targeting. It consists of an interest rate response to deviations of the inflation rate from
target, to the change in the output gap, to money demand shocks and to the lagged
interest rate. In the second part [...] from 1979 to 1998 quite well. This
result is robust to the use of real-time or ex post data and to the consideration of serially
correlated errors. The main lesson is that, in addition to anchoring long-term [...] rate rules feature a response to the
lagged interest rate, to deviations of inflation from target, to the change in the output
gap and possibly, but not necessarily, to short-run movements of money
for the whole period. Due to the estimation strategy we need for each firm at
least two observations within one period to be able to calculate a growth rate. This leads to
an unbalanced panel data [...] does not refer to single years but rather to time periods as described in
Chapter 3. Also remember, that we need at least two observations of a firm within one time
period to be able to calculate yearly [...] process to the prices, this might – depending on
the demand elasticity – increase the demand for the product. This increase in demand might
then lead to an increase in employment.
To sum up
for the whole period. Due to the estimation strategy we need for each firm at
least two observations within one period to be able to calculate a growth rate. This leads to
an unbalanced panel data [...] does not refer to single years but rather to time periods as described in
Chapter 3. Also remember, that we need at least two observations of a firm within one time
period to be able to calculate yearly [...] process to the prices, this might – depending on
the demand elasticity – increase the demand for the product. This increase in demand might
then lead to an increase in employment.
To sum up
management concept with
IT as a critical enabling technology. To answer the question if there could be any financial
benefit effects due to implementation of BPM an analysis was made based on secondary [...] Within the scope of this
work, a study (diploma thesis) was carried out to analyse relevant studies in this field and
to supplement these findings with practical cases done by own field research [...] The focus of the study is to prove that consequent implementation of Business Process
Management not just results in qualitative but also in financial benefits. In order to prove
that these financial
management concept with
IT as a critical enabling technology. To answer the question if there could be any financial
benefit effects due to implementation of BPM an analysis was made based on secondary [...] Within the scope of this
work, a study (diploma thesis) was carried out to analyse relevant studies in this field and
to supplement these findings with practical cases done by own field research [...] The focus of the study is to prove that consequent implementation of Business Process
Management not just results in qualitative but also in financial benefits. In order to prove
that these financial
the central bank to reduce its
response to current inflation, thus enabling it to avoid inefficient reactions to cost push
One reason why we consider these results to be interesting [...] Taylor rule and to 6.2% (6.4%) for the speed limit rule.
One explanation for the welfare gain compared to the standard rules is that responding
to money growth allows the central bank to reduce its [...] response to inflation in both the
TRM and the SPLM rule, thus enabling it to avoid inefficient reactions to cost push
shocks. By contrast, augmenting the speed limit rule with a response to the output
represents the state of technology. In order to be able to represent all
economically relevant information of the underlying technology, the cost function must meet cer-
tain regularity conditions: C must [...] public sector are not included. The data for Germany refer to West
Germany until 1990 and to unified Germany from 1991 onwards. In order to eliminate the “outlier”
in the growth rates for 1991, we include [...] defensive reaction to the threat of unemployment. This poses the following question: Are the labour
market institutions also endogenous in respect to the employment thresholds? This seems to be less
represents the state of technology. In order to be able to represent all
economically relevant information of the underlying technology, the cost function must meet cer-
tain regularity conditions: C must [...] public sector are not included. The data for Germany refer to West
Germany until 1990 and to unified Germany from 1991 onwards. In order to eliminate the “outlier”
in the growth rates for 1991, we include [...] defensive reaction to the threat of unemployment. This poses the following question: Are the labour
market institutions also endogenous in respect to the employment thresholds? This seems to be less
represents the state of technology. In order to be able to represent all
economically relevant information of the underlying technology, the cost function must meet cer-
tain regularity conditions: C must [...] public sector are not included. The data for Germany refer to West
Germany until 1990 and to unified Germany from 1991 onwards. In order to eliminate the “outlier”
in the growth rates for 1991, we include [...] defensive reaction to the threat of unemployment. This poses the following question: Are the labour
market institutions also endogenous in respect to the employment thresholds? This seems to be less
steht allen Studieren-den zu Verfügung
( oder http:// Aktuell unterstützt Blackboard
über 100 Lehrveranstaltungen in unterschiedlichen [...] n Meeting (ESAM),
Brisbane, Juli 2007
• 34th Conference of the European Association for Re-
search in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Valencia, Sep-
tember 2007
• Far Eastern Meeting of [...] e Patentanmeldung Nr. 07008635.0-
2424 vom 27.04.2007
• Höß, A., Steuerer, M.: CAN connected to FlexRay - a
basic idea of the conversion process of FlexRay and
CAN data; Embedded World
Based on the model of Türk (“Pathologie der
Organisation”) a questionnaire has been developed to perform expert interviews. The
results show that pathological patterns exist and their impact on [...] patterns
are also considered. As a result of the findings the following actions are suggested to
improve the labour situation in companies. For example, focused behavioural
management training [...] etc. und deren
permanente Weiterentwicklung) hinzu. Auch die Analyse von Fehlern (lessons
learned) und die Erfassung und Nutzung bisher nicht angewandter alternativer
Lösungswege sollten Bestandteil
Based on the model of Türk (“Pathologie der
Organisation”) a questionnaire has been developed to perform expert interviews. The
results show that pathological patterns exist and their impact on [...] patterns
are also considered. As a result of the findings the following actions are suggested to
improve the labour situation in companies. For example, focused behavioural
management training [...] etc. und deren
permanente Weiterentwicklung) hinzu. Auch die Analyse von Fehlern (lessons
learned) und die Erfassung und Nutzung bisher nicht angewandter alternativer
Lösungswege sollten Bestandteil
Studienplan festgelegt sein.
(7) Einzelne Veranstaltungen können auch virtuell in Form von E-Learning oder Videokonferenzen stattfinden.
(8) Ein Anspruch darauf, dass der Masterstudiengang bei [...] 3D-Computeranimation 4 SU/Ü/Pr schr. P. 90 – 180 oder
From Real to Virtual /
4 SU/Ü/Pr schr. P. 90 – 180 oder
potentials of use for e-
learning. On the basis of a framework the question is pursued to what extent today’s solutions also
assure sustained success. It turns out that e-learning obviously has not found [...] Gradmesser für
den Erfolg von E-Learning.
3 Gestaltungsfelder für eine nachhaltige Implementierung von E-Learning
Zur Beschreibung der gegenwärtigen Situation von E-Learning an den bayerischen Fachh [...] Ansbach, E-Learning-Einsatz in die
Zielvereinbarung aufzunehmen, versuchte die Hochschule den Rückstand aufzuholen und installierte
einen Arbeitskreis E-Learning und ein Kompetenzzentrum E-Learning. Der
potentials of use for e-
learning. On the basis of a framework the question is pursued to what extent today’s solutions also
assure sustained success. It turns out that e-learning obviously has not found [...] Gradmesser für
den Erfolg von E-Learning.
3 Gestaltungsfelder für eine nachhaltige Implementierung von E-Learning
Zur Beschreibung der gegenwärtigen Situation von E-Learning an den bayerischen Fachh [...] Ansbach, E-Learning-Einsatz in die
Zielvereinbarung aufzunehmen, versuchte die Hochschule den Rückstand aufzuholen und installierte
einen Arbeitskreis E-Learning und ein Kompetenzzentrum E-Learning. Der
chance to capture
this coin migration and the mixing process of coins in different euro countries. Based on
research by Stoyan we find that per day approximately 150,000 1-euro coins flow to
Germany [...] 1-euro coins in Germany will be of foreign origin. These
figures, which were indirectly derived, seem to be economically justified.
JEL: C61, E41
Schlüsselwörter: Euro-Münzen, Geldfluss, [...] Differenzengleichung für
diese Flows zur Zeit t und tt Δ+ aufstellen:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )to
DDDD Δ+Δ−Δ+=Δ+ αα (1)
Dabei stellt αΔtNDA(t)/NA
chance to capture
this coin migration and the mixing process of coins in different euro countries. Based on
research by Stoyan we find that per day approximately 150,000 1-euro coins flow to
Germany [...] 1-euro coins in Germany will be of foreign origin. These
figures, which were indirectly derived, seem to be economically justified.
JEL: C61, E41
Schlüsselwörter: Euro-Münzen, Geldfluss, [...] Differenzengleichung für
diese Flows zur Zeit t und tt Δ+ aufstellen:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )to
DDDD Δ+Δ−Δ+=Δ+ αα (1)
Dabei stellt αΔtNDA(t)/NA
chance to capture
this coin migration and the mixing process of coins in different euro countries. Based on
research by Stoyan we find that per day approximately 150,000 1-euro coins flow to
Germany [...] 1-euro coins in Germany will be of foreign origin. These
figures, which were indirectly derived, seem to be economically justified.
JEL: C61, E41
Schlüsselwörter: Euro-Münzen, Geldfluss, [...] Differenzengleichung für
diese Flows zur Zeit t und tt Δ+ aufstellen:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )to
DDDD Δ+Δ−Δ+=Δ+ αα (1)
Dabei stellt αΔtNDA(t)/NA
build a bridge to the Eastern European states.
They belong to the metropolitan region of Nuremberg.
As you can see, there are many good
reasons to come to Amberg and/or
Weiden to study.
One University [...] nWeidenWeiden”
and the “Association to support the University in Association to support the University in Association to support the University in Association to support the University in WeidenWeide [...] engineering programmes.
The University Amberg-Weiden aims to help young women with a successful final degree and to give support to a
later career. Contact person is the women’s representative of
closed order
quantity of a product is manufactured in each case, is located it arises thus the task to
determine the cost-optimized lot size. Storage costs, setup costs and capital freeze costs
affect [...] computation a model is developed, which can be used in the series and sort
manufacturing, in order to reach an optimization of the lot size and thus the cash-flow of
an enterprise.
D24, L14, L62
[...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
closed order
quantity of a product is manufactured in each case, is located it arises thus the task to
determine the cost-optimized lot size. Storage costs, setup costs and capital freeze costs
affect [...] computation a model is developed, which can be used in the series and sort
manufacturing, in order to reach an optimization of the lot size and thus the cash-flow of
an enterprise.
D24, L14, L62
[...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
limited, Auxiliaries
have to be switched off as much as possible and the
vehicle speed is restricted to a few km/h, e.g. with a
step up chopper from battery to dc-link to about 4km/h.
The vehicle battery [...] special attention was paid to
reduction of the running times.
However it’s possible to use the booster effect thanks
to additional energy from the energy storage in another
way – to optimize the energy saving [...] and doesn’t need to be supplied to some-
times far away consumers.
It results in reduced losses in the catenary system.
With this simulation it could be proven that it is possible to
reduce the number
Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To a)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To n)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] = 0
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To t + 1
If h(i) = 0 Then dd(i) = h(i - 1) Else dd(i) = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
If Abs(WorksheetFunction.Small(dd, i)) = 0 Then GoTo sprung Else _
reldd(i) = Abs(W
Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To a)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To n)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] = 0
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To t + 1
If h(i) = 0 Then dd(i) = h(i - 1) Else dd(i) = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
If Abs(WorksheetFunction.Small(dd, i)) = 0 Then GoTo sprung Else _
reldd(i) = Abs(W
Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To a)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To n)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] = 0
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To t + 1
If h(i) = 0 Then dd(i) = h(i - 1) Else dd(i) = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
If Abs(WorksheetFunction.Small(dd, i)) = 0 Then GoTo sprung Else _
reldd(i) = Abs(W