Similar regulations apply to studies leading to a Staatsprüfung. The level of
qualification is equivalent to the Master level.
- Integrated studies at Universitäten (U) last 4 to 5 years (Diplom degree [...] ation of Programmes and Degrees
To ensure quality and comparability of qualifications, the organization of studies and general degree requirements have to conform to
principles and regulations established [...] credits corresponding to
one semester.
8.4.1 Bachelor
Bachelor degree study programmes lay the academic foundations, provide methodological skills and lead to qualifications
related to the professional
Similar regulations apply to studies leading to a Staatsprüfung. The level of
qualification is equivalent to the Master level.
- Integrated studies at Universitäten (U) last 4 to 5 years (Diplom degree [...] ation of Programmes and Degrees
To ensure quality and comparability of qualifications, the organization of studies and general degree requirements have to conform to
principles and regulations established [...] credits corresponding to
one semester.
8.4.1 Bachelor
Bachelor degree study programmes lay the academic foundations, provide methodological skills and lead to qualifications
related to the professional
coefficients of the lagged day-to-day rate sum to +0.86. This means that the Bundesbank prefered steady and smooth operating procedures to volatile money market rates. This corresponds to the medium-term orientation [...] shocks have no real effects at all.
standard In trying to identify asymmetric effects it is necessary to specify a central bank reaction function to assess the stance of monetary policy. Many of the above [...] presents the empirical analysis. To test for asymmetric reactions I use different regression approaches. The task is to first identify the stance of monetary policy and then to test for asymmetries. It is analyzed
technology Educational Technology Digital teaching and didactics: theories of multimedia learning for teaching/learning guidance, development of teaching and training concepts and more Video production, animation [...] Facts Competence Fields Site Map Our Study Programs News and Events Events Downloads Staff Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science Numbers and Facts over 1005 students [...] green screen technology and lightboard, e.g. for inverted classroom scenarios Immersive teaching and learning in augmented and virtual worlds Modern technologies and authoring tools for teaching development
Intelligence Innovation and Competence Center is to bundle and network AI expertise at the university and beyond, to promote transfer to companies in the region, and to strengthen the working and research conditions [...] the university is of particular importance in order to strengthen the innovative power and competitiveness of the region and, last but not least, to maintain and enhance jobs. The strategic goal of the [...] n building right next to the OTH site in Amberg), provide the necessary infrastructure and innovative spirit. Last but not least, a special raw material for the university is to be tapped through cooperation
for students. To AViS Learning Partners Exchange Many things are easier with a partner, including learning. Students at OTH Amberg-Weiden can find suitable learning partners via the Learning Partners Exchange [...] rather buy second-hand? Or do you want to get rid of things that are no longer of use to you but could provide valuable services to someone else? Then you've come to the right place on the OTH Amberg-Weiden's [...] looking for tutoring or want to pass on your knowledge to fellow students, you can also post tutoring offers and requests in the Learning Partners Exchange . Click here to enter
biblatex: biber anstatt bibtex)
• Webartikel "What to do to switch to biblatex?"
author = {{Apache [...]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph P. Neumann [...] Neumann
Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes
____ to ____.
This year, ____ received many submissions. In order to speed
up the review process, some low-quality papers will be
rejected directly based on TPC chairs' judgement.
We regret to inform [...] used with nouns referring to people, groups of
people, countries, and animals.
• No "Deep Learning's role in…", because DL is not a person!!!
→ "The role of Deep Learning in…"
• Lesen Sie zu weiteren [...] der Conf-Deadline!]:
• Research and Experience papers are limited to 10 pages excluding references
• Position papers are limited to 6 pages excluding references.
• Candidate Workshops:
• Workshop
criteria (Sections 11 to 20 BayStudAkkV) is checked in particular by external experts, the Quality Management and Accreditation Unit primarily checks the formal criteria (Sections 3 to 10 BayStudAkkV). It [...] procedures. This means that the university itself is responsible for ensuring that its degree programmes meet the recognised quality standards and that its courses are developed further. As a result of the system
society and politics, universities, schools, consumers and companies in order to jointly develop an effective approach to meeting the challenges of social, environmental and economic responsibility. HOCH-N [...] lity activities. We would like to share the experience we have gained so far in living sustainability with other partner universities and make a valuable contribution to sustainable development through [...] alliance was expanded to include the partners Strahlfeld Monastery (report) and Speinshart Monastery (report). The partners are integrated into the concept of Innovative Learning Places (ILO) of the OTH
need someone to
listen to you
Amberg MB/UT E07
Weiden main building C011
Advice and Support
… with the organization of studies
... with learning difficulties [...] … for prospective students with a
refugee background
Activities, events and workshops
How to learn efficiently | | BBB
International Buddy Program | International Students
Similar regulations apply to studies leading to a Staatsprüfung. The level of
qualification is equivalent to the Master level.
- Integrated studies at Universitäten (U) last 4 to 5 years (Diplom degree [...] tation of Programmes and Degrees
To ensure quality and comparability of qualifications, the organization of studies and general degree requirements have to conform to
principles and regulations established [...] credits corresponding to
one semester.
8.4.1 Bachelor
Bachelor degree study programmes lay the academic foundations, provide methodological skills and lead to qualifications
related to the professional
Studienplan festgelegt sein.
(7) Einzelne Veranstaltungen können auch virtuell in Form von E-Learning oder Videokonferenzen stattfinden.
(8) Ein Anspruch darauf, dass der Masterstudiengang bei [...] 3D-Computeranimation 4 SU/Ü/Pr schr. P. 90 – 180 oder
From Real to Virtual /
4 SU/Ü/Pr schr. P. 90 – 180 oder
Intelligente mobile Systeme
Mobile Robotik,
reinforcement learning
Persönlicher Werdegang
Thomas Nierhoff
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [...] maschinelles Lernen
Robert Bosch GmbH:
Autonomes Fahren
Bosch Center for AI:
Robotik, deep learning
O/HUB – Gründungsförderung an der OTH [...] • Scouting
• Sensibilisierung
• Lehre
• Beratung
• Partnerschaften
• International
„Meet the Entrepreneur“
Beschreibung: Sensibilisierung durch Gründerinnen und Gründer in Kursen der
with the subject-specific and linguistic skills to be able to enter the German labour market at the beginning of the practical semester and to be able to complete the third study section partly in German [...] in the applicant portal. Admission Requirements Would you like to apply for the Industrial Engineering degree programme? For admission to the OTH Amberg-Weiden you need 1. University Entrance Qualification [...] Skills Due to the unique profile of the degree programme, the following regulations also apply: - All applicants* must also provide proof of English language proficiency at B2 level according to the Common
programmed to activate
certain buttons or functions of a computer (reference to figure
8). It can be used to control a computer and to communicate
Figure 8. GRID 2 communication software
to sustain [...] vehicles are located, it is possible
to react according to the situation that has arisen or to
a situation that is about to arise, as in the case of route
overlaps. In order to distribute this information, a [...] system. To use the additional components, the system needs to
be linked to der VoiceXML server. Since this VUI is intended
to run completely offline, these components can not be used.
In order to only use
a tendency to aggravate, which in all probability will in future lead to the inability to cope with the stresses and strains of the studies (expert medical opinion). 1.2 Applicant who had to give up his [...] school may refuse to prepare an expert report; it will refuse to do so in particular if the findings necessary for the expert report cannot be made due to a lack of knowledge about the person to be evaluated [...] representative. Not meeting this deadline will render the admission invalid! Please point out the importance of the deadlines to the person you have authorised! Failure by the authorised person to do so will result
you have to meet during your studies. The first one is the the application deadline. If you click here and then press the orange button "Hier geht es direkt zur Bewerbung", you will be guided to another [...] lectures. This deadline changes yearly and depends on the the study program you are in. You also have to meet several deadlines during your studies, for example re-registration, registration for examinations [...] another site with all the application deadlines and information as to whether the application is still open or already closed. You can also look up the application periods here . The next deadline is the imm
not want to
travel a longer distance to get to the next Farmer`s Market, where they could buy sea-
sonal, fresh vegetables and fruits for example. Initiatives to shift the marketplace to loca-
[...] heavily improved to be more ethical and environmentally friendly. To
my mind, it shows that our society, especially the authorities, have learned from the
past mistakes and started to work together [...] resemble different kinds of solid waste that used to be a big problem.
However, I see it as a metaphor for learning how to cope with waste and how to make
the best of it within the framework of the
standard 2. to make provision for enabling the student to attend classes accompanying the practical training semester and to participate in examinations,
standard 3. to review and sign the report to be drawn [...] the student,
standard 4. to issue a certificate in time informing about a successful completion of the practical training (according to the respective requirements for meeting the educational goal of the [...] (1)
The practical training company is obliged
standard 1. to give the student professional training and supervision from _________________ to ________________ (= ______ weeks) for the duration of the
standard 2. to make provision for enabling the student to attend classes accompanying the practical training semester and to participate in examinations,
standard 3. to review and sign the report to be drawn [...] the student,
standard 4. to issue a certificate in time informing about a successful completion of the practical training (according to the respective requirements for meeting the educational goal of the [...] (1)
The practical training company is obliged
standard 1. to give the student professional training and supervision from _________________ to ________________ (= ______ weeks) for the duration of the
standard 2. to make provision for enabling the student to attend classes accompanying the practical training semester and to participate in examinations,
standard 3. to review and sign the report to be drawn [...] the student,
standard 4. to issue a certificate in time informing about a successful completion of the practical training (according to the respective requirements for meeting the educational goal of the [...] (1)
The practical training company is obliged
standard 1. to give the student professional training and supervision from _________________ to ________________ (= ______ weeks) for the duration of the
standard 2. to make provision for enabling the student to attend classes accompanying the practical training semester and to participate in examinations,
standard 3. to review and sign the report to be drawn [...] the student,
standard 4. to issue a certificate in time informing about a successful completion of the practical training (according to the respective requirements for meeting the educational goal of the [...] (1)
The practical training company is obliged
standard 1. to give the student professional training and supervision from _________________ to ________________ (= ______ weeks) for the duration of the
standard 2. to make provision for enabling the student to attend classes accompanying the practical training semester and to participate in examinations,
standard 3. to review and sign the report to be drawn [...] the student,
standard 4. to issue a certificate in time informing about a successful completion of the practical training (according to the respective requirements for meeting the educational goal of the [...] (1)
The practical training company is obliged
standard 1. to give the student professional training and supervision from _________________ to ________________ (= ______ weeks) for the duration of the
standard 2. to make provision for enabling the student to attend classes accompanying the practical training semester and to participate in examinations,
standard 3. to review and sign the report to be drawn [...] the student,
standard 4. to issue a certificate in time informing about a successful completion of the practical training (according to the respective requirements for meeting the educational goal of the [...] (1)
The practical training company is obliged
standard 1. to give the student professional training and supervision from _________________ to ________________ (= ______ weeks) for the duration of the