Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt [...]
von Horst Rottmann
43 Die neuen europäischen Regeln
from social or cultural science courses of study (e.g. International Business, Applied Business
Psychology, Trade and Service Management, International Technology Management) as well as, where
appropriate [...]
Weighting for thesis
overall grade
1 Module Group International Management 20 16 4
1.1 Globalization & International Value Chain Management 5 4 SU, Ü ÜbL 1
1.2 Intercultural Management [...] Management & Business Ethics 5 4 SU, Ü ÜbL 1
1.3 International Projects – Processes & Change Management 5 4 SU, Ü PrA 1
1.4 International Strategic Management 5 4 SU, Ü ÜbL 1
2 Module Group
Studienplan iKi: Bachelorstudiengang "Künstliche Intelligenz - International"
Version 19.11.2020 Gültig ab Sommersemeser SoSe 2021 210 155
ID [...] (German/English) 🇩🇪 / 🇬🇧 5 6 SU/Ü Kl 90
Intensivsprachkurs (Deutsch/Englisch)
1 IK.06 International & Intercultural Affairs [🇬🇧 &🇩🇪 ] 5 4 SU/Ü ModA
Internationale & Interkulturelle Angelegenheiten [...] 4 SU/Ü, Pr Kl90/mdlP/Präs/ModA/praP
X Praxisphase / Auswärtsphase
6 O IK.53 Praxismodul - International 🇩🇪 / 🇬🇧 20 0 PP PrB
6 IK.54
6 IK.55
6 IK.56
Studienabschnitt 3 30 14
Semester 7 (Sommer)
direkt vom OLS).
Grant Agreement unterzeichnen und von International Office unterschreiben lassen (das Original
verbleibt im International Office).
Krankenversicherung/Unfallversicherung ab [...] Creation-Date 2020-11-24T13:29:44Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Einrichtungen/International_Office/Checkliste_Auslandssemester_Erasmus.pdf
Author 410c
producer GPL Ghostscript 9.27 [...] 11/2020
Checkliste Auslandsstudium Erasmus
Vor dem Auslandsaufenthalt
Termin mit International Office (IO) vereinbaren, Optionen klären (Erasmus? Partnerhoch-
tet mir für meine Karriere das nötige Know-how.“
Die Hochschule arbeitet mit international agierenden und
weltweit erfolgreichen Partnerunternehmen zusammen: [...] Menschen verschiedener Kulturen
zusammen arbeitest? Dann herzlich willkommen im
Studiengang International Business!
In den ersten Semestern lernst du das nötige betriebs-
wirtschaft liche Handwerkszeug [...] Trainings zum interkulturellen Verhalten, lernst
in zahlreichen Praxisprojekten ExpertInnen international
agierender Mittelständler und Global Player kennen.
Du erhältst Einblick in die Arbeitsweisen
tet mir für meine Karriere das nötige Know-how.“
Die Hochschule arbeitet mit international agierenden und
weltweit erfolgreichen Partnerunternehmen zusammen: [...] Menschen verschiedener Kulturen
zusammen arbeitest? Dann herzlich willkommen im
Studiengang International Business!
In den ersten Semestern lernst du das nötige betriebs-
wirtschaft liche Handwerkszeug [...] Trainings zum interkulturellen Verhalten, lernst
in zahlreichen Praxisprojekten ExpertInnen international
agierender Mittelständler und Global Player kennen.
Du erhältst Einblick in die Arbeitsweisen
footed and confi dent in their moves on the international stage.
Your job?
Buy your ticket to an international career with us. In the
International Business Degree Program, you will acquire hard [...] a worldwide career!
Make a career worldwide - study International Business now!
“Nowadays, almost every business is oriented
internationally. Thus, a sound knowledge of the
English language enables [...] with the know-
how relevant for my future career.”
The university cooperates with internationally operating and
globally successful partner companies: On excursions
footed and confi dent in their moves on the international stage.
Your job?
Buy your ticket to an international career with us. In the
International Business Degree Program, you will acquire hard [...] a worldwide career!
Make a career worldwide - study International Business now!
“Nowadays, almost every business is oriented
internationally. Thus, a sound knowledge of the
English language enables [...] with the know-
how relevant for my future career.”
The university cooperates with internationally operating and
globally successful partner companies: On excursions
Logistik & Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Wirtschaft spsychologie & HRM
Marketing & Vertrieb
International Business
Wirtschaft sinformatik (WINF)
Wirtschaft skommunikation
„Ich habe mich bewusst
Mit deinem Master bist du attraktiv für innovative und
spannende Unternehmen, national und international. Starte
durch in der Boom-Branche!
Mach‘ Karriere
Ramona Merk , Master Logistik & Di [...] en, internationale Warenströme, multikul-
turelle Kontakte. Der Master ist interdisziplinär, international
ausgerichtet und verbindet dich mit der ganzen Welt.
Autonome Systeme, selbstständige Fer
sogar noch einen Schritt
weiter und führt zum Wintersemester 2020 den neuen
Masterstudiengang „International Management &
Sustainability“ ein. Das folgende Interview mit Prof. Dr.
Lisa Marie Schöttl ( [...] Fragen.
Mach dir die Welt -
wie sie dir gefällt!
Mit dem neuen
Management &
Werden Leistungen nach dem Erwerb des ETHNA Zertifikats [...] ngebote/studienangebote/master-
programmes taught in English, Amberg Campus B.A. Emma Krahn Contact B.A. Emma Krahn Administration, international study programmes Study Office Amberg, administration building A, Room E06 Phone +49 (9621) 482-3123
Additional Questions deal for example, withwhether or not you gained your school certificate internationally and, if that is the case, please let them be checked by . We would also like [...] abroad Then please select „Allgemeine Hochschulreife” and fill in all the information needed. International University Entrance Qualification If this applies to you, please get your certificates checked [...] Technical college entrance qualification Entry from work These can usually be disregarded by international students. Step Five: Tell us about any previous studies Step Five: Tell us about any previous
letter from the previous year in the upload area. International Students - Admission Procedure Quota for international applicants Quota for international applicants Only foreign or stateless applicants who [...] applications for recognition of a hardship case cannot be submitted either. International certificates of education and training International certificates of education and training (1) General information All [...] If you have any questions, please contact the "International Office" at the East Bavarian University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden. Mail: international @ oth-aw . de Direct University Admission Applicants
Cash: New International Evidence, Banco de la República de Colombia, Discussion Paper
No. 1074.
Ashworth, J & C A E Goodhart (2020), The Surprising Recovery of Currency Usage,
International Journal [...] an Bedeutung verlieren, sowohl im weltweiten Maßstab als auch
in den Emissionsländern der international nachfragten Sorten (USD, EUR, CHF, GBP und JPY) als klar
widerlegt angesehen werden kann. [...] banknotes, in:
Deutsche Bundesbank (Hg.), War on cash: Is there a future for cash?, Tagungsband
"International Cash Conference 2017", Seiters, Frankfurt am Main, 200-248.
Krüger, M. & F. Seitz (2017)
online Nautos is a German specialist database for searching and finding German, European and international standards, which also offers you the full texts of German standards with DIN classification (DIN
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Fakultaeten/WEBIS/Insight/Sommersemester_19/International.pdf
pdf:hasXMP false
access_permission:extract_content true
as an informal contact point for international students. More Information on the ISC International Buddy Program The International Buddy Program enables international students of OTH AW to get to know [...] / Weiden: Hoo2] [Please note: Students of international study programmes in Weiden (Digital Technology and Management, International Business and International Management and Sustainability) will get a [...] will find some information about your studies International Students Club (ISC) and its Buddy Program The ISC is a student-organised body of the International Office and active both at the campus in Amberg
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
für den Bachelor-Studiengang
Künstliche Intelligenz - International
an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule
(für diese Studien- [...] Produkten, Prozessen und Robotern zum
Einsatz kommt. Als IT-Spezialisten „Künstliche Intelligenz - International“ wirken sie bei der
automatischen Gewinnung und der Integration von, sowie der Adaption durch [...] Mathematics 5 4 SU/Ü ModA
0.5 Intensive Language Course (German/English) 5 6 SU/Ü Kl 90
0.6 International & Intercultural Affairs 5 4 SU/Ü ModA
1.1 Künstliche Intelligenz 1 (Ethik & Interaktion)
intercultural competence for internationally
active employees in a dynamic environment. 2Completion of the Bachelor's programme will
give graduates particular competence in international business and the respective [...] Amberg-Weiden
Programme and examination regulations for the
Bachelor's programme in International Business
at the Technical University of Applied Sciences
from 11.01.2019 [...] problems in business practice, to
work out practical solutions to problems and to also take international references into
account ("business problem-solving competence"). 2To this end, they are provided
Haitian International
Germany GmbH
Zhafir Plastics Machinery
Haitianstr. 1
92263 Ebermannsdorf
smoothly. Learn more here. Library Study- and Career Service Students ' Office OTH Professional International Office Language Centre Computer Centre Center for Gender and Diversity Duplicating office and
Summer School „International Perspectives on Cybercrime“ 2022 Artificial Intelligence Summer School 2022 Summer School „International Perspectives on Cybercrime“ 2021 Summer School „International Perspectives [...] Perspectives on Cybercrime“ 2020 Summer School „International Perspectives on Cybercrime“ 2018 International Summer School 2016 Summer School „Informationssicherheit“ 2013 Linux Presentation Day Linux Presentation
Informatics Geoinformatics and Land Management Engineering Education Artificial Intelligence – International Media Production and Media Technology Master Degree Programs All programs are accredited , comprise [...] in the professional design of trade show booths, in the production of video clips as well as in internal and external corporate communications. The training of such generalists is the goal of our bachelor's
0-Informatik (II) Ingenieurpädagogik (IP) Künstliche Intelligenz (BKI) Künstliche Intelligenz - International (IKI) Medieninformatik (MI) Medienproduktion und Medientechnik (MT) for master degree programs