Menü Program Global Research in Sustainable Engineering Course content (current) Course content Study programme Program Global Research in Sustainable Engineering Course content (current) Course conte
pdf:docinfo:created 2021-06-30T15:12:43Z
Important note: The International Energy Engineering master programme is legally regulated
by the "Studien- und Prüfungsordnung” [...] regulations.
Study and Examination Regulations
for the Master's programme
International Energy Engineering
at the University of Applied Sciences
[...] study programme
(1) 1The aim of the degree programme is to train engineers for national and international specialist and
management tasks in all areas of energy technology with application-oriented
reduce emissions, the entire CHP process is being considered and optimised, from the fuel to the internal engine processes to the exhaust gas aftertreatment. Efficiency increase Efficiency increase The [...] of the research work is to increase the electrical and thermal efficiency of CHP systems through: Internal engine improvements Optimisation of peripheral components Waste heat conversion Micro-CHP Biogenic
Combustion and charge cycle analysis with AVL Indicom and AVL Concerto (incl. Burn/ GCA) Simulation Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) AVL Fire Fluid dynamic calculations with Ansys Workbench and Star CCM+
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Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
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Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Art/Umfang inkl. Gewichtung
Zu prüfende [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
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Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
advice and information services are available to users. (2) Consultation of service catalogs and internal reference works may be permitted in justified cases. (3) 1 Information resources and aids for their [...] the intermediary of the library in accordance with the provisions of the Bavarian, German and International Interlibrary Loan Regulations (interlibrary loan). ²Interlibrary loan orders which would circumvent [...] external use, items shall be sent in accordance with the provisions of the Bavarian, German and International Interlibrary Loan Regulations. ²In view of lending restrictions, the library may attach conditions
outside only via VPN FortiClient ) IMF eLibrary (e-books, articles, and other publications from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)) Oxford University Press (e-journals of the publisher) PsyJournals (30 e-Journals [...] Wettbewerbsrecht (Online commentary on competition law, german) European Patent Register IPC - International Patent Classification via DPMA Search for patents at the US Patent and Trademark Office Patentscope [...] de Gruyter E-Books (all subjects, German and English) EUR-Lex (European Union Law) Kluwer Law International Journals (DFG-Licence) NWB Steuer und Studium openJur (Case law database, german) SSRN (Social
e und Toxikologie
(Pharmacology and Toxicology)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.3 Innere Medizin
(Internal Medicine)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.4 Entscheidungsfindung in der Medizin
(Medical Decision Making) [...] e und Toxikologie
(Pharmacology and Toxicology)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.3 Innere Medizin
(Internal Medicine)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.4 Entscheidungsfindung in der Medizin
(Medical Decision Making)
Englisch- (Cronbachs α
= 0.64) und Matrizen-Kompetenztest (Cronbachs α = 0.67) gegeben ist. Die
interne Konsistenz des Deutsch-Kompetenztests (Cronbachs α = 0.22) und
die Trennschärfen (Trennschärfe [...] Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt [...]
von Horst Rottmann
43 Die neuen europäischen Regeln zur Sanierung
one-page certificate (this form is available on our website or provided by the intern) is to be completed by
the intern’s supervisor and lists the dates of the internship and certifies successful completion [...]
Information Sheet
Internship Semester - Information for Internship Firms
International Technology Management (TM) is a seven semester, Bachelor Programme offered at the Technical University [...] semester of the programme and students are routinely put into responsible positions appropriate for interns in
a variety of departments.
By the time students begin their internship, they have usually
valid semester plan for the International Energy Engineering program as a PDF: Semester plan International Energy Engineering Summer semester 2025 Semester plan International Energy Engineering Winter semester [...] Menü Program International Energy Engineering Course content (current) Course content Study programme Documents Contacts Program International Energy Engineering Course content (current) Course content [...] Study programme Documents Contacts Course content of the International Energy Engineering degree programme The Master's degree programme "International Energy Engineering" provides you with depth knowledge
Menü Program International Energy Engineering Course content Contacts (current) Program International Energy Engineering Course content Contacts (current) For questions please feel free to contact the
national and international climate targets, but above all highly qualified experts. And if there are many of them, we can achieve the global energy transition. In the master's program "International Energy [...] context of sustainability, the master's program "International Energy Engineering" is just right for you. Career opportunities In the field of international energy technology , you will work in a constantly [...] will still be needed in the long term, both in Germany and internationally. Application You want to apply for the Master's program International Energy Engineering at our university? The program starts in
complex projects, such as larger international research projects . The Master's program Global Research in Sustainable Engineering is offered in cooperation with international partner universities . You will [...] an international environment. The following partner universities work with the program (more will be added over time): Career opportunities Science takes place both in a national and international context [...] field of application-oriented research and development of innovative products and processes in an international environment. It is therefore primarily aimed at prospective students who see their future professional
Management (PLM)
Global Procurement & Sales (GPS)
Digital Production & Logistics (DPL)
International Management & Languages (IML)
Bei Änderung: Begründung der Änderung des Studienangebots
Realisierungs-, Implementierungs-, Vermarktungs- und
Beschaffungsprozessen digitaler Technologien in international tätigen produzierenden
Unternehmen und im Servicebereich, eine interkulturelle Sensibilisierung
Vorname, Nachname Robioul Ferdous Fahim
Alter 23 Jahre
Fakultät, Studiengang BWL, International Business
Semester 3
Gremium Fakultätsrat
In der Vorlesung bin
the global financial crisis, which was linked to a fragile banking sector and the
loss of international price competitiveness.
While no compelling inferences can be made as to the driving force of [...] Finally,
Born et al. (2018) assess, in a large panel of countries, the disciplining effect of
international debt markets by enforcing government expenditure cuts. They find
that government expenditures [...] ’Troika’, that is a group
of institutions including the European Commission, the ECB and the International
Monetary Fund, which also developed and negotiated the programmes for structural
Der Hochschulrat wird paritätisch durch interne
und externe Mitglieder besetzt.
Der Hochschulrat
‧ beschließt die Grundordnung
Seite 8 von 99
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment [...] Mathematik für Ingenieure, Oldenbourg
2011; Formelsammlung
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Bachelorstudiengang Patentingenieurwesen [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
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Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
companies, easy internship search, practical bachelor theses and excellent employment opportunities international contacts and cooperation with partner universities, from joint modules to summer/winter schools [...] July 15, Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl, head of the study program, and Dr. Annabelle Wolff, head of the International Office, answered the questions of host Daniel Kann and numerous interested viewers live. You can
on technology, operational value creation processes and management in international companies. The education is both international and interdisciplinary. Close cooperation with partner companies from industry
languages and intercultural skills are key employment criteria in international companies in all industries. Our regional and international partner companies are primarily in the electrical and automation [...] academics. Target groups The English-taught Digital Technology and Management degree program is internationally oriented and offers various elective options. These can be used either for improving language [...] Management As part of our series „Bachelor On Air” , Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl and the Head of the International Office, Dr. Annabelle Wolff, presented the degree programme „Digital Technology and Management”
Hochschulen zur Lösung ak-
tueller Herausforderungen beizutragen.
Das hat TRIO bisher erreicht
Das interne TRIO-Transferportal vernetzt Wissenschaft,
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft miteinander und erleichtert
serienreife Lösung
Elektromotoren müssen in einem engen Temperaturfenster arbeiten, daher wäre ein interner Kühlkreislauf ideal
Wärmerückgewinnungskonzepte in Gießereien
Welche Wärmequellen haben wir,