how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
allow customers to be more closely
involved in their business operations than before.
3) Employees have to be encouraged to develop a strong
commitment to service, which companies have to offer
appropriate [...] growth data allows the central bank to reduce
its response to current inflation, thus enabling it to avoid
inefficient reactions to cost push shocks. According to
Kilponen and Leitemo (2007), the case [...] effects
on customer loyalty, yet they have to bear the risk of
payment defaults. The task of credit managers is to point
early to problem customers in order to avoid bad debt
losses (risk dimensions)
by changing from procyclical to
countercyclical spending after 2000 (Botswana, Nigeria) or from a-cyclical to countercyclical
spending (Cape Verde) or from procyclical to a-cyclical spending (Burkina [...] (moderately) procyclical. While from 1980 to 2000 in
almost two thirds of the 46 countries, which we examined, spending was procyclical this
share declined to less than 40 percent after 2000 and in the [...] Africa´s fiscal deficit, which had amounted
to 7 per cent in the 1980s, declined steadily during the 1990s and the 2000s and during 2006-
2010 it was close to zero. This latter period included some years
by changing from procyclical to
countercyclical spending after 2000 (Botswana, Nigeria) or from a-cyclical to countercyclical
spending (Cape Verde) or from procyclical to a-cyclical spending (Burkina [...] (moderately) procyclical. While from 1980 to 2000 in
almost two thirds of the 46 countries, which we examined, spending was procyclical this
share declined to less than 40 percent after 2000 and in the [...] Africa´s fiscal deficit, which had amounted
to 7 per cent in the 1980s, declined steadily during the 1990s and the 2000s and during 2006-
2010 it was close to zero. This latter period included some years
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robustness with respect to two commonly used alternative
GARCH models. This means that we add the term κht (or κh0.5
t or κln(ht)) to the mean equation (1) to
convert the model to a design of the GARCH-M [...] model in two ways. First, in order to capture serial correlation in stock returns, we
follow Bhattacharya et al. (2003) and add lagged returns to the mean equation. Second, to test for Friday
effects in the [...] model, it is additionally
related to two seasonal dummies.
In order to determine the size ofm, p and q for each country, we employ a model selection procedure similar
to Bollerslev (1988) and Choudhry
robustness with respect to two commonly used alternative
GARCH models. This means that we add the term κht (or κh0.5
t or κln(ht)) to the mean equation (1) to
convert the model to a design of the GARCH-M [...] model in two ways. First, in order to capture serial correlation in stock returns, we
follow Bhattacharya et al. (2003) and add lagged returns to the mean equation. Second, to test for Friday
effects in the [...] model, it is additionally
related to two seasonal dummies.
In order to determine the size ofm, p and q for each country, we employ a model selection procedure similar
to Bollerslev (1988) and Choudhry
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] stellen kann. "The success of the system depends on the ability of SOs [supporting
organisations] to create and sustain a high level of transparency and credibility that is
commensurate with the nature [...] S. 202-219.
Higgs, M./Rowland, D. (2005): All Changes Great and Small : Exploring Approaches
to Change and its Leadership, in: Journal of Change Management. Jg. 5, S. 121
Hölz, H.M.
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] stellen kann. "The success of the system depends on the ability of SOs [supporting
organisations] to create and sustain a high level of transparency and credibility that is
commensurate with the nature [...] S. 202-219.
Higgs, M./Rowland, D. (2005): All Changes Great and Small : Exploring Approaches
to Change and its Leadership, in: Journal of Change Management. Jg. 5, S. 121
Hölz, H.M.
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] stellen kann. "The success of the system depends on the ability of SOs [supporting
organisations] to create and sustain a high level of transparency and credibility that is
commensurate with the nature [...] S. 202-219.
Higgs, M./Rowland, D. (2005): All Changes Great and Small : Exploring Approaches
to Change and its Leadership, in: Journal of Change Management. Jg. 5, S. 121
Hölz, H.M.
how it can steer actual
inflation to its target rate. As monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative
change of the price level has to be equal to the relative change in the nominal money [...] services. This is important because banks, compared to financial
markets, have an information advantage when it comes to granting credit to a debtor
due to their close monitoring and experiences they made [...] References in publications to ROME Discussion Papers
(other than an acknowledgment that the writer has had access to unpublished material) should be
cleared with the author(s) to protect the tentative character
how it can steer actual
inflation to its target rate. As monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative
change of the price level has to be equal to the relative change in the nominal money [...] services. This is important because banks, compared to financial
markets, have an information advantage when it comes to granting credit to a debtor
due to their close monitoring and experiences they made [...] References in publications to ROME Discussion Papers
(other than an acknowledgment that the writer has had access to unpublished material) should be
cleared with the author(s) to protect the tentative character
[PAS-11b] The Guide to PAS 2050:2011. How to carbon footprint your products,
identify hotspots and reduce emissions in your supply [...] Carbon Footprint standards: which
standard to choose?
which-standard-to-choose (24.01.2013)
[PRS-12a] PRé: Life Cycle-Based [...] de/sites/dc/Downloadcenter/
[CTG-10] Change to Green. Handlungsfelder und Perspektiven für nachhaltige
Logistik und Geschäftsprozesse. Eine Studie
Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 3
Management [...] Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 4
Management [...]
Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 6
Fakultäts-Meetings zu Lehre und FuE
Zu den beiden zentralen Tätigkeitsfeldern „Lehre“ und „Ange-
wandte Forschung“ wird die Fakultät künftig jeweils mindes-
tens einmal im Jahr spezifische Meetings abhalten [...] Lepke:
• Auto.E-Motion Conference und MotorBrain Project Meeting, ams
AG, Unterpremstätten, Österreich, 27.09.2011
• MotorBrain Consortium Meeting bei CRF (Centro Ricerche Fiat),
Orbassano/Turin [...] Seville 2012 und MotorBrain Project Meeting,
Engineering School of the University of Seville, 30.09.2011 und
• MotorBrain First Review Meeting, Infineon München, 11. -
growth data allows the central bank to reduce its response to cur-
rent inflation, thus enabling it to avoid inefficient reactions to cost push
shocks. According to Kilponen and Leitemo (2007), the case [...] function. According to their analysis,
the Bundesbank did not respond to the level of the output gap as sug-
gested by the Taylor rule, but rather to the change in the output gap as
well as to deviations of [...] feature a response to the lagged interest rate, to deviations of inflation
from target, to the change in the output gap and possibly, but not neces-
sarily, an additional response to short-run movements
suchen verstärkt
nach Absolventen – Ver-
anstaltungen wie »Master
goes Industry« oder »Conrad
meets students« sind ein Beweis hierfür und
finden bereits in der zweiten Auflage statt.
Ein großer [...] näher zusammen – diese
Brücke bildet die Grundlage
der Innovationskraft in
der Region
: T
, A
Newsletter 2|20127Wirtschaftsstandort
suchen verstärkt
nach Absolventen – Ver-
anstaltungen wie »Master
goes Industry« oder »Conrad
meets students« sind ein Beweis hierfür und
finden bereits in der zweiten Auflage statt.
Ein großer [...] näher zusammen – diese
Brücke bildet die Grundlage
der Innovationskraft in
der Region
: T
, A
Newsletter 2|20127Wirtschaftsstandort
contact less power supplies in industrial automation;
Proceedings Vector Fields European User Group Meeting and Conference, Oxford University,
Oxford (UK) 2010
Schmidt, H.-P., Seibold, C., Measurement [...] Diskussionsbeiträge No.
30, November 2011
Rottmann, H., Wollmershäuser, T., A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit
Crunches, CEFISO Working Paper No. 3159, 2010
Rottmann, H., Auer, [...] tic Nondestructive Evaluation in Stettin
(Polen), 2010
▪ Vector Fields European User Group Meeting and Conference, Oxford University, Oxford
(England), 2010
▪ International IT Project Competition
this is hardly likely to have distorted the results, as this
denomination is not likely to be used much in non-euro-
area countries. The approach had to be modified when
applied to individual denominations [...] retail sales
(EHI Retail Institute 2010). The huge surge is therefore
likely to be due to domestic hoarding and especially to
foreign demand for euro banknotes. This foreign demand
may originate from [...] for all
Therefore, further modifications are needed to allow
for these eventualities and to enable this method to be
implemented. Fairly accurate estimation results can often
be obtained
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] crises more and more economists
argued in favour of a monetary policy which should pay more attention to monetary
variables as early warning indicators of financial market imbalances. The present
paper [...] Frankfurt,
Scharnagl, M., C. Gerberding & F. Seitz (2010), Should Monetary Policy Respond to
Money Growth? New Results for the Euro Area, International Finance, 13, 409-441.
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] crises more and more economists
argued in favour of a monetary policy which should pay more attention to monetary
variables as early warning indicators of financial market imbalances. The present
paper [...] Frankfurt,
Scharnagl, M., C. Gerberding & F. Seitz (2010), Should Monetary Policy Respond to
Money Growth? New Results for the Euro Area, International Finance, 13, 409-441.
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] crises more and more economists
argued in favour of a monetary policy which should pay more attention to monetary
variables as early warning indicators of financial market imbalances. The present
paper [...] Frankfurt,
Scharnagl, M., C. Gerberding & F. Seitz (2010), Should Monetary Policy Respond to
Money Growth? New Results for the Euro Area, International Finance, 13, 409-441.
Financial Crisis
In order to gain additional insights into the model’s ability to explain monetary
developments, the observations for the period 2008 Q4 to 2010 Q4 are used to
produce out-of-sample forecasts [...] seems to interact with wealth and indebtedness. In order
to be able to more fully analyse the interaction between money holdings, con-
sumption and wealth, the financing of households needs to be modelled [...] (3) 409–438
a We are grateful to Mika Tujula for providing euro area household wealth data, to Gabe de
Bondt for sharing his equity market related measures and to Wolfgang Lemke for providing
Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany, to explore whether and to what extent
the resilience theory is applicable to sustainable development in general and in particular to finding solutions
to tackle global warming, [...] theory is likely to provide a sound basis of the development of powerful strategies
to drive sustainable development. In order to keep the Earth System resilient, efforts must be
made to sustain its [...] development and its longevity.
• To foster the auto-regulative capacity of the triade it is of crucial importance to strengthen its
ability to continuously change and adapt to the ever changing site-specific