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4.1 Allgemeine Pflichtfächer
Innovation und Design
Innovation and Design
Zuordnung zum
SPO-Nr.: Art des Moduls [...] Innovation und Kreativität
• Design Thinking für Innovation und Digitalisierung
• Prototyping
• Nutzerzentrierung
• Usability und User Experience Design
Internationalität (inhaltlich): [...] ........................................................................... 7
Innovation und Design ................................................................................................
München, S. 80 – 97.
Höhl, W., Behmel, A, Kienzl, T. (2014): [DEMO] MRI Design Review System – A Mixed Reality Interactive Design
Review System for Architecture, Serious Games and Engineering using Game [...] BRACKER, H. (2009):
Modellbildung und Simulation im
wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozess,
EADS System Design Centre
E l i n i n a t i o n yd e r yI r r t ü m e rP r o b l e m y| yL ö s u n g s v e r s u [...] Josef Gründler, Wolfgang Höhl, Thomas Kienzl und Heimo Sandtner
KOMMERZ KEG, Graz, Research & Design Lab MID, Masterstudiengang ARC, FH JOANNUEM GmbH.
Bonussystem führen.
Designing workshops for sustainable product development (Not offered in SS24)
Designing workshops for sustainable product development
Zuordnung [...] meaningful to the participants.
Designing and delivering a workshop is easier than you may think. You don't have to be a great entertainer. It's about clear design
principles to align the goal and the [...] ....................................................................................... 32
Designing workshops for sustainable product development (Not offered in SS24) ...........................
Somewhat satisfied
• Very satisfied
• Extremely satisfied
Q2. How satisfied are you with the design of the tasks?
• Not at all satisfied
• Not so satisfied
• Somewhat satisfied
• Very satisfied [...] student's work only computer-based (built-in online calculator, sketchpad)
• Develop a clearer design of questions according to the possibilities of STACK
Question 1 Question 2
Question 3 Question
date 2021-05-05T08:52:26Z
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1Martyr Anthony (2014). Engine testing : the design, building, modification and use of powertrain test facilities – the design,
building, modification and use of powertrain test facilities
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Programmierung 1 5 4 5 4 Programmierung 1 5 4 5 4
[...] 5 Mediengestaltung 5 4 5 4
Einführung in die Systemtheorie u. Regelungstechnik 5 4 5 4 Screen Design 5 4 5 4
Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing 5 6 5 6 Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing 5 6 5 6
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