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date 2016-07-13T08:45:50Z
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dc:title OTH_Flyer [...] Informatikers – die Ingenieurskunst besteht in
sorgfältiger Anforderungsanalyse, klarem System-
Design und dem Beherrschen großer Software-Pro-
jekte. Genau damit beschäftigt sich das Studium im
culture, team alignment, designing effective team meetings, digital workshop
design, feedback & teambuilding, etc.
• Methodology knowledge for empowering virtual teams.
• Designing a professional workplace [...] etc.)
• Design possibilities of the technical setting in the digital workplace
• Design possibilities of the digital workplace culture
• Conducting virtual meetings and designing workshops [...] decision-making for technical design options; result presen-
Inhalte der Lernveranstaltung / Internationalität:
Course Content
Database Engineering:
• Design of database systems (e
culture, team alignment, designing effective team meetings, digital workshop
design, feedback & teambuilding, etc.
• Methodology knowledge for empowering virtual teams.
• Designing a professional workplace [...] etc.)
• Design possibilities of the technical setting in the digital workplace
• Design possibilities of the digital workplace culture
• Conducting virtual meetings and designing workshops [...] decision-making for technical design options; result presen-
Inhalte der Lernveranstaltung / Internationalität:
Course Content
Database Engineering:
• Design of database systems (e
date 2020-11-06T17:22:02Z
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date 2021-03-27T10:58:24Z
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Schmitt-Rüth Stephanie
Digital Marketing & Sales DB/MLD/DEI Modularbeit Kamran Qeis
Innovation und Design DB Modularbeit Strassl
1. Schwerbehinderte können unter Nachweis der Behinderung
Calculator, formulary eight pages DIN-A 4 /
IEE 2 05.02.2025 08:30 60 09:30 WPM Plant and Equipment Design in Energy Technology Written exam Prell Bischof two pages DIN-A 4 handwritten, calculator not pr
computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, media and communication sciences, communication design, conservation and environmental protection. OTH Weiden: Economics, technology (especially industrial
Akademischer Verlag
• Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
• Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
• Meyer Bertrand, Object-Oriented [...] 2020-10-25 (Heckmann):
Modulhandbuch „Künstliche Intelligenz – International“ integriert
Neus Design für das Inhaltsverzeichnis
Überarbeitung 2020-11-17 (Heckmann):
Anmerkungen des Peer-Reviews [...] können
statische Web-Seiten mit den Web-Standardtechnologien erstellen. Sie können mithilfe von Screen-Design-Tools Entwürfe
von Webseiten erstellen, die Grafiken und sonstige audiovisuelle Medien für die V
computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, media and communication sciences, communication design, conservation and environmental protection. OTH Weiden: Economics, technology (especially industrial
date 2021-09-27T09:46:42Z
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