methodological Skills:
• Students can use UML to create a static [...] Competence and Self-competence):
• Students are also able to present solutions that have been created, to discuss their quality and alternatives
and to reflect on their problem-solving strategy in a technical [...] intervention techniques in organisations and are able to use them.
• They are able to work and communicate cooperatively as a team in order to solve a problem in the field of
process management
university, with
high quality in education
and you want to have some
fun during your semester
abroad, USC is the right place to go! USC is close to beautiful
beaches on the Sunshine Coast, with great [...] Einrichtungen variieren.
UCS is a great choice if you want to learn
Australian culture and mindset from inside,
get a double degree and also meet new
friends from all over the globe. We really
enjoyed [...] page
Studying at USC has allowed
me to successfully complete
the business side of my double
degree (Engineering and
Business). It has broadened my
horizons to the opportunities
one has when studying
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2018.
• A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 201.
• S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python [...] Einsatzgebiete von Reinforcement Learning
Problemstellung und Grundbegriffe
Temporal Difference Learning (z.B. Q-Learning, SARSA)
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Teaching [...] Nachbereitung sowie KI.Meeting)
Lernziele/Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Das Modul besteht aus zwei Vorlesungsteilen KI.Ethik und KI.Kognition sowie einem KI.Meeting.
Nach dem erfolgreichen
on to object-oriented programming,
including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop
simple applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and
methods, and how to test [...] are able to work in a team and apply flexible project management methods.
• You will learn to build partnerships and conduct business negotiations.
• You will be able to present business ideas to investors [...] enables students to
- be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (IoT);
- be able to analyse the role and importance of IoT in the modern world;
- be able to investigate
on to object-oriented programming,
including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop
simple applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and
methods, and how to test [...] presented at the project kickoff and are to be worked on
Each student has to contribute individually to the
common task. The overall results are to be submitted
in the group in the form [...] Describe the digital marketing channels which are relevant for B2B companies, to discuss them critically and to
apply them to real-world cases.
• Identify, describe and apply use cases for artificial
digital adaptive learning module lead to a change in performance
of participants on the Mathematik I für Ingenieure exam compared to participation in traditional face-to-face
Empirical [...] Introducing an adaptive learning module on „complex numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“
Learning module „Complex Numbers“ [...] within the learning videos
kept me paying attention.
The interactive elements in the learning videos
enabled me to check newly acquired knowledge
immediately and directly.
Learning videos ...
10.03.2021 | Corona, Hochschulkommunikation
according to the current BAföG-legal decree: Students who receive BAföG benefits are obliged to use online offers to the same extent as normal teaching activities and to make use of them according to their [...] is to enable students to make successful progress in their studies, taking into account the measures currently required. All students are recommended to take the offered examinations in order to avoid [...] at the moment. We are pleased to be able to offer you a loan service again. Update 17/04/2020: Digital lectures and seminars Dear students, I would like to take the chance to welcome you all – first semester
program is to enable students to act and to independently and
autonomously learn and apply scientific knowledge and methods in the fields of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) as [...] ²They are qualified to work on application or research-oriented tasks and projects in a
scientifically sound and largely independent manner. ³They have learned to define goals, to develop
knowledge [...] international business. ³They learn how to deal with English in a business-fluent
manner. ⁴They thus meet the requirements of international business and are prepared to take on
responsibility and
program is to enable students to act and to independently and
autonomously learn and apply scientific knowledge and methods in the fields of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) as [...] ²They are qualified to work on application or research-oriented tasks and projects in a
scientifically sound and largely independent manner. ³They have learned to define goals, to develop
knowledge [...] international business. ³They learn how to deal with English in a business-fluent
manner. ⁴They thus meet the requirements of international business and are prepared to take on
responsibility and
A T ?
With guided
exercises and a
survey for personal
H O W ?
Via Google Meet
06 May to 10 May:
every day from
6 pm - 7 pm
8 pm - 9 pm
W H E R E & W H E N ?
R E G I S T E R [...] A S I L Y
One subject hour (1 VPH)
Start the exam phase
with more serenity & Learning
about tools for daily use
W H A T ' S T H E O U T C O M E F O R
Y O U ?
! Please make
Informationen Weitere Informationen werden in der Vorlesung oder im
Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Reserve Board has to report to the Congress every six months about the envisaged monetary and credit developments. The Fed is, however, not required to meet these targets and failure to do so does not impose [...] (monetary) policymakers’ incentive to deviate ex post from ex ante announcements and to create surprise inflation to modify the real value of nominal contracts, for example to achieve short-term employment [...] principal’s interest. Walsh (1995a) proposed to tie the central banker’s personal compensation to inflation performance in order to increase the latter’s incentives to deliver price stability.
und hinderlich wird die Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen
(L-Laufwerk, moodle, meet-to-learn) genannt. Ein einheitliches System würde den
Verwaltungsaufwand der Fakultät und der Studierenden [...] ls als gut
bewertet. Hier muss aber auch erwähnt werden, dass die Funktionen von moodle und meet-
to-learn nicht ausreichend genutzt werden, um die Bedienung der Lernplattform selbst, aber
auch des Kurses [...] und hinderlich wird die Nutzung der unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen
(L-Laufwerk, moodle, meet-to-learn) genannt. Ein einheitliches System würde den
Verwaltungsaufwand der Fakultät und der Studierenden
ce): The students are able to combine knowledge and skills
from the basic modules to derive and develop new solutions. The have the competence to discuss issues related to energy storage in
interdisciplinary [...] Psychological Association. The Official Guide to APA Style (7th Ed.) Washington.
Carlson, K. A. & Winquist, J. R. (2017). An Introduction to Statistics. An Active Learning Approach. SAGE.
Creswell, J. W. & Plano [...] Ability to recognise legal problems in energy/environmental law, identification of the most important applicable regulations
Independent application of regulations relevant to practice
Ability to identify
expenses, we could travel to multiple places to see
the beautiful sea and mosque. We had more fun than I expected, from early morning to
midnight. More likely, I was happy to see one of my favorite [...] traveling back to Germany, we had a chance to say goodbye to everyone at Istanbul
University. We had a great time together till the time came for departure. I am proud and
happy to participate in [...] enrolled in summer school to train and build my skills while experiencing
an exciting and enjoyable learning environment. Because I believe this summer school will be
ideal for me to master language skills
introduction to object-oriented programming, including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop simple
applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and methods, and how to test their [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
-Details to follow-
The group project is used to test the practical learning content
and [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
50% Presentation, similar to board
presentation at annual shareholder meeting
50% written
introduction to object-oriented programming, including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop simple
applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and methods, and how to test their [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
-Details to follow-
The group project is used to test the practical learning content
and [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
50% Presentation, similar to board
presentation at annual shareholder meeting
50% written
In order to provide high-level academic content and to ensure innovative, up-
to-date practical standards with regard to the digital revolution, we employ ex-
perienced [...] progress and changing customer behavior?
Do you want to know how technology, innovation culture and business are ac-
tually connected? Do you want to learn more about how the digital world of Big
Data, social [...] gives you the opportunity to:
• acquire knowledge in fundamental principles and practices to manage business processes
in the digitalized world
• apply management principles to trends, perspectives and
observed that many students do not learn to work independently and to
reflect on their own learning process in high school. Autonomous learning can therefore by no means
be taken for granted as an ability; [...] The analysis of our interviews showed that it is important to create a well-structured introduction to e-
portfolios to allow students to use them successfully. All students mentioned that clear ex [...] and react to feedback.
3.2.2 Flexibility and room for creativity
Another important aspect that the interviewees pointed to was the ability to work in a creative, flexible
way and to show one’s