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[1] Bailey R. and Szabó Z. Assessing engineering design process knowledge. International Journal of
Engineering Education, 2006, 22(3), 508–518.
[2] Hilzensauer M.W. and Hor [...] teaching Chinese as a
foreign language. In Business Meets Technology 2. Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference of the University of Applied Sciences, Ansbach, July 2020, pp. 22–25.
kurzgefaßt, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
for international or interested students, we offer readings and selected teaching material in English [...] Addison-Wesley, Bonn 1994, ISBN
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
for international students, we offer readings and selected teaching material in English
[...] „EDV-Grundwissen“, Addison-Wesley-Longman Verlag
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
kurzgefaßt, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
for international or interested students, we offer readings and selected teaching material in English [...] Addison-Wesley, Bonn 1994, ISBN
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
for international students, we offer readings and selected teaching material in English
[...] „EDV-Grundwissen“, Addison-Wesley-Longman Verlag
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
JSXGraph In: Weinmann, M. (Ed.) (2024, Juli 22). Proceedings of the International Meeting of the STACK Community 2024 . (pp. 1–16). International Meeting of the STACK Community 2024 (STACK Conference 2024), Amberg [...] STACK-Based Moodle Quizzes Taking into Account Self-Regulation and Different Proficiency of Learners. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) , 17 (23), pp. 38–55. [...] self-learning modules for engineering mathematics using STACK and JSXGraph [presentation]. 3. International JSXGraph Conference, online. Gailer, B. (2022, 4.
partners and international databases. Translation of exercises Translation of exercises We translate your exercises and make them usable in multiple languages, especially with international students in
practice and to further develop their mathematical skills. The 7th international Meeting of the STACK Community 01.04.2024 The 7th International Meeting of the STACK Community took place at the Ostbayerischen [...] discovering our homepage! Conference contribution at the "International Meeting of the STACK Community 2022" 25.04.2022 At the " International Meeting of the STACK Community 2022 " in Leoben, our team [...] Katja Dechant-Herrera will be pleased to be at your disposal as contact person. Team IdeaL at the International Meeting of the STACK Community 2023 in Tallinn 02.05.2023 With a delegation of four people from
first step is to design and develop the adaptive learning modules, including measures to support international students (link to WP2 and WP3). Above all, the contents of a typical basic lecture such as "E [...] innovation network for digital adaptive teaching and networking with cooperation partners from the internal and external university landscape. For this purpose, two workshops are expected to be held at the
Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner exchange Disposable items About the marketplace (current) Flats Offer / Search AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner [...] from companies. Offer/Search AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers The platform for final theses, pre-internships and internal job offers for students. To AViS Learning Partners Exchange Many
kurzgefaßt, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
• for international or interested students, we offer readings and selected teaching material in English [...] ramms COACTIV. Waxmann.
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Die Inhalte des Moduls berücksichtigen geeignete international vergleichende Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse.
Modulprüfung [...] Lernwelten erkunden. epubli.
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Die Inhalte des Moduls berücksichtigen international vergleichende Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse.
Modulprüfung (ggf
international-management-sustainability/. Dort finden Sie auch die entsprechenden [...] nd-educational-opportunities/study-programmes/master-degree-programs/international-management-sustainability/program-international-management-sustainability/ [...] nd-educational-opportunities/study-programmes/master-degree-programs/international-management-sustainability/program-international-management-sustainability/
Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers (current) Learning partner exchange Disposable items About the marketplace Flats Offer / Search AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers (current) Learning [...] Learning partner exchange Disposable items AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers
Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner exchange (current) Disposable items About the marketplace Flats Offer / Search AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner [...] Industrial Engineering | IIE Industrial Engineering | WI Industry 4.0. informatics | II International Business | IB International Technology Management | TM Logistics & Digitalization | LD Management and European [...] ed engineering | IN Intercultural Business and Technology Management | IM International Energy Engineering | IEE International Management & Sustainability | IMS IT and automation | IA Logistics & Digi
Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner exchange Disposable items About the marketplace Flats Offer / Search (current) AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner [...] mein Name ist Aan Maria Sajan, ich komme aus Indien und studiere seit diesem Wintersemester International Business an der OTH Amberg-Weiden. Derzeit bin ich dringend auf der Suche nach einer Wohnung/WG [...] in Amberg from 1st November 2024 , as I have been accepted into the Master's degree program in International Energy Engineering at OTH. I am looking for a furnished room with a kitchen or shared kitchen
Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner exchange Disposable items About the marketplace Flats (current) Offer / Search AViS – Theses, pre-internships, internal job offers Learning partner [...] with a kitchen or shared kitchen and basic amenities. Any good accommodation will… Read details International student seeking accommodation Search 23.07.2024 Type: Apartment Number of rooms: n. n. Location:
Courses (20 ECTS)
4 x
Country Block
(20 ECTS)
Vertiefung International Business – 14 Module zu je 5 Credits /
Major International Business Courses – 14 Courses with 5 ECTS each
(70 ECTS)
Marketing Manual. Greenleaf, 2016. 336 р.
Internationality (content-related)
The course content is valid and essential for any international startup development team.
Method of [...] model to
develop a startup (Written, 20%).
Practice 3: Country market analysis based on
open international databases (Written, 20%).
Practice 4: Developing a startup strategy in
the Eastern European
abgeschlossen haben, eine
Weiterentwicklung ihrer Qualifikation und den Erwerb eines weiteren, international kompatiblen
Abschlussgrades. 3Die Studierenden erwerben auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher [...] insbesondere:
1. die Festlegung und Bekanntgabe der Termine zur Prüfungsanmeldung,
2. die interne Stellungnahme zu Verwaltungsstreitverfahren.
2Darüber hinaus legt der Prüfungsausschuss in jedem
Author po
producer Adobe PDF Library 22.1.174 [...] 2022-07-11T11:55:33Z
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
für den Bachelor-Studiengang International Business
an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule
vom 14.07.2022 [...]
(1) 1Ziel des Studiums ist die Vermittlung von interkultureller Handlungskompetenz für
international agierende Mitarbeitende in einem dynamischen Umfeld. ²AbsolventInnen des
Bachelorstudiums besitzen
portal, rules and regulations, instructions for action, correspondence, internal e-mails, internal telephone directories, internal events V3 examples: personal data, travel, payroll, research data, technical [...] regularly backed up by the computer center. Secure data exchange via the OTH-AW internal file server MyFiles Filr (= internal cloud) – also possible with non-university members. External clouds (= outside [...] includes the collection, recording, use, storage, transmission, program-controlled processing, internal presentation and output of information. Accordingly, IT security must protect all technical means
project in parallel on both sides of the border and to generate a much higher impact due to the internationality. The results will be communicated on both sides of the border and made available as best practice
retailing Globalization, changing production and procurement markets, and effects on national and international supply chains have led to an increased need for retailers to address environmental and social-ethical
Pilsen Content: The project objective was to provide support for the establishment of a new, international and practice-integrated bachelor study program in English strongly oriented towards the needs [...] : WBU Pilsen Content: Education for sustainable development (ESD) is increasingly demanded internationally as an essential component of quality-oriented education and as a key factor for sustainable [...] of sustainable development. the establishment of a double-degree study program in the Master "International and Sustainable Management" between the OTH Amberg-Weiden and the University of West Bohemia in
Psychology / International Management & Sustainability) General Sustainable Development (M.A. International Management & Sustainability) Corporate Sustainability Management (M.A. International Management [...] courses in the field of applied ethics and sustainability. M.A. International Management & Sustainability In the Master's program International Management & Sustainability, taught in English, you will learn [...] Corporate Governance, Compliance & CSR (M.A. International Management & Sustainability) Stakeholder Management & Business Excellence (M.A. International Management & Sustainability) Block seminar (Certificate
& 2000er Party
Vergünstigung für Running-Snail-Racing-Team
Di, 28. Juni International Night
& Bier-Pong-Turnier
Vergünstigung für internationale Studierende
Turnier ab 19 Uhr