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tung/Anwendung gewonnenen
Erkenntnisse vor dem Hintergrund einschlägiger Diskurse (Research by
2. Kriterien für die Verleihung des Doktorgrades Dr. rer. nat. (Doktor/
Doktorin der
date 2023-03-09T12:55:51Z
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Medientage München on 26.10.2012 at the invitation of MedienCampus Bayern e. V. Lecture: Generative Design with Processing. Medientage München on 21.10.2011 at the invitation of MedienCampus Bayern e. V. [...] form for future educators and students. The main objective is to optimize the didactic and media design of the historical content and to use the latest intelligent technologies for this purpose. Through [...] development project of the OTH-AW and the BHS came in. The subject of the project is the analysis, design and development of new user interfaces for the control of industrial plants. The core objective is
Publication in „The Routledge Handbook of Sound Design” (2024) Edited by Michael Filimowicz, published by Routledge/ Focal Press „Psychoacoustics in sound design” by Maximilian Kock https://www.taylorfrancis [...] 4324/9781003325567-15/psychoacoustics-sound-design-maximilian-kock?context=ubx&refId=002eb549-c185-467d-b670-bdd187582fa1 Publication in „Doing Research in Sound Design” (2021) Edited by Michael Filimowicz, [...] .org/issue/view/221/showToc "The Power of Sound Design in A Moving Picture: an Empirical Study with emoTouch for iPad" ABSTRACT: The art of sound design for a moving picture rests basically on the work
date 2015-12-02T09:45:27Z
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date 2013-10-14T10:11:46Z
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Jürgen Stark (Hg.) (2010), Enhancing Monetary Analysis, Frankfurt.
Reis, Ricardo (2013), Central Bank Design, in:Journalof Economic Perspectives 27,5.17-43.
Rötheli, Tobias F. (2006), Elements of Behavioral [...] Anwendung einzugehen. Abgesehen von einigen Ausnahmen, wie sie bei-
spielsweise im sog. ,,Opting-out"-Design bei der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge zum Ausdruck
kommen, sind die konkreten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
date 2019-11-06T14:51:07Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.5
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pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign 14.0 (Macintosh)
access_permission:fill_in_form true
pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-11-06T14:51:07Z [...] AUGSBURG
Verantwortlich i. S. d. P.
Max Lummer
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ON&OFF – Design · Web · Druck
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REFA Bayern
responsible for preparing the internal accreditation of degree programmes and supports the faculties in designing new degree programmes. Quality Management System The quality management system at OTH Amberg-Weiden
• Research traditions (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, design of experiments (DOE))
• Research designs (e.g., experiment, survey, field study, numerical computer simulations)
[...] research methodologies, enabling them to design robust empirical studies. This includes understanding
the strengths and limitations of different research designs, statistical analyses, and how to apply [...] groups:
• The compulsory modules (10 ECTS) The compulsory modules of this certificate course are designed to
provide doctoral students with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and ethical principles
date 2015-02-27T08:59:19Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title Seitz-Kommentar.indd
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Proceedings Inductica 2010, International Conference Coil Winding, Chicago (USA) 2010
Schmidt, H.-P., Design optimization for contact less power supplies in industrial automation;
Proceedings Vector Fields [...] Conference, Oxford University,
Oxford (UK) 2010
Schmidt, H.-P., Seibold, C., Measurement and design; Optimization for contact less power
supplies in industrial automation. Proceedings 15th International
Warschau, Polen, September 2017, DOI H. Zatocil , H. Nannen, "Objektorientierte Laborautomatisierung", Design und Elektronik , August 2017 H. Nannen, H. Zatocil , "Sensorless start-up of soft starter driven
Publications in books/collective volumes Malik, A., Fürstenau, B. & Hommel, M. (2023) User Interface (UI) Design of Banks’ Web Pages and Its Influence on Forstering Financial Literacy of Users Through Informal
Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3. In: 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2021, Virtual Event / Palermo, Sicily, Italy, September 1-3, 2021 , pages 268–277, IEEE. DOI
(1999), HypoVereinsbank Economics, Macro Research (zusammen mit N. Keis) Changing the Institutional Design of Central Banks (1999), in: Monetary Economics (WPS) Vol.4, No.30, October 11, 1999 (zusammen mit [...] and Challenges, ZEI Working Paper B02-2002, February 2002 (together with K. Ruckriegel) The Federal Design of a Central Bank in a Monetary Union: The Case of the European System of Central Banks – A comment [...] Monetary and Financial Stability, Working Paper No. 150, February 2021 (together with G. Rösl) Designing a European Monetary Fund: What role for the IMF?, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability