towards this. Your application for leave of absence must be submitted in good time via the Student’s office at OTH Amberg-Weiden. During the period of leave of absence, you remain a student at OTH Amb
This course also offers the possibility of an hands-on experience utilizing
Raspberry Pi’s, Arduino’s, and NI software radio boards; for bonus system,
a project focused on building a wireless based [...] • The students know the gates and phases of the product development cycle from the product manager’s point of
view and know his task and influence in the entire product life cycle.
conclusions. Reading critically, inferring meaning, using
academic styles. Understanding a writer’s opinion, identifying main ideas,
describing information in figures. Reading for evidence, expressing
pdf:docinfo:created 2006-12-26T16:05:06Z
. B
r /F
. S
Organizational &
Social PsychologyIntercultural Management &
Business Ethics
Master‘s Thesis (20 ECTS) & Colloquium (5 ECTS) & Service Learning (5 ECTS)
Summer Semester
(30 ECTS)
reduced. However, secondary losses due to small blade aspect ratio (blade height h to
blade chord s) are increased. To estimate ventilation and secondary losses, based on the investigation
of (Watzlawick [...] applications’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Pergamon, 57, pp. 1090–1109.
Kacker, S. C. and Okapuu, U. (1982) ‘A Mean Line Prediction Method for Axial Flow Turbine
Efficiency’, Journal [...] turbine for
laboratory experiments’, Energy Procedia. Elsevier, 129, pp. 1141–1148.
Quoilin, S. et al. (2013) ‘Techno-economic survey of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems’,
Renewable and S
Online-Marketing: Konzepte – Instrumente – Checklisten. 2. Auflage. Springer Gabler 2014.
● Krug, S.: Don't Make Me Think! - Web & Mobile Usability: Das intuitive Web. 3 . Auflage. Mitp-Verlag 2014. [...] Rigby, Darrel K.; Sutherland, Jeff, Takeuchi Hirotaka: Embracing Agile: How to master the process that´s transforming management.
Harvard Business Review, 05/2016.
● Aagesen, Gustav; Krogstie, John: BPMN [...] en und in Probit-/Logit-Modellen, WiSt -
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Jahrgang 46/4, S. 30 -37, 2017,
● Software STaTa
● Stock, J. H., Watson, M. W., Introduction
Eine Denial-of-Service-Attacke (DoS) verhindert den Zugriff auf einen
Computer oder eine Website.
Bei einer DoS-Attacke versucht ein Hacker, einen Computer zu überlasten oder [...] fahren, so dass legitime Anwender keinen Zugriff mehr auf ihn haben.
Normalerweise richten sich DoS-Attacken gegen Webserver und versuchen, den
Zugriff auf Websites zu verhindern. Es werden keine Daten [...] ng von Diensten kann ein Unternehmen teuer zu stehen
Eine häufi g verwendete Art von DoS-Attacken ist die Überschwemmung eines
Computers mit Daten, so dass er überlastet wird. Dies wird b
ate 2022-05-14T12:08:25Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung_2022.05.14.pdf
Author gk
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013
ate 2022-06-17T08:01:13Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung_2022.06.17__002_.pdf
Author gk
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013
ate 2023-05-01T09:46:48Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung_2023.05.25__Modul__08_.pdf
Author gk
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2021
ate 2023-10-12T12:14:05Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung_2023.10.11__Modul__02_.pdf
pdf:hasXMP true
access_permission:extract_content true
ate 2023-01-28T18:48:58Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung__Modul__08_.pdf
Author gk
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2021
al students, to participate in the digital education of the East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden’s Digital Technology and Management program. Regardless of their location, students can continue their [...] Management and Agile Methods • Sensors for Smart Systems Your motivation * (why you chose definite course (s), how it will be useful in the future - 2-3 sentences) Upload your transcript of records / proof of [...] Sustainable Development Communication in IT projects Your motivation * (why you chose definite course (s), how it will be useful in the future - 2-3 sentences) Data storage notice * I agree that my data will
conclusions. Reading critically, inferring meaning, using
academic styles. Understanding a writer’s opinion, identifying main ideas,
describing information in figures. Reading for evidence, expressing
ß ß tph ß tph ß tpa ß tpa ß tph ß tpa
ß sm ß diff ß km ß derby ß ent ß temp
ß wet ß U ß U ß U
ß s ß s ß s ß tag ε
In Tabelle 3 sind die Ergebnisse, getrennt nach homoskedastischer und heteroske [...] Temperatur (temp) 227,6 3,3 210,8 2,6
Wetter (wet1) -944,5 -1,1 -1.347,7 -1,3
s2 -829,0 -0,8 -411,7 -0,3
s3 4.315,4 3,9 4.833,8 3,8
s4 5882,0 4,8 5.184,2 4,0
logL -9.623,6 -9.706,0
Wald (χ=20) 735,04 623 [...] Management 32, S. 305-315.
Melzer, M. und R. Stäglin (1965), Zur Ökonomie des Fußballs – Eine empirisch-theoretische
Analyse der Bundesliga, Konjunkturpolitik 11, S. 114–137.
Szymanski, S. (2001),
structure of interest rates:
(1) ( , )= +l s
t t tr r rp l c
where rl
t is the real long-term rate, rs
t is the real short-term rate, l and s denote the terms of the
bonds, ct is a set of [...] ⎟⎜ ⎟= Γ + + + +⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟Δ ⎝ ⎠⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟Δ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
l l lil
t t t
s s sis
is dt t t t
te e e
t t t t
t t t
i i i
i i i ism
d d d
1− [...] 61)
0.15 1.88 1.02 0.53 0.20
− − − −
− −
Δ = − ⋅ − − + +
+ + − + Δ − Δ
l l s e
t t t t t
l s
t t t t
i i i d
i ism ism i
R² = 0.32; SE = 0.25; LM(1) = 0.04; LM(4) = 1.09;
test for
Gibrat’s Law, which states that the growth rate of a firm is independent of the size of a firm
(Gibrat 1931). Many studies have dealt with the empirical test of Gibrats’s Law, especially [...] grow more slowly than smaller firms and thus
contradicts Gibrat’s Law. This finding is in line with other work analyzing Gibrat´s Law in
manufacturing industries (see Chapter 3). The sectoral Gross [...] literature, that Gibrat’s Law does not hold in the manufacturing sector. The absolute
value of the coefficient is smaller for large firms, i.e. there is a tendency that Gibrat’s Law
is more relevant
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Renninger3)
1) Siemens AG
Nürnberger Str. 74
D-91052 Erlangen
2) Siemens AG
Schuhstr. 60
D-91052 Erlangen
3) University of [...] 2
Business Process Management (BPM) is one of the outstanding issues in today′s business
management discussions. Due to the availability of sophisticated information technology [...] those who act as early
adopters. Back in 1995 Gartner Inc. first described this effect with it′s “Hype Cycle”. Ac-
tually in their Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2005 they placed BPM technology
Econometrica, Vol. 55, S. 703 – 708.
Pedersen, C. S. und T. Rudholm-Alfvin (2003), Selecting a Risk-Adjusted Shareholder Performance
Measure, Journal of Asset Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, S. 152 - 172.
[...] Journal of Finance, Vol. 41, S. 1175 ff.
Dowd, Kevin (2000), Adjusting for Risk: An Improved Sharpe Ratio, International Review of
Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, No. 3 S. 209-222.
Eling, M. und [...] und Kapital, Nr. 3, S. 419 – 454.
Elton, E. J., M. J. Gruber und C. R. Blake (1996), Survivorship Bias and Mutual Fund Performance,
The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 9, S. 1097 – 1120.
Coenenberg, A. (2005), S. 17
19 Vgl. Niedersächsische Gemeindeordnung (NGO) i.d.F. vom22.08.1996 (Nds. GVBl. S. 383), zuletzt
geändert durch G vom 19.03.2001 (Nds. GVBl. S. 112)
page [...]
23 Vgl.: Coeneberg, A. (2005), S. 19
24 Vgl.: Ebenda, S. 19
25 Vgl.: Coeneberg, A. (2005), S. 38
Gesetz entsprechenden Konsens [...]
41 Vgl.: in Anlehnung an Coenenberg, A. (2005), S. 60
42 Vgl.: Federmann, R. (2004), S. 31ff
43 Vgl.: Ebenda, S. 34f
Im konkreten Einzelfall ist nun
2007, S. 40)
- Das Arbeitsklima kann einen Unterschied zwischen 20 und 30% bei den
Geschäftsergebnissen machen (D. Golemann, 2004, S. 37; zitiert in: Reinker,
2007, S. 31)
- Bis [...] 2004, S. 61 -73
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Medica: Arbeitsplatz: Ungerechtigkeit verstopft die Herzkranzgefäße, Archives of
Internal Medicine, 2005, Vol 165, S. 2245 [...] der Mitarbeiter in Deutschland haben eine innere Kündigung vollzogen
(Reinker, 2007, S. 102; Reinisch, 2007, S. 130)
- 80% der Mitarbeiter in den USA fühlen sich in ihrer Arbeit laut einer Studie
17/00, DStR 2003, S. 800-807 und BFH, Urteil v. 16.10.2002, XI R 41/99, DStR
2003, S. 279.
10 BVerfG, 2 BvR 274/03, zitiert in: OFD Berlin v. 13.5.2003, St 153 – S 0338 – 1/01, DStR 2003, S. 1168 –1169 und [...] 2000, BFH/NV 2001, S. 773.
15 Vgl. BVerfG, 2 BvR 587/01, zitiert in: OFD Berlin v. 13.5.2003, St 153 – S 0338 – 1/01, DStR 2003, S. 1168 –1169.
16 Vgl. OFD Berlin v. 13.5.2003, St 153 – S 0338 – 1/01, DStR [...] dem Prüfstand des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, DStR 2003, S. 1515-
11 Vgl. BMF, Schreiben v. 25.5.2003, IV D 2 – S 0338 – 17/03, DStR 2003, S. 597.
Kürzung der Vorsorgeaufwendungen
der Lehre, Neuwied, Leuchterburg, 1999, (S. 168-
MacFarlan u.a. (1995): How to manage IT outsourcing alliances. Sloan Managemnet Review 36(1995)2,
S. 9 ff.
Mertens, Peter & Plattfaut, E [...] Fifth Edition. New York 2003.
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Seufert, S. & Euler, D. (2004): Nachhaltigkeit von e-Learning [...] more than 70 % of all engineers and more than half of all business graduates.
At the end of the 90s, as a general e-learning euphoria began at Germany universities, also the Bavar-
ian universities of
University of
Helsinki, mimeo.
van Blokland, P., L. Booth, K. Hiremath, M. Hochstenbach, G. Koole, S. Pop, M. Quant und
D. Wirosoetisno (2002), The Euro Diffusion Project, Proceedings of the 42nd European