rated securities.
Furthermore the ECB has announced – if necessary –to start a quantitative easing program by buying
state loans to fight against deflation in the euro zone.
These measures will inflate [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] Aschaffenburg
The European Central Bank has announced to buy in a first step asset backed securities and mortgage
loans for about 500 billion euros. The rating
rules (BRRD and SRM) to stabilize and to reorganize a struggling bank
are presented in the following paper. The new instrument, the so called bail-in of investors
and bank customers to avoid the bail-out [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] hren aussetzen könnte, ohne dass das Finanzsystem insgesamt gefährdet
wäre (Stichwort: too big to fail).4
Vor dem Hintergrund der Auswirkungen der globalen Finanzkrise wurde der
strategy to force their employees to leave
the firm under strict EPL (Wasmer, 2006, and Boeris and van Ours, 2008). Agents with
limited horizons could cling to non-satisfying jobs to avoid the [...] appropriate to analyze the determinants of suicide rates for both
genders separately and to try to identify the determinants of the cross-country distribution of
suicide rates or to use cross-section [...] of observations decreases to approximately
50% of the benchmark sample (table 3 and 4). The results are robust to these alternative
definitions of our data, as well as to the sample adjustments.
ECB isn’t allowed by European law to finance the debt of euro area Member States.
The “Bundesverfassungsgericht” brought the case to the European Court, which now has to judge if
the ECB transgressed its [...] (ESM) is a permanent financing mechanism with the task to
support euro area Member States by financing their loans in case they have problems to finance their
debt in the private financial markets. [...] Mechanism (EFSM) and the European
Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) were installed to help Ireland, Portugal and Greece to finance their
public debt.
The German State is part of the above mentioned financing
"My approach to the problem of uncertainty over model selection is relatively simple:
Use a wide variety of models and don‘t ever trust any one of them too much.
But there seems to be much too [...] "uncle asking", relative to econometric
evidence. Skepticism about econometric estimates is one thing, and is highly
appropriate. But healthy skepticism should not be allowed to devolve into
econometric [...] offiziellen Stellungnahmen von Zentralbanken wie "within our
mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe
me, it will be enough." (Draghi, 2012, bei Ankündigung
EMU (from 1999 to 2008),
and an increasing dispersion of wages according to labor productivity were necessary to
strengthen investment and stimulate economic growth in Germany and to reduce unemployment [...] whereas it has continued to rise against third countries. International trade is not a zero sum
game. Increasing German exports contribute to growth in other economies due to their high
import content [...] that Germany has done nothing to reduce its trade
surplus against EMU crisis countries, while these economies were able to sharply reduce their
trade deficits due to an “imposed austerity”. Therefore
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] importance of the service business of manufacturing companies increases
and the companies want to differentiate themselves with their service offerings
and exploit revenue opportunities. The i [...] implemention is often mediocre. This
article shows what measures companies can undertake in order to design the
service business professionally and profitably.
Wie erzielen
how it can steer actual inflation to its target rate. As
monetary neutrality is assumed to prevail, the relative change of the price level has to
be equal to the relative change in the nominal [...] difficult to gauge. The
reasoning is that real balances reflect agents’ portfolio adjustments in response to
aggregate demand and / or technology shocks to which they are exposed to.35
Ullersma [...] This leads to the second
equilibrium. Due to growing risk and uncertainty, precautionary money demand
increases, leading to an increasing value of outside money. This, in turn, leads to a
by changing from procyclical to
countercyclical spending after 2000 (Botswana, Nigeria) or from a-cyclical to countercyclical
spending (Cape Verde) or from procyclical to a-cyclical spending (Burkina [...] (moderately) procyclical. While from 1980 to 2000 in
almost two thirds of the 46 countries, which we examined, spending was procyclical this
share declined to less than 40 percent after 2000 and in the [...] Africa´s fiscal deficit, which had amounted
to 7 per cent in the 1980s, declined steadily during the 1990s and the 2000s and during 2006-
2010 it was close to zero. This latter period included some years
robustness with respect to two commonly used alternative
GARCH models. This means that we add the term κht (or κh0.5
t or κln(ht)) to the mean equation (1) to
convert the model to a design of the GARCH-M [...] model in two ways. First, in order to capture serial correlation in stock returns, we
follow Bhattacharya et al. (2003) and add lagged returns to the mean equation. Second, to test for Friday
effects in the [...] model, it is additionally
related to two seasonal dummies.
In order to determine the size ofm, p and q for each country, we employ a model selection procedure similar
to Bollerslev (1988) and Choudhry
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] stellen kann. "The success of the system depends on the ability of SOs [supporting
organisations] to create and sustain a high level of transparency and credibility that is
commensurate with the nature [...] S. 202-219.
Higgs, M./Rowland, D. (2005): All Changes Great and Small : Exploring Approaches
to Change and its Leadership, in: Journal of Change Management. Jg. 5, S. 121
Hölz, H.M.
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] crises more and more economists
argued in favour of a monetary policy which should pay more attention to monetary
variables as early warning indicators of financial market imbalances. The present
paper [...] Frankfurt,
Scharnagl, M., C. Gerberding & F. Seitz (2010), Should Monetary Policy Respond to
Money Growth? New Results for the Euro Area, International Finance, 13, 409-441.
credibility to solve effectively problems like the
sovereign debt crisis mainly due to their inability to enforce EU member countries to reduce
their budget deficits and to their failure to force EMU [...] failure to achieve the
projected reductions in the general government deficit primarily reflects difficulties to
adhere to expenditure plans in nominal terms. This does not seem to be due to particularly [...] resources to the IMF of up to € 200 billion via bilateral loans from EU and other
central banks. All this has to be assessed against the earlier decision of the IMF to nearly
triple its quotas to US-$
employed insiders are to a certain degree protected against dismissals the
trade unions may be induced to demand higher wages. Both channels lead to higher wage
costs and to lower employment and [...] qualifications to this statement will be discussed
below). Higher contributions to the social security system by employees or higher taxes on
labour income may induce trade unions to demand higher [...] of a higher degree of employment protection all lead to
a higher equilibrium real wage rate and to a higher unemployment rate. With respect to the
coordination/centralization indicator, the effect
is hardly likely to have distorted the results, as this
denomination is not likely to be used much in non-euro-area countries. The approach had to
be modified when applied to individual denominations [...]
sales (EHI Retail Institute 2010). The huge surge is therefore likely to be due to domestic
hoarding and especially to foreign demand for euro banknotes. This foreign demand may
originate from [...] affected by this is likely to be fairly limited in relation to the total value of banknotes circulating
outside Germany.
(net) banknote shipments from Germany to non-euro-area countries
had been given to questions of disposition – the
development of attitudes and values, and the emotional component of human
experience and learning. There was a strong desire to move forward from [...] The demographic change leads to far-reaching consequences in human
resource management of organizations. The authors illustrate how
imperative it is that learning, didactics, and human resource [...] resource development
are custom-tailored to the different life stages and therefore are able to
ensure sustainability of employability.
Lernen, Didaktik, Neurodidaktik
organization like the church to bring these systems into balance? Based on assumptions of the
New Economic Sociology is transferred from the idea of communicative action to the church.
Journal [...]
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting [...] for the potential user and the deferred taxation put the performance in
question. The author came to completely different results: the complexity is lower
and the yield is significantly higher than [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
and 2000) to improve the scope of protection for patents. In contrast to the United
States, where a first-to-invent system operates, China follows a first-to-file system.35
“First-to-file” means [...] help individuals to act systematically
and to enable them to define their approach to operate within a company with a focus on
OMI. A defined process is a key for organizations to follow their business [...] and a shorter time to market for
new products. Aiming to reduce R&D expenses through new ideas and improved pro-
cesses, some companies offer incentives to suppliers in order to increase the exchange
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
the top 5 paths, 3 paths
belong to behavioral culture, 1 path belongs to institutional culture, 1 path belongs to
spiritual culture, and no path belongs to material culture.
15 [...] held 12 study
meetings to find the paths of creating harmonious corporate culture. Authors identified 62
analysis units and 27 small categories and 4 categories. All paths were assigned to 4
categories [...] harmonious corporate culture in order to seek out
which paths were perceived and received by most people. The results of this paper are
useful to entrepreneurs who want to build harmonious corporate culture
sogenannte Hessische Bewertungsmodell aufsetzt.
The conversion of the cameralistics to the new local account system requires the opening
balance sheet, in which all assets and liabilities [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
institute within a probit model. We extend the traditional
approach in two directions: First, in addition to individual variables we also take into
account factors derived from principal components analysis [...] e, there are some signs of instabilities in the last few
years, whereas the economic downturn due to the financial market crisis was already
evident in May 2007 in our preferred forecasting model. Since [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
eiligten der letzten Planungsperiode
sowie verschiedene Stichpunkten, die in einem Lessons Learned Dokument alle Pro- und
Kontraerfahrungen aus der letzten Planperiode zusammenfasst Das realistische [...] Vorjahres. Die Umsatzplanung wird Ende März geschlossen und dem Board während des
Target-Setting-Meetings Mitte April präsentiert und von diesem verabschiedet. Es besteht die
Möglichkeit Änderungen [...] der Jahre erzielte werksseitige
Fixkostendegression und Produktivitätssteigerungen. Über Redesign to Cost-Maßnahmen
(RDTC) versucht das Unternehmen durch Forschung- und Entwicklungsleistungen Kosten