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Was bedeutet Design Thinking?
Design Thinking ist ein ganzheitlicher, am Menschen orientierter
Innovationsansatz und dient der [...]
date 2022-02-21T12:07:57Z
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• prototypische Umsetzung
Nutzerzentrierte Innovationsansätze wie Design Thinking oder
der Design Sprint kommen für die Entwicklung von Netzwerken
und in der kreativen Problemlösung [...]
date 2022-02-21T12:35:41Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2022-02-23T07:02:30Z [...] systems and processes for the systematic
expansion of the diameter of the grown crystals are being
designed in the “Sim_AlN_100” project. In addition to
comprehensive simulation calculations, this also
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Even though the EU has already
disconnected few major banks from SWIFT, imposing a full-scale design of this sanction will increase the pressure
on Russian economy, affecting ~USD 100 bn of Russian
Dabei sollte die Wahl
welches Design angewendet wird, immer theoriegeleitet sein (Bolger et al.,
2003). In der Forschungsarbeit wurde sich für ein zeitbasiertes Design
entschieden. Es wurden 21 [...] were supervised by Prof. Dr. Gabriele M. Murry.
Key Words: Empirical research, mixed-methods-design, social
Inhaltsverzeichnis III
Inhaltsverzeichnis [...] ibution
Steffen, A., & Doppler, S. (2019). Einführung in die Qualitative
Marktforschung Design – Datengewinnung – Datenauswertung.
Springer Gabler.
Tewes, U. & Wildgrube, K. (1992). P
date 2022-03-08T10:12:18Z
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ing.1 SU/Ü, Pr Kl 90 x o o
B 3 T KI.35.B Elektrotechnik SU/Ü Kl 90 o x o
C 3 KI.35.C Design und Produktion digitaler Medien SU/Ü, Pr PrA o o x
3 M KI.36 Spezialisierungsmodul.2 5 4 x x x
longer than 15 months. Important notice: Nominations for the disciplines Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Design, Visual Communication, Music, Film and Architecture require university admission by the application
date 2022-04-06T07:17:32Z
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Lehre steigern) in the subject area „ Mit Problem-based Learning praxisorientierte Lehre gestalten (Designing practice-orientated teaching with problem-based learning)“. Martina Göhring, member of the QUADIS [...] 06.05.2022. During a training session, the multipliers of the working group were prepared for the design of teaching-learning units. The participants also had the opportunity to reflect on and further develop [...] agreement. During a visit, we presented the headmaster, OStD Albert Hierl, with the glass plaque designating the BSZ Neumarkt as a cooperation school. Mr Hierl was attended by Stefan Pröll (representative
Publications in books/collective volumes Malik, A., Fürstenau, B. & Hommel, M. (2023) User Interface (UI) Design of Banks’ Web Pages and Its Influence on Forstering Financial Literacy of Users Through Informal
date 2022-04-01T10:41:10Z
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Stefan Meyer, HDR GmbH / Germany
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Stefan Meyer, HDR GmbH / Germany
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2022-04-14T12:24:12Z [...] Production – Verschmelzung von Realität und Virtualität
ȑ Physical Computing – Hardware, Software und Design kreativ
kombiniert …
ȑ Mensch gegen Maschine: 4-Gewinnt mit KI und Computer Vision
ȑ Fas
date 2022-04-14T12:24:12Z
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ȑ Physical Computing – Hardware, Software und Design kreativ
kombiniert …
ȑ Mensch gegen Maschine: 4-Gewinnt mit KI und Computer Vision
ȑ Fas