maintenance: ZIM research project for SMEs OTH Research Report 2024 – Answers to today’s problems Learning Hall – new, innovative learning space at OTH Amberg-Weiden Good soul of the EMI faculty retires: „Thank [...] guests on a journey to the cloud Creative, innovative and modern - 1st Oberpfalztag in Amberg Programming with a mask? - The main thing is that it runs! Technology Forum: Amberg on the way to a Smart City - [...] Amberg-Weiden Innovative teaching method: learning programming in the flipped classroom with IoT hardware 2018 Cooperation agreement: Siemens Amberg becomes Innovative LearningOrganization (ILO) OTH and Siemens
Resource Data . In: Proceedings of EMNLP-2023, 2nd Workshop on Pattern-based Approaches to NLP in the Age of Deep Learning (PANDL-WS), pages 92–102. DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.pandl-1.9. Association for Computational [...] s. Singapore, 2023. S. Steindl, U. Schäfer, B. Ludwig. Generating Synthetic Dialogues from Prompts to Improve Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems . In: Seipel, D., Steen, A. (eds), Proc. of KI-2023: Advances [...] DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON.2019.8725068, 2019. 2017 U. Schäfer. Training Scrum with Gamification - Lessons learned after two teaching periods . In: Proc. of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON
in the mid-1990s.
Our mission: To provide impulses, to make it possible to
study close to home, to contribute innovative knowledge
to regional development and thus to support structural
change. A look [...] cal MM group includes point-to-point, point-to-curve and
curve-to-curve matching (see Figure 1).
Road 1
Road 2
Point to Curve
Point to Point
Curve to Curve
Figure 1: Three variants [...] zielgruppen-
spezifisch und adäquat konzipiert werden.
To enable students to work with research methods,
approaches to learning about, for and through research
can be realised within higher education
Lehr-Lern-Erlebnisses der Studierenden. Die Idee
hinter dem Konzept trägt dem „Shift from Teaching to Learning" Rechnung, in dem
durch die flexibel nutzbare, mobile Ausstattung im Raum Alternativen zum
klassischen [...] en räumlichen Erreichbarkeit der Studierenden stellen
einen großen Gewinn dar.
Learning Hall
Mit der Learning Hall, einem innovativen Raum für das individuelle Lernen mit
digitalen Medien, wird [...] Lehrveranstaltung Erlernte dann in
der Learning Hall vertieft werden kann. Alle Konzepte, die im Digitalen Klassenzimmer funktionieren, können auch in der Learning Hall umgesetzt werden.
Die mobile Möblierung
Sweller, J. (2021). The Modality Principle in Multimedia Learning. In R. E. Mayer & L. Fiorella (Hg.),
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (3. Aufl., S. 261–267). Cambridge University Press.
[...] 026
Chi, M. T. H., & Wylie, R. (2014). The ICAP Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes.
Educational Psychologist, 49(4), 219–243.
Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). [...] pictures: A meta-analysis. Learning and
Instruction, 17(6), 722–738.
Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2021). Principles for Reducing Extraneous Processing in Multimedia Learning: Coherence,
criteria (Sections 11 to 20 BayStudAkkV) is checked in particular by external experts, the Quality Management and Accreditation Unit primarily checks the formal criteria (Sections 3 to 10 BayStudAkkV). It [...] procedures. This means that the university itself is responsible for ensuring that its degree programmes meet the recognised quality standards and that its courses are developed further. As a result of the system
Huang, F., Teo, T. & Zhou, M. (2020). Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based
technology for learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 575–
Jiang [...] die
tatsächliche Nutzung von IKT durch die Verhaltensintention zur Nutzung („behavioral intention
to use“) geprägt ist, die von den individuellen Einstellungen zur Nutzung von IKT („attitude
toward using“) [...] bei Älteren im ländlichen Raum.
Qualifizierung von Technikbotschaftern und Anwendung der Peer-to-Peer Didaktik. Bericht
zum Projekt „Gemeinsam in die digitale Welt“ an der Volkshochschule Zwickau
Huang, F., Teo, T. & Zhou, M. (2020). Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based
technology for learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 575–
Jiang [...] die
tatsächliche Nutzung von IKT durch die Verhaltensintention zur Nutzung („behavioral intention
to use“) geprägt ist, die von den individuellen Einstellungen zur Nutzung von IKT („attitude
toward using“) [...] bei Älteren im ländlichen Raum.
Qualifizierung von Technikbotschaftern und Anwendung der Peer-to-Peer Didaktik. Bericht
zum Projekt „Gemeinsam in die digitale Welt“ an der Volkshochschule Zwickau
with decentralised responsibility for the core processes in teaching and learning, an atmosphere of mutual trust in the will to develop quality and an open culture of discussion and conflict. This value [...] of good teaching and learning in a further mission statement, the principles of teaching . Essentially, six fields of action characterise the high quality of teaching and learning at the university: p [...] students, which uses modern didactics to combine research and application-related knowledge with personal development elements and - in the spirit of lifelong learning - teaches transferability as a core
Threats to Global Security
Masarykova univerzita 15.4.2023 18.6. – 9.7.2023 Englisch 2.300 EUR*
global-security-summer [...]
Approach to the
Anthropology of Cremation
Masarykova univerzita 15.5.2023 9.7. – 22.7.2023 Englisch 1.100 EUR*
anthro [...] Gametes to Organisms –
Basics of Embryology and
Developmental Biology
Masarykova univerzita 15.5.2023 9.7. – 22.7.2023 Englisch 1.100 EUR*
Students will learn the elementary skills to implement basic algorithms in an object-oriented software
development environment.
Methodological Skills:
• Students can use UML to create a static [...] Competence and Self-competence):
• Students are also able to present solutions that have been created, to discuss their quality and alternatives
and to reflect on their problem-solving strategy in a technical [...] intervention techniques in organisations and are able to use them.
• They are able to work and communicate cooperatively as a team in order to solve a problem in the field of
process management
(lifelong) learning. Our goal is to strengthen this
• We grant responsibility to our students and demand indepen-
dence (in learning and working) as well as a willingness to per-
form. [...] develop-
• We use modern teaching/learning methods to inspire students
through subject expertise and to arouse their curiosity.
• We attach great importance to optimal study conditions. This in-
cludes [...] are committed to diversity-appropriate teaching and learning.
We view and design our content, methods and processes with
this in mind.
• We want to achieve equal opportunities and to this end we sup-
(lifelong) learning. Our goal is to strengthen this
• We grant responsibility to our students and demand indepen-
dence (in learning and working) as well as a willingness to per-
form. [...] develop-
• We use modern teaching/learning methods to inspire students
through subject expertise and to arouse their curiosity.
• We attach great importance to optimal study conditions. This in-
cludes [...] are committed to diversity-appropriate teaching and learning.
We view and design our content, methods and processes with
this in mind.
• We want to achieve equal opportunities and to this end we sup-
network meeting (kick-off) - 13.10. to 14.10.2022 in Munich (TUM, hybrid) Second network meeting - 23.03. to 24.03.2022 in Mannheim (University of Mannheim, online) Third network meeting - 8.12. to 9.12.2022 [...] also has the potential to influence economies across borders. FL proves itself in financially competent action appropriate to the situation. In order to develop appropriate measures to promote individuals' [...] project "Web*forLern - Web-based research-based learning" for the implementation of the e-learning strategy of the TU Dresden, term: 01.04.2017 to 30.09.2018. Funding for participation in the EARLI 2017 in
expenses, we could travel to multiple places to see
the beautiful sea and mosque. We had more fun than I expected, from early morning to
midnight. More likely, I was happy to see one of my favorite [...] traveling back to Germany, we had a chance to say goodbye to everyone at Istanbul
University. We had a great time together till the time came for departure. I am proud and
happy to participate in [...] enrolled in summer school to train and build my skills while experiencing
an exciting and enjoyable learning environment. Because I believe this summer school will be
ideal for me to master language skills
Studierenden solide
Grundlagen in Deep Learning erworben. Insbesondere sind sie in der Lage:
den Stand der Technik von Machine Learning und Deep Learning zu verstehen
können die verschiedenen [...] int true
Author wbogner
producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
access_permission:can_modify true
pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
pdf:docinfo:created 2023-01-21T10:03:02Z
Microsoft [...] Maschinelles Lernen
Sebastian Wilhelm
Bezeichnung engl.: Introduction to Machine Learning
Referent(en): Wilhelm, Sebastian:
Intelligente mobile Systeme
Mobile Robotik,
reinforcement learning
Persönlicher Werdegang
Thomas Nierhoff
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [...] maschinelles Lernen
Robert Bosch GmbH:
Autonomes Fahren
Bosch Center for AI:
Robotik, deep learning
O/HUB – Gründungsförderung an der OTH [...] • Scouting
• Sensibilisierung
• Lehre
• Beratung
• Partnerschaften
• International
„Meet the Entrepreneur“
Beschreibung: Sensibilisierung durch Gründerinnen und Gründer in Kursen der
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] their article on concrete
examples from the international and worldwide crisis years from 2020 to 2022.
Within the business ethics analysis, Schulte and Wörster pay special attention on the law [...] oder Medien kann man sich der markanten Bewerbung von Bioprodukten nicht entziehen;
Kleidung, To-go-Geschirr, Speisen und Getränke, Kosmetika etc. werden mit spürbarer
Priorität vermarktet und
Direct proximity and connection to Nuremberg and Regensburg
Learning and BBQ on one of the most beautiful campuses in
Prof. Dr [...] technological and economic
aspects of digitalisation and want to learn what is particularly
important in an international environment? You like to think
outside the box and expect the same from your studies [...] production or sales.
You want to make a difference? Then start right now –
and commence your studies at the OTH Amberg-Weiden
theoretical content to give students
time to design and build a prototype. To illustrate the course two student projects are
shown. We want to motivate lecturers to introduce prototyping to courses, since [...] had the chance to build prototypes of their designs. We decided to reduce the scope
of theoretical content (and thus the number of lectures) to give the students time and
resources to really do an individual [...] wooden product for teenagers (up to 16 years). They are
free to decide on the target group for their product. To give a first orientation for the
students, they are motivated to get inspiration from agriculture
regulations to allow the
use of e-portfolios seems inevitable. Our test within the research project is not affected by
2.2 Introducing students to e-portfolios
To introduce e-portfolios to the [...] tion to a course on product design and how the students are introduced to the use of
e-portfolios. We develop a three-step process, that supports i) the preparation of e-portfo-
lios (in advance to the [...] teaching
especially in MINT subjects [2]. Therefore we started to explore how to implement these
personal, user centered online spaces to store data and project progress from student pro-
jects at our
l Management &
Business Ethics
Master‘s Thesis (20 ECTS) & Colloquium (5 ECTS) & Service Learning (5 ECTS)
Summer Semester
(30 ECTS)
Winter Semester
(30 ECTS)
Final Semester
(30 ECTS)
[...] Innovation
= Electives on General Management, Corporate Responsibility & Key Qualifications (subject to change)
For this reason, students are encouraged to learn how to put scien-
tific ideas and principles into effect. Research projects are initiated and
financed to a large extent by industrial and commercial [...] must be equivalent to a three-year Bachelor’s
degree. To find out whether your degree is equivalent, please con-
tact and attach your university transcript to
your E-Mail. [...] the pro-
gramme is to train future professionals, who are enabled to play a part in
the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals, thereby
contributing to create a more equitable
that you need to take when preparing. Checklist Choice of university Choice of university In advance, you have to think about where you would like to go. Basically, all options are easy to plan, but they [...] When would you like to go abroad and for how long ? Which partner universities come into question? What are the terms and conditions of the university you want to go to? Do you want to take part in an exchange [...] Simply get to know more and learn what it is like to study at a university abroad - a semester abroad, usually lasting one or two semesters, opens up many new perspectives. As part of the Erasmus+ programme
: Students gain the ability to act in an interdisciplinary and
interculturally sensitive manner. They have expanded their ability to change perspectives and are able to communicate with
different [...] on the respective offer and the individual learning agreement
• Methodological competence: Depending on the respective offer and the individual learning agreement
• Personal competence (social [...] courses. The course choice is based on the required
competencies and learning objectives, which are agreed on in the individual learning agreement between the student and the supervisor.
The contents