industrial engineering
and related disciplines. 2The students are taught analytical, creative and design skills, as well as technical,
methodological, personal and intercultural competences. 3Students
date 2021-07-13T06:54:21Z
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date 2021-07-14T09:23:31Z
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dc:title AR_12
Households in Euro Area Countries
Hans-Eggert Reimers
University of Technology, Business and Design Wismar
Friedrich Schneider
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Franz Seitz
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A. Design and fabrication of microfluidic devices
All 3D parts are designed using computer-aided design
(CAD) software SolidWorks 2020 (Dassault Systèmes, FR).
The design aims at the f [...] DE/docs/alexa/alexa-design/get-started.html, 2021 (accessed April 18,
[19], “Conversation design,”
assistant/conversation-design/welcome, 2021 (accessed [...] TEST DESIGN
After the need for a systematic experimental design was
explained in the previous chapter, this chapter will present
various tools and procedures for creating an experimental
Seite 28 von 112
Modul 2.6: Konstruktion I
Engineering Design I
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
Seite 43 von 112
Modul 3.1: Konstruktion II
Engineering Design II
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls [...]
Modul 4.1.2. Fahrzeugtechnik
Modul Fahrzeugleichtbau
Automotive Lightweight Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls
common, machine-readable format or to have it made available directly to another person responsible designated by you. Your right of appeal (Art. 13 para. 2 lit d DSGVO) If you as a data subject or data subject
date/time Access method Access success accessed resource Volume of data transferred Web browser designation In the access logs created by the web server, the IP address of the user is processed and stored
Inhalte: Theorie und Anwendungsfällen des Design Thinking
Prozess des Design Thinking mit Phasen und Mind Set
Methoden/Techniken innerhalb des Design Thinking Prozesses
Anwendung von Methoden [...] Bogner
Design of Experiments
(Versuchsplanung und -auswertung)
Prof. Dr. Christian Wilisch
Bezeichnung engl.: Design of Experiments
Referent(en): Wilisch [...] 36 / 68 Prof. Dr. Bogner
Design Thinking
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zehbold
Bezeichnung engl.: Design Thinking
Referent(en): Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zehbold
date 2021-08-13T09:16:08Z
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date 2021-08-18T13:13:22Z
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§ 8 Program counseling
Students who have not earned at least the number of ECTS credits designated for the first semester
of study at the end of the second semester of study should see the faculty
computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, media and communication sciences, communication design, conservation and environmental protection. OTH Weiden: Economics, technology (especially industrial
computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, media and communication sciences, communication design, conservation and environmental protection. OTH Weiden: Economics, technology (especially industrial
date 2021-09-02T05:01:04Z
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date 2021-09-20T12:23:06Z
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dc:title Flyer
semesters and individual research stays. The scholarship is open to students of all subjects except art, design, music and film. Scholarship holders of the Metropolis Program can receive funds for living expenses
2023 in presence in Amberg) Report Implementation of two workshops "Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking" for OTH students led by Tomáš Chochole, Ph.D. from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen [...] Anlagenbau GmbH, (June 2023) Report Implementation of two workshops "Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking" for OTH-S students under the leadership of Tomáš Chochole, Ph.D. from the University of [...] led by Tomáš Chochole, Ph.D., Head of Interdisciplinary Cooperation of Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, West Bohemian University in Pilsenfor OTH students (online and in presence in Amberg) (April
new contacts and receive impulses for future activities. This event of the OTH Amberg-Weiden was designed by the OTH AW Competence Centre Bavaria - Central and Eastern Europe (KOMO) and implemented since
date 2021-10-04T14:27:47Z
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dc:title Jetzt [...] Beispiel Sprachdialogsysteme, Chatbots, mobile Apps
für Smartphones, Tablets oder TV, ferner Web-Design, IT-Netzwerke oder
Datenbanken. Medieninformatik-Know-how steckt u.a. in Videospielen,
date 2021-09-27T09:46:42Z
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responsible financial action. Against this background, a holistic framework
model is first being designed. Subsequently, the DFG network will look for new ways to measure
financial action and the associated
der Coaches für die nächsten Termine
Arbeiten in Teams/Design Thinking Sessions
Mittagessen (individuell in Teams)
Arbeiten in Teams/Design Thinking Sessions
Erklären der weiteren Vorgehensweise [...]
date 2021-09-28T09:16:52Z
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date 2021-10-12T16:45:14Z
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date 2021-10-21T17:56:14Z
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