des Masterstudiengangs Medizintechnik sind dafür ausgebildet Fach- und Füh-
rungsaufgaben in international tätigen Unternehmen der Life Science Industrie, medizinischen oder
wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen [...] technologische Entwicklungen und deren Bedeutung - auch im
Bereich der Digitalisierung - im international geprägten Markt der Medizintechnik zu verstehen und
dieses Wissen und Verständnis in der Praxis
from the survey:
International Relations Office provides certain activities for the organization, coordination, support,
accounting and international cooperation monitoring
Involvement [...] Personally, I don't teach international students
Introductory session, informational support, small group approach with curator, international student centre
and [...] There are no international students
Preparatory courses
Вивчення мови
Offer special courses for foreign students
Assign a task.
As a tutor for 2 groups of international students
Describe and visualize processes and
procedures to make them clear for international students.
by extantion of the international programmes
I think that we should popularize our University.
Internet, speaking
more practice
I undergo trainings on professional issues
International student mobility can be good for migrating students
Don't know
To teach them in different [...] practice of universities in other EU
countries and the world
creating conditions for the international level of the teaching staff
affordable cost of study, high european level of education,
Department of international relations
International Relations Office (at the University level), REGIONAL CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS
AND PROGRAMS (at the level of faculty)
International Relations [...]
The department of international relation
International Office
There are no such students in our department
International office
international office (IFNUL)
All departments
Department [...] ; all
International Office
Department of International Relations
the Institute of International Education for Study and Research
Institute if International Education
classmate recommend
School recommendation
The propaganda from our University
international cooperation
Chinese University Recommendation
Cooperative school
through [...] university.
cooperation project
Joint training project between schools
From the international exchange office in our institute
Listen to the teacher.
I found it from my college
more language courses and give international
students opportunities to participate in international conferences.
Increase exchanges between local and international students in Ukraine, such as the [...] concerning international students integration at my university is as
follows, in regards to my suggestion I would like international students integration
process to be fixable. International students [...] be allowed. Concerning
international integration at my university is excellent.
Tank yours
It will very helpful for international students to study all course
Summer and Winter Schools Besides internships or semesters abroad, international summer schools also offer opportunities to discover the world. There are special offers for students of OTH Amberg-Weiden
serienreife Lösung
Elektromotoren müssen in einem engen Temperaturfenster arbeiten, daher wäre ein interner Kühlkreislauf ideal
Wärmerückgewinnungskonzepte in Gießereien
Welche Wärmequellen haben wir,
Hochschulen zur Lösung ak-
tueller Herausforderungen beizutragen.
Das hat TRIO bisher erreicht
Das interne TRIO-Transferportal vernetzt Wissenschaft,
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft miteinander und erleichtert
languages and intercultural skills are key employment criteria in international companies in all industries. Our regional and international partner companies are primarily in the electrical and automation [...] academics. Target groups The English-taught Digital Technology and Management degree program is internationally oriented and offers various elective options. These can be used either for improving language [...] Management As part of our series „Bachelor On Air” , Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl and the Head of the International Office, Dr. Annabelle Wolff, presented the degree programme „Digital Technology and Management”
on technology, operational value creation processes and management in international companies. The education is both international and interdisciplinary. Close cooperation with partner companies from industry
companies, easy internship search, practical bachelor theses and excellent employment opportunities international contacts and cooperation with partner universities, from joint modules to summer/winter schools [...] July 15, Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl, head of the study program, and Dr. Annabelle Wolff, head of the International Office, answered the questions of host Daniel Kann and numerous interested viewers live. You can
Seite 8 von 99
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment [...] Mathematik für Ingenieure, Oldenbourg
2011; Formelsammlung
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Bachelorstudiengang Patentingenieurwesen [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
Seite 12 von 99
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
Der Hochschulrat wird paritätisch durch interne
und externe Mitglieder besetzt.
Der Hochschulrat
‧ beschließt die Grundordnung
the global financial crisis, which was linked to a fragile banking sector and the
loss of international price competitiveness.
While no compelling inferences can be made as to the driving force of [...] Finally,
Born et al. (2018) assess, in a large panel of countries, the disciplining effect of
international debt markets by enforcing government expenditure cuts. They find
that government expenditures [...] ’Troika’, that is a group
of institutions including the European Commission, the ECB and the International
Monetary Fund, which also developed and negotiated the programmes for structural
Vorname, Nachname Robioul Ferdous Fahim
Alter 23 Jahre
Fakultät, Studiengang BWL, International Business
Semester 3
Gremium Fakultätsrat
In der Vorlesung bin
Realisierungs-, Implementierungs-, Vermarktungs- und
Beschaffungsprozessen digitaler Technologien in international tätigen produzierenden
Unternehmen und im Servicebereich, eine interkulturelle Sensibilisierung
Management (PLM)
Global Procurement & Sales (GPS)
Digital Production & Logistics (DPL)
International Management & Languages (IML)
Bei Änderung: Begründung der Änderung des Studienangebots
complex projects, such as larger international research projects . The Master's program Global Research in Sustainable Engineering is offered in cooperation with international partner universities . You will [...] an international environment. The following partner universities work with the program (more will be added over time): Career opportunities Science takes place both in a national and international context [...] field of application-oriented research and development of innovative products and processes in an international environment. It is therefore primarily aimed at prospective students who see their future professional
national and international climate targets, but above all highly qualified experts. And if there are many of them, we can achieve the global energy transition. In the master's program "International Energy [...] context of sustainability, the master's program "International Energy Engineering" is just right for you. Career opportunities In the field of international energy technology , you will work in a constantly [...] will still be needed in the long term, both in Germany and internationally. Application You want to apply for the Master's program International Energy Engineering at our university? The program starts in
Menü Program International Energy Engineering Course content Contacts (current) Program International Energy Engineering Course content Contacts (current) For questions please feel free to contact the
valid semester plan for the International Energy Engineering program as a PDF: Semester plan International Energy Engineering Summer semester 2025 Semester plan International Energy Engineering Winter semester [...] Menü Program International Energy Engineering Course content (current) Course content Study programme Documents Contacts Program International Energy Engineering Course content (current) Course content [...] Study programme Documents Contacts Course content of the International Energy Engineering degree programme The Master's degree programme "International Energy Engineering" provides you with depth knowledge
one-page certificate (this form is available on our website or provided by the intern) is to be completed by
the intern’s supervisor and lists the dates of the internship and certifies successful completion [...]
Information Sheet
Internship Semester - Information for Internship Firms
International Technology Management (TM) is a seven semester, Bachelor Programme offered at the Technical University [...] semester of the programme and students are routinely put into responsible positions appropriate for interns in
a variety of departments.
By the time students begin their internship, they have usually
Englisch- (Cronbachs α
= 0.64) und Matrizen-Kompetenztest (Cronbachs α = 0.67) gegeben ist. Die
interne Konsistenz des Deutsch-Kompetenztests (Cronbachs α = 0.22) und
die Trennschärfen (Trennschärfe [...] Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt [...]
von Horst Rottmann
43 Die neuen europäischen Regeln zur Sanierung
e und Toxikologie
(Pharmacology and Toxicology)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.3 Innere Medizin
(Internal Medicine)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.4 Entscheidungsfindung in der Medizin
(Medical Decision Making) [...] e und Toxikologie
(Pharmacology and Toxicology)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.3 Innere Medizin
(Internal Medicine)
5 4 SU/Ü Kl
PA 3.4 Entscheidungsfindung in der Medizin
(Medical Decision Making)