acting dependent on political
decisions. Hospitals run by the Protestant and Catholic Church have to exist in the
competition of the health market. Is it an antagonistic contradiction or compatible under [...] Altersversorgung für
den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
averages about several years, but her trend component. 2) We use a long
estimation period from 1960 to 2000 what guarantees enough variation of the institutions within the
single countries. 3) We admit [...] Evidence. Economic Journal 110, C1-C33.
Eichorst, W., Feil, M. und C. Braun (2008), What Have we Learned? Assessing Labor Market
Institutions and Indicators. IAB Discussion Paper 22/2008.
Flaig, G [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
according to indicative appraisal models for the art. Art properties in national
possession do not have a market purpose separate to possess social values and
functions, which it is valid to receive. [...] For this it is necessary to got transparency over
spends for preservation of real assets.
JEL: H72, H83, H87
Schlüsselwörter: Kunst- und Kulturgüter, Erhaltungsaufwand, Bilanz, Bewertungs-
r [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
company, which the SME's can meet effectively only by co-operation. These co-
operation are successful in the operational business on the way. How measurably
successful they are, is to be investigated with this [...] Network Scorecard als Instrument der Erfolgsmessung in virtuellen Unternehmen ...... 24
5.2. Cash to Cash Cycle ....................................................................................... [...] K., Walther, J.( 2007), S. 3
4 Vgl. ebenda
5 Vgl.: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants (2008): How to navigate the turbulent waters of the automotive crises
Anteil am Pr
high bonus for risk. Those
instruments, apart from accumulating means, are used to transfer risk to investors and to allocate it
depending on individual preferences. Lack of investment-related security [...] level to GDP. The influence of moral hazard on the behavior of financial market
participants is difficult to measure. On the basis of theoretical analysis we know that it exists but,
due to complexity [...]
information provided to depositors is simultaneously provided to the investors using the protection.
However, the directive doesn’t state which compensation system is to be introduced into the legal
a German company. It is not limited to
well-defined sectors or to the size of the target firm. To facilitate the process it is not
mandatory for investors to “signal” an acquisition. Rather the [...] SWFs so that their assets rose to approximately 45% of their foreign exchange reserves (Beck
and Fidora 2008). Several countries started early to transfer reserves to SWFs. The United
Arabian Emirates [...] compared to official foreign
exchange reserves of less than $200 billion. China and Russia were latecomers in this respect.
Only recently they started to transfer currency reserves to SWFs. Therefore
Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To a)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To n)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] = 0
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To t + 1
If h(i) = 0 Then dd(i) = h(i - 1) Else dd(i) = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
If Abs(WorksheetFunction.Small(dd, i)) = 0 Then GoTo sprung Else _
reldd(i) = Abs(W
closed order
quantity of a product is manufactured in each case, is located it arises thus the task to
determine the cost-optimized lot size. Storage costs, setup costs and capital freeze costs
affect [...] computation a model is developed, which can be used in the series and sort
manufacturing, in order to reach an optimization of the lot size and thus the cash-flow of
an enterprise.
D24, L14, L62
[...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
chance to capture
this coin migration and the mixing process of coins in different euro countries. Based on
research by Stoyan we find that per day approximately 150,000 1-euro coins flow to
Germany [...] 1-euro coins in Germany will be of foreign origin. These
figures, which were indirectly derived, seem to be economically justified.
JEL: C61, E41
Schlüsselwörter: Euro-Münzen, Geldfluss, [...] Differenzengleichung für
diese Flows zur Zeit t und tt Δ+ aufstellen:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )to
DDDD Δ+Δ−Δ+=Δ+ αα (1)
Dabei stellt αΔtNDA(t)/NA
Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany, to explore whether and to what extent
the resilience theory is applicable to sustainable development in general and in particular to finding solutions
to tackle global warming, [...] theory is likely to provide a sound basis of the development of powerful strategies
to drive sustainable development. In order to keep the Earth System resilient, efforts must be
made to sustain its [...] development and its longevity.
• To foster the auto-regulative capacity of the triade it is of crucial importance to strengthen its
ability to continuously change and adapt to the ever changing site-specific
if they influence the market structure via product
differentiation. This could lead to higher prices and to less output increases and employment
changes than expected. The impacts of innovations [...] depending on the additional indirect effects on the produced output, which is related to the
prevailing market structure and to the price elasticity of product demand.4
There are only few empirical studies [...] (1995), Smolny/Schneeweis (1996) and Smolny (1996))5. These
studies are partly - due to the underlying data - limited to cross-section analysis; partly they are
based on pooled data, but the heterogeneity
The data available to us on the advantages of individual payment instruments are no
better than those available to the market participants, which is why we leave it to them
to decide on the most suitable [...] and
benefits of payment instruments so as to be in a position to contribute to a factual
debate in terms of determining the framework conditions to ensure a smooth settle-
ment of payments. The study will [...] consumers. The suppliers, in turn, must meet
their expenditure for providing payment transaction services from their earnings. In
addition to the fees which they have to pay to payment service providers, consumers
References in publications to ROME Discussion Papers
(other than an acknowledgment that the writer has had access to unpublished material) should be
cleared with the author(s) to protect the tentative character [...]
What role does (should) money play in modern central banking? To answer this question, it is
necessary to distinguish between the different level playing fields of monetary policy. At [...] relative to interbank deposits. First, central bank balances carry
no default risk. No private bank or other financial firm can match this. Second, central banks typically
provide access to liquidity
how it can steer actual
inflation to its target rate. As monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative
change of the price level has to be equal to the relative change in the nominal money [...] services. This is important because banks, compared to financial
markets, have an information advantage when it comes to granting credit to a debtor
due to their close monitoring and experiences they made [...] References in publications to ROME Discussion Papers
(other than an acknowledgment that the writer has had access to unpublished material) should be
cleared with the author(s) to protect the tentative character
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from the 1970s to 1998 can be captured by a standard Taylor rule according to which the central
bank responds to the output gap and to deviations of inflation from target, but not to monetary
growth. [...] in the output gap (which is equivalent to growth in output relative to growth in potential)
as well as the (real-time) growth rate of money relative to target to the set of explanatory
variables in the [...] were thus intended
to anchor long-term inflation expectations as well as the trend rate of inflation. Another
important aspect was to give guidance to other policy makers, especially to fiscal and
wage policy
Reserve Board has to report to the Congress every six months about the envisaged monetary and credit developments. The Fed is, however, not required to meet these targets and failure to do so does not impose [...] (monetary) policymakers’ incentive to deviate ex post from ex ante announcements and to create surprise inflation to modify the real value of nominal contracts, for example to achieve short-term employment [...] principal’s interest. Walsh (1995a) proposed to tie the central banker’s personal compensation to inflation performance in order to increase the latter’s incentives to deliver price stability.
Riksbank that are considered
to be of interest to a wider public.
The papers are to be regarded as reports on ongoing studies
and the authors will be pleased to receive comments.
The opinions [...] will therefore
have to use some proxies.
While there are reasonable proxies for the seasonal factor of the transaction balance (to be
explained below), it is harder to find and argue for hoarding [...] misleading as cash holdings usually increase with
nominal GDP. Thus, to do a sensible international comparison we need to relate CiC to nominal
GDP. This ratio is shown in Figure 2. We can distinguish
it can steer
actual inflation to its target rate. As monetary neutrality
is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price
level has to be equal to the relative change in the
nominal [...] difficult to gauge.
The reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’
portfolio adjustments in response to aggregate demand
and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed
[...] is likely to increase the cost of producing
goods (C), which also decreases Vm.
In order to address these questions in more detail, it
seems reasonable to extend this NM model to directly
Franz Seitz
the Constitution gives to Congress the power to coin money and set its value – a power
that, in the 1913 act, Congress itself delegated to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Re-
serve [...] monetary aggregates to spending, the behavior of the ag-
gregates relative to their annual ranges will likely be of limited use in guiding policy
(...), and the Federal Reserve will continue to utilize a broad [...] of monetary policy was intended to be the discount rate, which was set and oper-
ated independently by each Reserve Bank, although the Board invested with some authority to review
discount policy.“ MEADE
aggregates. The data referred to western Germany up to the end of the second quarter of 1990 and to Germany as a whole from the third quarter of 1990. This means that it was unnecessary to model the different jumps [...] thing to do here is not to select the monetary components beforehand but, instead, to examine which financial assets can provide monetary services. For reasons of comparability we restricted them to the [...] advance. Its aim in doing so is to achieve its primary objective of fighting inflation as efficiently and effectively as possible.� It was the first central bank to switch to a monetary policy strategy of
expect the two regimes to
correspond to the normal and ‘inverted’ yield
curve, and for the bank–public spread to the
normal and ‘widened’ spread. The observed
spread series Y is assumed to be drawn fromFig. [...] may be due
to the differential response of the Bundesbank
to under- and overshootings of its monetary
target, raising rates in response to an overshoot-
ing but not lowering them in response to
overshooting [...] for Germany, so we adopt a methodology
similar to that in Artis et al. (1995) to identify
7 inflation cycle turning points. We assume thatAccording to Von Hagen (1999), the call rate has been the
state of the technology. In order to be able to
represent all economically relevant information of the underlying technology the variable cost
function must meet certain regularity conditions (Lau [...] for constant returns to scale. To do this the
restrictions in (17) were examined both individually and simultaneously with the Wald test. The
hypothesis of constant returns to scale was rejected (Wald [...] parameters of this restriction proved to be insignificant (t-values: -
0.56 and -0.56), these parameters were set equal to zero for the final estimation in order to
achieve the most efficient specification
account for the problem that arises in data due to
German reunification. All data up to 1990 refer to former West Germany; all data since 1991 refer to
Germany. We also tested several other lengths of [...] period. Due to the estimation strategy of calculating growth rates, we need
for each firm at least two observations within one period to be able to calculate a growth
rate. This leads to an unbalanced [...] This increasing demand leads to an increase in employment in the
innovating firm. But the innovation can also lead to a (temporary) monopoly of the firm
or at least to a very high market share of
represents the state of technology. In order to be able to represent all
economically relevant information of the underlying technology, the cost function must meet cer-
tain regularity conditions: C [...] public sector are not included. The data for Germany refer to West Germany until 1990
and to unified Germany from 1991 onwards. In order to eliminate the “outlier” in the growth rates
for 1991, [...] /PDFXNoTrimBoxError true
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