supply factors to demonstrate that
cash has to keep a vital role as a means of payment not only to maintain its status of a highly liquid
store-of-value but also as an efficient tool to combat crises [...] population is still accustomed to banknotes and coins in its payment habits. In addition,
there must be a robust cash infrastructure to ensure a well-functioning cash cycle to meet the
demand for cash [...]
declined from 2009 to 2020 from 54% to 21% and stayed roughly at that level in the following
years. Interestingly, the value shares also fell from 2009 to 2020, from 23% to 9%, but
resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who otherwise will have
no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
(2.1) to (2.3). All three parties conclude the contract provided that the
contractually agreed payments (per project) to the entrepreneur, to the bank, and to the
household are in line with (2.1) to (2.4) [...] reduces the ability to fund investment.
Finally, an economy prone to a simultaneous monetary policy and macroprudential
policy shock responds almost equally to an economy prone to a single monetary policy [...] minimum return that is necessary to induce bankers to monitor is given by
t = µIt
, (2.2)
and the minimum return that is necessary to induce entrepreneurs to choose the project
variant without
disposable income is to be understood as an approximation. In a
liquidity analysis, it would be more appropriate to use income adjusted for taxes and
transfers as a starting point, but not to deduct imputed [...] calculated according to equation (4). It becomes obvious that the time-
dependent burden ratio over the term of the mortgage reacts to a
change in the inflation rate ( ) and to a change in the monetary [...] burden switches from positive to negative values
compared to the scenario of price stability (base scenario).
Four scenarios are considered. The impact of inflation to the mortgage
interest rate
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] decisions in Germany and discuss them in their international contexts.
Concrete examples are ment to explain economical problems and chances in one.
Within the analysis, Schulte and Wörster pay [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF.“
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 „Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?“
von Heribert Popp und
companies with higher ESG
scores were more likely to leave Russia. This seems to justify the high ethical standards
attributed to such stocks, leading to the aforementioned protective effect.
So did [...] for the economic ties to Russia and
Ukraine has to be considered. After all, the degree of economic dependency to Russia
5. When using characteristics that are related to the social pillar of ESG [...] the risk-return
patterns of stocks.1 To achieve this, it is essential to gain a deeper understanding of
the risk-return patterns, with particular attention to tail-risks and their interconnec-
high interest payments to the banks since the change of the monetary policy
course due to high inflation, combined with low income for the high securities holdings,
led to massive criticism. The [...] Eurosystem and also Deutsche Bundesbank will make losses in 2023, which are
likely to last for several years. Due to massive purchases of securities over the last 10
years, especially government bonds [...] through, e.g., a drastic increase in the minimum reserve ratios in the
Eurosystem to reduce excess reserves do not appear to be helpful and pose new
problems. Ultimately, states have benefited from h
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] their article on concrete
examples from the international and worldwide crisis years from 2020 to 2022.
Within the business ethics analysis, Schulte and Wörster pay special attention on the law [...] oder Medien kann man sich der markanten Bewerbung von Bioprodukten nicht entziehen;
Kleidung, To-go-Geschirr, Speisen und Getränke, Kosmetika etc. werden mit spürbarer
Priorität vermarktet und
first have to transfer money from their TARGET-PM
accounts to their TIPS-DCA before they can use it for instant payments (see figure 8a). The
time to transfer funds from TARGET-PM accounts to TIPS-DCA [...] area countries, but its volume is subject to approval by
1 Some NCBs also provide accounts to nonbanks such as private households and enterprises , but only to
a very limited extent.
2 Since the [...] Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to store
information on a blockchain or “account-based” giving money holders access to ordinary
central bank accounts. According to the latest survey by the Bank for
Value Weighted Distance to Default
Figure 1. Value weighted distance-to-default of EMU+ from January 1993 to June 2020.
2.2. Creation of the Bank spread factor
To proxy the distress in the banking [...] in the banking sector to spillover to the cross-section of stocks
belonging to the so-called ‘real economy.’ Third, US banks are more active in stock
markets, in contrast to their European counterparts [...] from June 1999
to June 2020, we need to start collecting data from 1993 onward. Considering the
calculation of DDs, we need one year of data in advance. We lose further five years to
perform varying
there were
fears that the re-setting of computer program dates in order to adjust for the new millennium
would have led to a shutdown of important institutions like public utilities, but also the [...] in October 2008, the resulting financial turmoil in the US
quickly scaled up to a global financial crisis and led to a visible increase in cash demand
worldwide (see figure 1). However, this increase [...] Data refer to cash or banknotes in circulation.
Source: National central banks.
Obviously, there was a structural difference between the financial crisis 2008 and Y2K with
respect to cash demand
paper, the Dunning-Kruger-Effect, complementary to the original
study by Dunning and Kruger, is investigated in different age groups in
order to find out whether the Dunning-Kruger-Effect is more [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] in the
competence area of foreign languages. Furthermore, it was researched that
men tend to overestimate themselves more than women. However, there
was no prove within the research that the
discipline seems not to wane in re-
sponse to expansionary shocks to monetary policy that bring down borrowing cost.
Thus, although government debt rose (Figure 1) relative to GDP between 2006 and [...] expansionary shock is assumed to raise the stock
price due to a lower discount rate and to decrease the interest swaps. Leombroni
et al. (2020) calculate a risk premium shock to monetary policy by exploiting [...] 18According to Bini Smaghi (2013), the ECB’s role changed radically in the course of the
sovereign debt crisis: ”The ability to push government authorities to make decisions contrary
to their immediate
projection method to analyze the reaction of house prices,
mortgage loans and mortgage lending rates to surprises in monetary policy that can
be related to unconventional measures. We refer to the shock [...] side-effects of loose monetary policy points to financial
instability risks. In particular, housing busts in response to a surge in house prices
due to low interest rates might be a potentially d [...] h = 0, 1, 2, 3...H to generate
a sequence of the θh’s. We use the method of Driscoll and Kraay (1998) to obtain
heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors that are robust to very general forms
Watson: Introduction to Econometrics. 3. Aufl., Pearson Education, New
York 2015.
Wooldridge, J.M.: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach. 6. Aufl., Cengage
Learning, Boston 2016.
[...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] 90 (1995), Nr. 430, S.
Card, D.: Using Geographic Variation in College Proximity to Estimate the Return on
Schooling, in: Christophides, L.N., E.K. Grant, R. Swidinsky (Hrsg.): Aspects
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] Sveriges Riksbank, Economic Commentaries
No. 9, 15 October 2020.
Jobst, C & H Stix (2017), Doomed to Disappear? The surprising return of cash across time and
across countries, CEPR Discussion Paper No [...] Gladstone & S. Lyubomirsky (2016), How your Bank Balance Buys
Happiness: The importance of “cash on hand” to life satisfaction, Emotion 16, 575–580.
Seitz, F. (1995), Der DM-Umlauf im Ausland, Diskussionspapier
Weisendorf, Germany) appeared.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the meaning of surface contamination in respect to fracture
mechanism. To avoid fracture of the screw M6 of the MRP Titan System we [...] adapter failures in hip replacement.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the meaning of surface contamination in respect to fracture
of the locking screw of the MRP Titan Revision System (Peter [...] version to fit the physiologic anterior bow of the femur in 200 mm length. 260 mm
and 320 mm curved stems with two distal transverse drill holes are also available, providing
the possibility to use
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] summary
of the current situation by basing their text on concrete examples, which happened from may to
september 2020.
Within the business ethics analysis, Schulte and Wörster pay special attention [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF.“
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 „Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?“
von Heribert Popp und
opportunity to increase the
customer satisfaction. In order to analyze, which features help to achieve this
enhancement, the Kano method can be applied. This customer-oriented research
method allows to find [...] proper size and the description of products by means of bullet points have to
be prioritized on the website to improve the product detail
page and increase customer satisfaction.
[...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in
Therefore, Bund Future contracts are only suitable to
a limited extent to hedge the interest rate level for future investments. However, and
compared to the usual use of forward loans in practice, financial [...] circumstances. In addition to the problem of the correlation
not being sufficient for all periods, the daily cash settlement of future contracts and
the high price volatility lead to increased liquidity needs [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in
force companies to rethink
their business models and industries - their strategy, relationships with customers and
suppliers, processes and structures. The aim of this publication is to provide a starting [...] Adner: Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem, in: Harvard Business Review,
April 2006, 2006,
[11.07 [...] Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem, in:
Harvard Business Review, April 2006, 2006,
vation-strategy-to-your-innovation-ecosystem [11.07
packaging: How to create and capture
value | Deloitte Insights. Abgerufen 1. Dezember 2019, von
packaging-how-to-create-and- [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] components of the logistics supply chain. Their
combination with smart technologies makes it possible to integrate them as active
components with specialized tasks into the processes of logistics, industry
Switzerland with
respect to interest rate conditions and interest rate fixation since the beginning of the 1960s. Of
special interest are the share of fixed compared to adjustable rate contracts, [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] the effective interest
burden and the terms to maturity. We find that in both countries a financing with variable
interest rates is premature. However, this advantage is far less pronounced in
lecture “Economics and Economic Policy” to examine the effects of a new learning
management system on the study results. Along with the implementation of the
learning management system an adjustment of the [...] students will be able to ac-
complish their own learning rhythm. This process shall be supported by the numer-
ous practice possibilities.
The following report will respond to the project more closely [...] lecture is that the students initially learn and practice the contents autono-
mously. After that the relevant lecture takes place.
The main reason for the change was to improve the study results of the
approach is needed to maximize customer value and to improve efficiency.
Based on a comprehensive literature review this paper presents an integrated PPM
framework. It is intended to provide a basis for [...] Furthermore,
these coordinators must ensure that all stakeholders closely adhere to the
formalization requirements of both levels to yield the positive interaction
effect of joint formalization” (Ahlemann et [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in