Sim Games und Serious Games
„The New Media of
"Learning to Do", not just
"Learning to Know".“
ALDRICH, Clark (2009): The Complete Guide
to Simulations & Serious Games
John Wiley & Sons
Game [...]
„… combines internal and external ideas … “
Reduktion des „Cost-to-Market“
Steigerung des „Fit-to-Market“
Erhöhung des „New-to-Market“
Management der frühen I [...] should use
external ideas as well as internal ideas,
and internal and external paths to market,
as the firms look to advance their technology.
Open Innovation combines
internal and external ideas … “
prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
presentation(s) (40 %)
written test (40 %)
oral contributions to the class room discussion
(20 [...] are not eligible to sign up for more than 11 Advanced Modules or more than 4 Soft Skill Modules prior to having completed a minimum of 120 of 150 possible ECTS.
According to §6 (2) of the old [...] will be on relating theoretical concepts to assessment and evaluation of practices in organizations. Empiri-
cal projects will be analyzed to extract lessons learned and suggestions for improvement. Explorations
must be ready not only to
keep it for their own liabilities, but to advance it most freely for the liabilities of others. They must lend to
merchants, to minor bankers, to 'this man and that man [...] from November 8 to 13, ₹4,500 from November 14 to 17, and
₹2,000 from November 18 to 25, see various Indian government press releases (Banerjee et al., 2018, appendix
A). Contrary to earlier statements [...] the same time, it also helped to
stabilize the domestic money stock by providing reserves to domestic banks which, in turn,
were used to provide additional cash to the Greek citizens (see figure
Threats to Global Security
Masarykova univerzita 15.4.2023 18.6. – 9.7.2023 Englisch 2.300 EUR*
global-security-summer [...]
Approach to the
Anthropology of Cremation
Masarykova univerzita 15.5.2023 9.7. – 22.7.2023 Englisch 1.100 EUR*
anthro [...] Gametes to Organisms –
Basics of Embryology and
Developmental Biology
Masarykova univerzita 15.5.2023 9.7. – 22.7.2023 Englisch 1.100 EUR*
contributing constructively to group
Students can adapt to new challenges and changing environments, displaying resilience and flexibility in their approach to problem-
Course [...] created, to discuss their quality and alternatives and to reflect on their problem-solving
strategy in a technical and methodical manner.
Course Content
This course provides an introduction to the [...] Ability to create and organize effective communications in the management process.
The ability to form leadership qualities and demonstrate them in the process of managing people.
Ability to develop
contributing constructively to group
Students can adapt to new challenges and changing environments, displaying resilience and flexibility in their approach to problem-
Course [...] created, to discuss their quality and alternatives and to reflect on their problem-solving
strategy in a technical and methodical manner.
Course Content
This course provides an introduction to the [...] Ability to create and organize effective communications in the management process.
The ability to form leadership qualities and demonstrate them in the process of managing people.
Ability to develop
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to impart the basics of operations and supply chain management related to the industrial transformations.
Starting [...] prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
presentation(s) (40 %)
written test (40 %)
oral contributions to the class room discussion
(20 [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 60 min
Gewichtung: 100%
Hinweis: Die Klausur kann bis
have the money to pay us, you can graduate and pass".
The suggestion I can give to avoid this is to improve the language courses to get at
least B2. It could be also important to take their admission [...] around the world.
Suggestions to Ukrainian people and to the government please try to make a system
in the country that when children will go to school they will learn at least basic
English.Ukraine [...] different languages as english and frensh to open up more to foreign students
who are unable to learn the official language of the country
Its nice to study in ukrainian
Thank you
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 60 min
Gewichtung: 100%
Hinweis: Die Klausur kann bis [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min.
Gewichtung 100%
Über die Klausur werden [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min.
Gewichtung: 100%
Über die Klausur werden
recourse to the deposit facility, an
aggregate deficit of the same magnitude implies a corresponding recourse to the marginal lending
facility. It is hence possible to just talk of the �net recourse to standing [...] the recourse to standing facilities on Friday had to be counted three times to obtain the
required net liquidity injection or absorption at the end of the relevant maintenance period to
allow counterparties [...] wants to
achieve a certain average overnight rate in line with its monetary policy stance. For this, it has to
make sure that the demand for deposits in order to fulfil reserve requirements and to hold
pdf:docinfo:created 2019-09-10T09:16:18Z
Architecture meets Technology
eine Veranstaltung der Ostbayerischen
Technischen Hochschule Amberg-Weiden – [...] de/hospital-engineering-trends
Architecture meets Technology
Teilnahmegebühr: Der Veranstaltungsbeitrag beträgt pro Person
470,– Euro zzgl. der [...] Interaction between patient environment and
thearpeutical concepts: Why doctors and architects
need to find a common language
11:30 – 12:00 Peter Deneut
are able to work in a team and apply flexible project management methods.
• You will learn to build partnerships and conduct business negotiations.
• You will be able to present business ideas to investors [...] Everything You Need to Know to Make Your Startup Dreams Come True From Idea to Product to Company
Hardcover. Time travellers books, 2017. 394 р.
Jonikas D. Startup Evolution Curve From Idea to Profitable and [...] Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2)
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Study work:
development of startup
project and strategy of
promotion to the market of
Eastern European country
supported by:
and in Cooperation with
Architecture meets Technology
fördern führen inspirieren
Programm 2017
Program 2017
eine [...] l-engineering-trends
Architecture meets Technology
Teilnahmegebühr: Der Veranstaltungsbeitrag beträgt pro Person
350,– Euro zzgl. der [...] gesund? –
Raumgestaltung und Genesungsfortschritt
Ergebnisse einer internationalen Studie
How to speed up patient recovery? –
Room Design and health recovery results
of an international study
• to create short instructions about the STACK questions inputs syntax
and training test;
• to create more answers with math input;
• to develop a clearer design of questions according to the [...] completed the tasks, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire
posted on the Internet.
After analyzing the feedback of experts, it was decided to make some changes to
those tasks.
[1] Labanova, Oksana; [...] students checked their answers and got feedback at the end of
each task.
To demonstrate these exercises, those were offered to first-year graduate students
at Tallinn University. These students are current
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
problems in business practice, to
work out practical solutions to problems and to also take international references into
account ("business problem-solving competence"). 2To this end, they are provided [...] administration, to work in an entrepreneurial or freelance capacity
and to continue to gain new scientific knowledge in practice in a useful way.
(4) The Bachelor's degree leads to a professional [...] a module examination is 90 minutes.
LPort Learning Portfolio in writing
orally A learning portfolio examines the competence profile to be aspired to by means of the written and/or oral presentation [...] communication students’ Creative Agency Krea welcomes you to take part in Krea
Spring School 2024! You will work in a multicultural team to tackle a digital storytelling challenge together with a
[...] how to work towards a sustainability marketing goal in collaboration with a multicultural team
of peers, university coaches, and industry stakeholders
2. can conduct target audience research to develop
science and the machine learning domain
• Understanding some of the most widely used machine learning methods
• Being able to implement a machine learning pipeline in order to solve real world problems [...] Voraussetzungen*
This course is an introduction to ML. There is no need to have any prior knowledge about machine learning
*Hinweis: Beachten Sie auch die Voraussetzungen nach Prüf [...] limited to
linear regression and classification, Support vector machines and Deep neural networks.
3) Introduction to Python programming for data science.
4) Applying machine learning models on
science and the machine learning domain
• Understanding some of the most widely used machine learning methods
• Being able to implement a machine learning pipeline in order to solve real world problems [...] Voraussetzungen*
This course is an introduction to ML. There is no need to have any prior knowledge about machine learning
*Hinweis: Beachten Sie auch die Voraussetzungen nach Prüf [...] limited to
linear regression and classification, Support vector machines and Deep neural networks.
3) Introduction to Python programming for data science.
4) Applying machine learning models on
science and the machine learning domain
• Understanding some of the most widely used machine learning methods
• Being able to implement a machine learning pipeline in order to solve real world problems [...] Voraussetzungen*
This course is an introduction to ML. There is no need to have any prior knowledge about machine learning
*Hinweis: Beachten Sie auch die Voraussetzungen nach Prüf [...] limited to
linear regression and classification, Support vector machines and Deep neural networks.
3) Introduction to Python programming for data science.
4) Applying machine learning models on
(2019). Hands-on machine learning with scikit-learn, keras, and
TensorFlow (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
Bishop., C. (2016). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. New York, NY:
Springer [...] Studierenden solide
Grundlagen in Deep Learning erworben. Insbesondere sind sie in der Lage:
den Stand der Technik von Machine Learning und Deep Learning zu verstehen
können die verschiedenen [...] concepts and their functionality
Introduction to Robot operation system (ROS)
Introduction to mapping and pathfinding algorithms
Introduction to robotic simulation tools
Insight into robot
students will be able to
understand, categorize and analyze cultures according to chosen cultural dimensions and taxonomies
understand, judge the benefit of different tools used to train personnel [...] solutions to deal with conflict in managing intercultural groups
analyze and adapt own behavior in intercultural situations as well as to evaluate behavior of others and advise them appropriately to be
[...] assimilators and critical incidents are investigated in their use to teach cul-
tural awareness. Students are given the opportunity to use these tools in both theoretical and practical exercises. Additionally
24/10/2023 to 09/02/2024
You are invited to submit your abstracts from
24/10/2023 to 12/01/2024
OTH Amberg-Weiden
11. – 13. March 2024
Amberg, Germany
International Meeting
of the STACK
ng Christian Stauf
Intro to Management Consulting IB Übungsleistung Laura Stoussavljewitsch
Introduction to Academic Research IB Projektarbeit Anna Grimm
Meetings, Negotiations & Conflict IB [...] Examination inspection: to be announced
4. Please note:
- You will not receive a grade without exam registration during the examination registration in Primuss!
This also applies to repeat examinations [...] the semester.
- Anyone who notices overlaps in examinations to be taken must report this immediately, at the latest by 17.12.2024 to Ms. Trottmann (
- In individual cases,