developments. Our department is characterized by a personal environment , a lively partner network , international contacts and a distinct proximity to important regional companies . We attach great importance [...] Business Administration, the second degree program - Management & European Languages - now named International Technology Management (TM) - was established at WI in 2004. After the conversion of diploma to
and International Business. University rankings prove that we do a good job: we regularly finish at the top of the competition. We look forward to welcoming you to OTH Amberg-Weiden! international @ oth-aw [...] career opportunities; Perfect student support through administrative facilities, such as the International Office, the Student Affairs Office, the Center for Gender and Diversity, the Language Center, [...] classroom. Get in touch. We look forward to welcoming you to OTH Amberg-Weiden! Contact us at: international @ oth-aw . de
Intelligenz (BKI)
Artificial Intelligence
Künstliche Intelligenz – International (IKI)
Artificial Intelligence - International
Bachelor of Science [...] Künstliche Intelligenz / Artificial Intelligence
Künstliche Intelligenz – International / Artificial Intelligence – International
Sommersemester 2021
summer term 2021
Fakultät Ele [...] ung „Smart Robotics & Smart Media“
• International INCOMINGS à Zielsprache Deutsch
• International OUTGOING à Zielsprache Englisch.
4 Modulbeschreibungen
Jordà, Ò., Schularick, M., Taylor, A.M., 2015. Betting the House. Journal of
International Economics 96, 2–18.
Kerssenfischer, M., 2019. Information Effects of Euro Area Monetary Policy: [...] Journal of Economic Perspectives 32, 31–58.
A Data
Bank of international Settlements:
� Nominal house prices, index 2010 = 100
� Gross [...] policy shocks that reflect a monetary loosening. Real house prices are
taken from the Bank of International Settlements and are calculated by using the harmonized consumer price index. All models are
Hochschulleitung müssen
im Hochschulgesetz mit klarer Aufgabenbeschreibung verankert sein, um interne
Auseinandersetzungen um Kompetenzen zu verhindern.
4. Der gesetzliche Auftrag zur praxisbezogenen [...] ung sollte gestärkt werden, indem sie unter Einbeziehung der
Dekaninnen und Dekane über die interne Mittelverteilung beschließt.
6. Zur Gewährleistung der Lehr- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit ist s
Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt [...]
von Horst Rottmann
43 Die neuen europäischen Regeln
Menü Program Artificial Intelligence – International (current) Career opportunities Study models Orientation studies prepareING Application Structure Contact Persons Apply now Information on admission [...] Semester) Type Of Study: Full-time, Dual Course Language: German Program Artificial Intelligence – International (current) Career opportunities Study models Orientation studies prepareING Application Structure [...] Semester bilingual in Englisch & German) modern GPU computer lab with 32 workstations Become an international specialist in the innovative development of intelligent, self-learning applications with a deep
Artificial Intelligence! Bachelor Artificial Intelligence – International [>> Start in the summer semester] Study Artificial Intelligence in an international environment together with students from Germany and [...] Robotics, Data Science and Programming are the core subjects of the Artificial Intelligence - International program. Another special feature of this degree program: Until the end of May, all lectures in [...] does not begin until June. Find out more about our Bachelor programme Artificial Intelligence – International! Bachelor Artificial Intelligence [>> Start in the winter semester] Become a specialist in the
zahlreichen innovativen
Studiengänge orientieren sich an den Aufgaben der Zukunft und sind international
Mit dem Start des Wintersemesters 20/21 laufen an
beiden Standorten [...] wie die
Studiengänge Digital Entrepreneurship, Angewandte
Wirtschaftspsychologie und International Management
& Sustainability. Hierbei macht sich die Digitalisierung
bemerkbar. „Unsere
but worldwide. To meet the international challenges and opportunities, we offer an internationally oriented German-language AI degree program with the study of international aspects as well as intensive [...] Bachelor thesis in an international environment. You will start your studies in the summer semester with specialist international courses from the study program KI-International taught in English and German [...] Program Artificial Intelligence – International Structure (current) Content Course of Studies Documents Contact Persons Program Artificial Intelligence – International Structure (current) Content Course
Menü Program Artificial Intelligence – International Structure Contact Persons (current) Program Artificial Intelligence – International Structure Contact Persons (current) Contact persons for the Artificial
Management International Healthcare Management Presentation and communication Quality management and approvals Regulatory affairs & Quality management Case Management Health systems in internal comparison [...] (after 5 th semester) Management Health Economics & Hospital Management Business Model Innovation International Healthcare Management Presentation and communication Product management and agile methods Controlling [...] comparison Public Health Digital Business Model Innovation International Healthcare Management Presentation and communication Product management and agile methods IT security medical information systems Computer
Program International Technology Management (current) Structure as of WS 2019/2020 Specialization "Product Life Cycle Management" Combine languages, management and technology! In International Technology [...] with a broad range of specialist skills and who can be deployed internationally and interculturally and who have expertise in international trade and technology management. People like you, after your successful [...] Menü Program International Technology Management (current) Structure as of WS 2019/2020 Specialization "Product Life Cycle Management" Apply now Information on admission Information for the start of studies
Thermodynamics Process Engineering Patent Search Techniques Intellectual Property Rights European and International Patent Law Procedural Law Protection Law of Non-Technical Services Applied Industrial Property
on the international stage, we promote your social competence, willingness to cooperate and communication skills during your studies. This will enable you to work successfully in international teams and [...] technological developments, business and economic contexts, and the importance of cultural factors in international business. But most importantly: you will learn how to link these different aspects. This holistic [...] bachelor's degree with technological and economic components, such as Industrial Engineering or International Technology Management? Then this degree program is the perfect complement. The master's program
role in national or international companies. The degree program provides you with the ability to take on tasks in various areas of activity both in nationally or internationally operating medical-technical
scientific insights and help implement climate targets and the energy transition at national and international level. Our master's degree program in Environmental Technology will provide you with the required
Seite 8 von 79
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
[...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
Seite 10 von 79
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
[...] Physik für Ingenieure Buch, Physikalische Formelsammlung
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
–kontrolle sowie Organisation),
betriebliche Funktionsbereiche (insb. externes Rechnungswesen,
internes Rechnungswesen und Finanzwirtschaft).
60 h;
s Fernsehen: From the initial concept to the finished TV production using the example of the International Jazz Festival in Burghausen (in cooperation with Bayerisches Fernsehen, Munich) Marco Hanelt:
programmes taught in English, Campus Amberg B.A. Emma Krahn Contact B.A. Emma Krahn Administration, international study programmes Study Office Amberg, administration building A, Room E06 Phone +49 (9621) 482-3123
semester and can be attended in September 2023! Welcome for international students Orientation days are again organized for our international students to facilitate the start phase of their studies. All
a part-time Bachelor's programme for the degree programmes from the winter semester 2020/21: International Technology Management Medical Engineering Industrial Engineering In terms of content, part-time
Menü Program International Technology Management Structure as of WS 2019/2020 (current) Documents Specialization "Product Life Cycle Management" Program International Technology Management Structure as [...] course catalogue for the study program International Technology Management with validity as of WS 2019/20 can be viewed below: Course Catalogue Bachelor International Technology Management from Winter Semester [...] Regulations for the International Technology Management degree program, which will be valid from WS 2019/20, can be downloaded here: Study and Examination Regulations Bachelor International Technology Management
Menü Program International Technology Management Structure as of WS 2019/2020 Specialization "Product Life Cycle Management" (current) Program International Technology Management Structure as of WS 2019/2020 [...] Practical project Foreign language 3 (Level I) Foreign Language 3 (Level II) Intercultural Management International location and investment planning