master’s degree, you must have at least one year of relevant professional experience after completing your bachelor’s degree. Unfortunately, professional experience before or during your bachelor’s degree
Most of the OTH’s part-time students are marticulated from the beginning of your first semester on, which means, you will get a student card which enables you to use the library during our opening hours [...] your first semester since especially part-time students often are not on campus during the library’s regular opening hours. If you wish, you can attend individual courses at a time you set for the 24h
Most of the OTH’s part-time students are marticulated from the beginning of your first semester on, which means, you will get a student card which enables you to use the library during our opening hours [...] your first semester since especially part-time students often are not on campus during the library’s regular opening hours. If you wish, you can attend individual courses at a time you set for the 24 h
searching and look for the most significant parts of the title first (for example only look for the author’s surname, save yourself the time of typing in the year of the publication, the edition of the book, etc
searching and look for the most significant parts of the title first (for example only look for the author’s surname, save yourself the time of typing in the year of the publication, the edition of the book, etc
Office in either Amberg or Weiden, depending on where your program takes place. Citizen’s Office Amberg Citizen’s Office Weiden You can contact the OTH International Office if you need any help with the
Office in either Amberg or Weiden, depending on where your program takes place. Citizen’s Office Amberg Citizen’s Office Weiden You can contact the OTH International Office if you need any help with the
registration number SC005336
The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The King’s Buildings
Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3FD
Tel +44 (0)131 650 5060
13 Abs. 1 Satz 2 und Art. 51 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes
(BayHSchG) vom 23. Mai 2006 (GVBl S. 245. BayRS 2210-1-1-WFK) erlässt die Hochschule
Amberg-Weiden folgende Satzung:
der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 23. Mai 2006 (GVBl S. 245, BayRS
2210-1-1-WFK) zuletzt geändert durch § 1 des Gesetzes vom 22.07.2014 (GVBl S 286)
erlässt die Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule [...] en der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Amberg-Weiden
vom 8. April 2013, (Amtsblatt Nr. 2 S. 4), wird wie folgt geändert:
1. In der Überschrift werden die Worte „Hochschule für Angewandte
13 Abs. 1 Satz 2 und Art. 51 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes (BayHSchG)
vom 23. Mai 2006 (GVBl S. 245. BayRS 2210-1-1-WFK) erlässt die Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
folgende Satzung:
13 Abs. 1 Satz 2 und Art. 51 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes (BayHSchG)
vom 23. Mai 2006 (GVBl S. 245. BayRS 2210-1-1-WFK) erlässt die Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
folgende Satzung:
13 Abs. 1 Satz 2 und Art. 51 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes (BayHSchG)
vom 23. Mai 2006 (GVBl S. 245. BayRS 2210-1-1-WFK) erlässt die Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
folgende Satzung:
13 Abs. 1 Satz 2 und Art. 51 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes
(BayHSchG) vom 23. Mai 2006 (GVBl S. 245. BayRS 2210-1-1-WFK) erlässt die Hochschule
Amberg-Weiden folgende Satzung:
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Campusleben/Schwarzes-Brett/Dateien/Info-Prufungseinsicht-S-22-Corona.pdf
pdf:hasXMP false
access_permission:extract_content true
are the basic laws employees need to know? What are the rights of working students and interns? What’s the difference between working conditions in companies that are bound by a collective agreement and [...] Lebenslauf, eine Stellenausschreibung (auf die ihr euch bewerben würdet) und ein Motivationsschreiben an s.brandt @ oth-aw . de schickt.
Digitaler Campus building, 3.21
09621 482-3629
09621 482-3629
+49 (9621) [...] 09621 482-3629
+49 (9621) 482-3271
+49 (961) 382-1272
Marion Nitsche
Joanna Michalska
09621 482-3629
Struggle [...]
… bei Lernschwierigkeiten
… bei Zeit- und Selbstmanagement
… bei der Studienfi nanzierung uvm
Infotag Studienfi nanzierung | BAföG- und Stipendienberatung
the study office of the date of birth by submitting a copy of your child/children's birth certificate(s). This will be used as the basis for calculating your actual postpartum protection period . This protected
Office in Amberg and Weiden Did you know? You can check your applicant’s status by yourself – just by logging in to your applicant’s account. There you will find all the information dealing with your application [...] campus in Amberg and in Weiden. The main goal is simple: the ISC wants to promote contact between OTH’s international and German students. Students from all over the world should feel welcome and at home
limitations) Polls/voting via scheduler Surfing the Internet If possible, only use https websites (s stands for secure, i.e. encrypted communication!). Before clicking on links or images, check the actual [...] mouseover: Mouseover without clicking shows the actual web address (look closely at WER area between http(s):// and next /!). Software downloads only from trusted sites or official stores. Refrain from doing
i n s t a . m i t . i s a
Job gesucht?
W i r s u c h e n e i n e I n s t a g r a m -
C o n t e n t - D e s i g n e r i n m / w / d
s between one‘s home country and the German culture. Also, navigating through the job application process can be demanding as there are expectations in Germany, which may differ to one‘s country of origin [...] startet in the German job market Success and personal satisfaction are often key when planning one’s career. What is crucialto achieve an individual and fulfilling working life? In addition, entering the [...] are the basic laws employees need to know? What are the rights of working students and interns? What’s the difference between working conditions in companies that are bound by a collective agreement and
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internship abroad during your studies can be completed as part of the prescribed practical semester(s) or as an additional voluntary internship. Please observe the requirements of your degree programme
clear in companies. 6. In addition to teaching, you are also active in research. In which research area(s) do you specialize? I do research in the field of medical technology, mainly the use of robots or the [...] at this point, especially in conjunction with AI, are fascinating. 8. How has AI impacted this area(s) of research and what role does it play? AI plays the same role today as microcontrollers used to. They [...] finding a job. 6. In addition to teaching, you are also active in research. In which research area(s) do you specialize? Information visualization, data science, machine learning, human-machine interaction