date 2018-03-06T21:56:42Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-03-06T21:56:42Z [...] den Abkürzungen stehen Begriffe aus der Unternehmenskommunikation: Corporate Identity,
Corporate Design, Corporate Wording. Letzteres lernen Studierende der Medienproduktion und -technik von Profis:
date 2018-03-13T07:41:55Z
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date 2018-03-23T17:10:58Z
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date 2018-03-26T12:10:01Z
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dc:title Stromsparen
g 2 9
Electronic Devices and Circuit Design 9
Digital Design 7
Embedded Systems 7
Electrical Machines and Drives 7
Mechanical Construction Design 3
Computer Science 1 7
Computer Science [...]
date 2018-03-28T07:20:20Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title 1803FlyerDoubleDegree-EMI.indd
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date 2018-03-28T07:20:56Z
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dc:title 1803Fl
of study:
The group Scientific and Engineering Basics during stage
one (semester 1 and 2) is designed to lay the groundwork
for the further course of study. It comprises the following
[...] Mathematics
• Physics
• Basics in Chemistry and Biology
• Materials Science
• Technical Mechanics and Design
• Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
The second stage of study focuses on app
following modules:
• Mathematics
• English
• Basics of Digital Systems
• Design and Production of Digital Media
• Media Design
• Programming
• Theoretical Information Technology
• Operating Systems
• [...] speech-
dialogue systems, chat-bots, mobile apps for smartphones,
tablets or CVs, as well as web design, IT networks or data
A Bachelor‘s Degree in Media Informatics opens up a
variety of interesting [...] Algorithms and Data Structures
• Stochastics
• Web Database Systems
• Computer Networks
• Screen Design
• Information Ethics and Philosophy of Technology
• Software Engineering I
• Data Analytics
• Mobile
• Physics
• Basics of Chemistry and Biology
• Materials Science
• Technical Mechanics and Design
• Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
The second group - fundamentals of science [...] Sensor Technology
• Environmental Chemistry
• Environmental Analysis
The third module group - designed to lay the groundwork
for the further course of study – includes engineering
related content,
date 2018-04-09T20:19:28Z
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dc:title EMI-OTH
Module descriptions
Innovation & Design
Innovation & Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls [...] Content
● Innovation und Kreativität
● Design Thinking für Innovation und Digitalisierung
● Prototyping
● Nutzerzentrierung
● Usability und User Experience Design
Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching [...] Markt- und Wettbewerbsanalyse
● Value Proposition Design
● Business Case und Product Costing/Pricing
● Requirements Management und User Experience Design
● Launching und In-life-Management
● Produktmarketing
Firmenschrift. [Online] Verfügbar unter:
[3] Frenzel, B.; Kurzweil, P.; Parspour, N.: Resolver Based Position [...] SoC leistungsstarke und preisgünstige Wechselrichter aufzubauen.
For the operation of recently designed electric motors and generators as well as for coupling
of solar modules to modern electrical t [...] company ARM (Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.), known as Cortex-M. This architecture was
specifically designed for installation in embedded systems. This type of processor has since
been widely used.
• Basics of Coding Theory and Cryptology
The second phase (third and fourth semester) is designed
to deepen the basic skills and to prepare the students for
the practical semester. It involves
Konstruktion (WI 2), Prof. Hainke – HS 002
Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (BW/HD 3), Prof. Krämer – HS 218
Web-Design (HD 4), Prof. Nirschl - HS 118
11.30 Uhr Mittagspause*
12.15 Uhr Bibliotheks-Rallye
• Market Segmentation
• Direct Marketing
• Distribution
Target Group
The programme is designed for graduates of all courses of study.
It is part of a cooperation between the Universities of
digitaler Zwilling einer realen Anlage verwendet werden.
Best Practice, Innovation, Design Thinking und Prototyping
Design Thinking steht bei den Professoren Dr. Strassl und Dr. Schi-
cker in der Tradition [...]
Ziel ausgerichtet: Design Thinking für Innovation und Change
Prozess nutzbar machen. Ob im Sondermaschinenbau, Medien-
unternehmen oder Global Player, Design Thinking hilft, Prozesse [...]
date 2018-05-07T12:24:21Z
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of a three-step design chain for the simple and efficient design of
tube bundle heat exchangers or evaporators respectively with a focus on ORC applications. It contains a design calculation
tool [...] calculation and design of the heat exchanger. The present paper deals with all of
these design steps in an attempt to integrate the solutions to these problems into a single design chain for ORC tube [...] CONCLUSION
With the three-step design chain for tube bundle heat exchangers in ORC plants, the operator has a great tool at
his hands for designing basic heat exchangers as they are used in
of a three-step design chain for the simple and efficient design of
tube bundle heat exchangers or evaporators respectively with a focus on ORC applications. It contains a design calculation
tool [...] calculation and design of the heat exchanger. The present paper deals with all of
these design steps in an attempt to integrate the solutions to these problems into a single design chain for ORC tube [...] CONCLUSION
With the three-step design chain for tube bundle heat exchangers in ORC plants, the operator has a great tool at
his hands for designing basic heat exchangers as they are used in
date 2019-03-13T13:33:09Z
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date 2019-03-13T12:59:26Z
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date 2019-03-13T12:46:09Z
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