changing world will eventually cease to be relevant. There is much still
to learn in the field of economic policymaking, and [a central bank] must continue to learn and
update its thinking” (IMF, 2000 [...] designed to disseminate and
to provide a platform for discussion of either work of the staff of the OeNB economists or outside
contributors on topics which are of special interest to the OeNB. To ensure [...] Governing Council wants on occasion to meet at a national
central bank to underline the European nature of the system.
Recently, the Governing Council of the ECSB decided to reduce the frequency of monetary
Prüfungsvorbereitung = 30 h
= 60 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die [...] bedeutet das?
• Zusammensetzung Strom- und Gaspreis
• Sektorkopplung – Wasserstoff – Power to X-Decarbonisierung
• Ist eine „autarke“ Energieversorgung möglich?
• Elektromobilität
Prüfungsvorbereitung = 30 h
= 60 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
against Russia) of the European Council of 2 March 2022, to prohibit to “sell, supply,
transfer or export euro denominated banknotes to Russia or to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia [...] goods helped to overcome import limitations set by the government and
started to provide almost everything – from basic food to medications. In addition, traditional supermarkets were also able to re-supply [...] RBZ (IMF,
2009, 8) which were later exchanged for banknotes to meet the rising cash demand by the public due to ever increasing prises. To avoid
an inflation-induced scarcity of cash, however, four
project teams in digital business. They learn to assess speed, adaptivity, user-
centricity and flexibility as key drivers of a changed process management. You will learn to adopt new, dynamic and flexible ways [...] Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
To be determined
Inhalte der Lernveranstaltung / Internationalität:
Course Content
To be determined
Lehrmaterial und [...] / Internationalität:
Course Content
Students learn to argue the impact of digitalization on the management of project teams and to apply methods and tools for the
analysis, design, implementation
resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who otherwise will have
no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who otherwise will have
no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
machine learning.
• Methodological competence: The students are able to practically apply various machine learning methods and to evaluate the
• Personal competence: Ability to discuss [...] Personal competence: Ability to communicate about lightweight engineering; ability to work independently as well as in team to
solve a technical problem; ability to lifetime learning
Course Content
Inhalte [...] private situations. They learn to identify these situations and to appear interculturally competent.
• Personal competence: Students acquire the interdisciplinary ability to perform in a culturally
it can steer
actual inflation to its target rate. As monetary neutrality
is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price
level has to be equal to the relative change in the
nominal [...] difficult to gauge.
The reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’
portfolio adjustments in response to aggregate demand
and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed
[...] is likely to increase the cost of producing
goods (C), which also decreases Vm.
In order to address these questions in more detail, it
seems reasonable to extend this NM model to directly
1 14 INF Informatik Grundlagen 5 4 Wiehl Wiehl SU/Ü Kl
90 Minuten
1 15 EKM Ethik, Kognition & Meeting 5 4 Heckmann Heckmann, Ranisch SU/Ü Präs
1 16 BWI Betriebswirtschaftslehre &
Innovationsmanagement [...] Software Engineering für KI 5 5 Rebholz Neumann, Rebholz SU/Ü Kl
90 Minuten
4 41 ML1 Machine Learning 1 5 4 Brunner Brunner SU/Ü Kl
60 Minuten
4 42 BCN Big Data, Cloud & NoSQL 5 4 Neumann Neumann [...] SpringSchool 5 4 Heckmann N.N., Dozierende der Fakultäten
Sem Präs
6 61 ML2 Machine Learning 2 5 4 Brunner N.N. SU/Ü, Pr ModA
6 62 KPG KI Projekt Gaming 5 4 Meiller Meiller, Nierhoff Proj
For this reason, students are encouraged to learn how to put scien-
tific ideas and principles into effect. Research projects are initiated and
financed to a large extent by industrial and commercial [...] must be equivalent to a three-year Bachelor’s
degree. To find out whether your degree is equivalent, please con-
tact and attach your university transcript to
your E-Mail. [...] the pro-
gramme is to train future professionals, who are enabled to play a part in
the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals, thereby
contributing to create a more equitable
Künstliche Intelligenz & Informatik x x x
1 M KI.11 Künstliche Intelligenz 1 (Ethik, Interaktion & Meeting) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA x x x
1 M KI.12 Programmieren 1 (Python) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA x x x
1 M KI.13 Informatik [...] Künstliche Intelligenz & Informatik x x x
2 M KI.21 Künstliche Intelligenz 2 (Symbolik, Logik & Meeting) 5 5 SU/Ü ModA x x x
2 M KI.22 Programmieren 2 (C & C++) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ModA x x x
2 M KI.23 Informatik [...] Semester 4 (Sommer) 30 26 x x x
X Künstliche Intelligenz & Informatik x x x
4 M KI.41 Machine Learning 5 4 SU/Ü, Pr ModA x x x
4 M KI.42 Computer Vision 1 5 4 SU/Ü, Pr Kl 90 x x x
4 M KI.43 BigData,
digital business. They learn to assess speed, adaptivity, user-
centricity and flexibility as key drivers of a changed process management. You will learn to adopt new, dynamic [...] / Internationalität:
Course Content
Students learn to argue the impact of digitalization on the management of project teams and to apply methods and tools for the
analysis, design, implementation [...] dynamic and flexible ways of
thinking as a contrast to traditional, planning-oriented project management in order to meet the requirements of very high innova-
tion speed and the rapid changes in customer p
Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors, Newnes, 2013
D. W. Lewis: Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3, Pearson, 2012
M. Trevor: The Designer’s Guide to the Cortex-M [...] Kontaktstudium: 60 h (4 SWS)
Eigenstudium: 90 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] ung des Präsenzunterrichts
und Projektarbeit)
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden
Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors, Newnes, 2013
D. W. Lewis: Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3, Pearson, 2012
M. Trevor: The Designer’s Guide to the Cortex-M [...] Kontaktstudium: 60 h (4 SWS)
Eigenstudium: 90 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] ung des Präsenzunterrichts
und Projektarbeit)
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden
field of deep
learning on their own, while also learning from the views and approaches of others to further deepen their understanding. Overall, it
helps students to learn not only how to self-organize [...] Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
• F. Chollet: Deep Learning with Python, Manning, 2018. (deutsche Version bei mitp Professional, 2018)
• Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras [...] practical machine learning tools and techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O'Reilly, 2018.
Raschka: Machine Learning with Python:
the first semester, so that you have clarity at short notice as to whether or not you have to attend the lecture or whether you still have to provide any certificates of achievement. If possible, bring relevant [...] submitted to the study office . The respective lecturers will then check whether the content and scope (credit points or semester hours per week) etc. of the subjects already completed meet the requirements [...] relevant documents (e.g. module handbook from your previous university) with you to enable a comparison (excerpts are also attached to the application).
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to impart the basics of operations and supply chain management related to the industrial transfor-
mations. Starting [...] English, proficiency in Ger-
man is not necessary.
Learning outcomes:
The following learning objectives are anticipated:
• You will be able to define the topic of supply chain management and the [...] will be able to classify current developments and their effects on supply chains
• You will be able to classify, evaluate, model and optimize supply chain processes
• You will be able to use, evaluate
____ to ____.
This year, ____ received many submissions. In order to speed
up the review process, some low-quality papers will be
rejected directly based on TPC chairs' judgement.
We regret to inform [...] used with nouns referring to people, groups of
people, countries, and animals.
• No "Deep Learning's role in…", because DL is not a person!!!
→ "The role of Deep Learning in…"
• Lesen Sie zu weiteren [...] der Conf-Deadline!]:
• Research and Experience papers are limited to 10 pages excluding references
• Position papers are limited to 6 pages excluding references.
• Candidate Workshops:
• Workshop
project work is used to test the entire learning
content and competency profiles, including the com-
petencies for presentation.
The assessed discussion contributions serve to dee-
pen the understanding [...] project work is used to test the entire learning
content and competency profiles, including the com-
petencies for presentation.
The assessed discussion contributions serve to dee-
pen the understanding [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min.
Gewichtung: 100%
Über die Klausur werden
Serbia, Turkey and Tunisia: You have to apply for a valid insurance certificate from a health insurance provider in your home country prior to your departure to Germany. Make sure that the certificate [...] admitted to OTH. The insurance provider will then send a confirmation to the OTH Students’ Office. The advantage of statutory health insurance is that the doctor’s bill is forwarded directly to the insurance [...] particularly applies to students who are over 30. Then submit your private health insurance policy to a statutory health insurance company, which will then transmit an insurance confirmation to the OTH Students’