La [...] Electrolytes Based on BMPl-
TFSI with Graphite Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries, Poster Session, 216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society
(ECS), 4.-9. Oct. 2009, Vienna, Austria.
expect the two regimes to
correspond to the normal and ‘inverted’ yield
curve, and for the bank–public spread to the
normal and ‘widened’ spread. The observed
spread series Y is assumed to be drawn fromFig. [...] may be due
to the differential response of the Bundesbank
to under- and overshootings of its monetary
target, raising rates in response to an overshoot-
ing but not lowering them in response to
overshooting [...] for Germany, so we adopt a methodology
similar to that in Artis et al. (1995) to identify
7 inflation cycle turning points. We assume thatAccording to Von Hagen (1999), the call rate has been the
strategy to force their employees to leave
the firm under strict EPL (Wasmer, 2006, and Boeris and van Ours, 2008). Agents with
limited horizons could cling to non-satisfying jobs to avoid the [...] appropriate to analyze the determinants of suicide rates for both
genders separately and to try to identify the determinants of the cross-country distribution of
suicide rates or to use cross-section [...] of observations decreases to approximately
50% of the benchmark sample (table 3 and 4). The results are robust to these alternative
definitions of our data, as well as to the sample adjustments.
Qualitätsverbesserung der Lehre ein.
Am 06.04.2016 fand unter Moderation des Studiendekans Prof.
Dipl.-Des. Martin Frey das jährliche „Lehre-Meeting“ statt, in dem
der aktuelle Stand [...] ischen Austauschprojektes
„Meet Up: Flucht und Heimat“
• Neuplanung des Zusatzangebots ab 2017
• Antragsstellung für verschiedene Förderprogramme
(Meet Up, INTERREG, DAAD-Ostpartnerschaft [...] bietet
Möglichkeiten zur Implementierung von PRME, schafft Verbin-
dungen zu Service-Learning-Projekten wie Flüchtlinge@OTH so-
wie die Erweiterung von weiteren studienbegleitenden Angebo-
Fakultäts-Meetings zu Lehre und FuE
Zu den beiden zentralen Tätigkeitsfeldern „Lehre“ und „Ange-
wandte Forschung“ wird die Fakultät künftig jeweils mindes-
tens einmal im Jahr spezifische Meetings abhalten [...] Lepke:
• Auto.E-Motion Conference und MotorBrain Project Meeting, ams
AG, Unterpremstätten, Österreich, 27.09.2011
• MotorBrain Consortium Meeting bei CRF (Centro Ricerche Fiat),
Orbassano/Turin [...] Seville 2012 und MotorBrain Project Meeting,
Engineering School of the University of Seville, 30.09.2011 und
• MotorBrain First Review Meeting, Infineon München, 11. -
We would like to express our thanks to all those, who
contribute to the success of our university by their
excellent research and development activities. It was only
due to the enormous commitment [...] trusted OS-Application have restricted access to memory
and to the APIs provided by the OS. In multicore systems,
each OS-Application has to be assigned to one processor
core in the configuration phase [...] real-time Ethernet data transfer with regard to timing and
We plan to extend the test platform to provide also a
1 Gbit/s Ethernet interface to introduce the reduced
physical layer for
Franz Seitz
the Constitution gives to Congress the power to coin money and set its value – a power
that, in the 1913 act, Congress itself delegated to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Re-
serve [...] monetary aggregates to spending, the behavior of the ag-
gregates relative to their annual ranges will likely be of limited use in guiding policy
(...), and the Federal Reserve will continue to utilize a broad [...] of monetary policy was intended to be the discount rate, which was set and oper-
ated independently by each Reserve Bank, although the Board invested with some authority to review
discount policy.“ MEADE
of how to set τ are available, there is still a lot of subjectivity.
In our view, it would be beneficial to either make this subjectivity more explicit or to derive
empirical methods to determine [...] Bayesian methods have been developed to derive Bayesian estimators for µ
and Σ. On the other hand, heuristic methods are used to limit the impact of the uncertainty
or to encompass it by “resampling”. Both [...] (1999). According to Rachev et al. (2008), the Black-Litterman model is “the
single most prominent application of the Bayesian methodology to portfolio selection”.
It allows to consistently combine
discipline seems not to wane in re-
sponse to expansionary shocks to monetary policy that bring down borrowing cost.
Thus, although government debt rose (Figure 1) relative to GDP between 2006 and [...] expansionary shock is assumed to raise the stock
price due to a lower discount rate and to decrease the interest swaps. Leombroni
et al. (2020) calculate a risk premium shock to monetary policy by exploiting [...] 18According to Bini Smaghi (2013), the ECB’s role changed radically in the course of the
sovereign debt crisis: ”The ability to push government authorities to make decisions contrary
to their immediate
is hardly likely to have distorted the results, as this
denomination is not likely to be used much in non-euro-area countries. The approach had to
be modified when applied to individual denominations [...] employ this method to try
to calculate foreign demand for US dollar banknotes, we have decided not simply to exclude
by definition those months in which there were net return flows to the Bundesbank [...] introduction of the euro is more likely to be predominantly due to
foreign demand. As a precise statistical recording of foreign demand is not possible, it is
prudent to make corresponding estimates using
Routing, Connectivity Maps
Künstliche Intelligenz:
Machine Learning, Data
Sensorik, Bussysteme,
[...] Programmiersprache und Konzipierung verteilter Systeme
Implementierung unter Verwendung von Device-to-Device Kommunikation
Einarbeiten in Infrastrukturkommunikation
Automotive Engineering @ OTH
14 [...] n in Fahrzeugkommunikation
Automotive Engineering @ OTH
MAPR Vorstellung
How to MAPR @Automotive?
1. Melde dich bei uns!
2. Auswahl des MAPR-Forschungsthemas mit Prof. Dr. Höß
Aktualisierung der Module
• Schritte:
• Kooperationsvereinbarung mit Fraunhofer: IT-Sicherheit, E-Learning
• Anmietung Fraunhofer-Arbeitsgruppe im E-House und am Standtort AM
• Verfahren Einstellung [...] Level 2
Nur Fahrer
Level of automation: terms acc. to SAE draft J3016
2013 (Mercedes S-Klasse)
1998 (Mercedes S-Klasse)
1959 (Porsche 356)
[...] Beobachtung der
Für alle Fahr-
Level of automation: terms acc. to SAE draft J3016
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Nur Fahrer
second relates to the existence of a lower threshold of cash used for
transaction purposes below which it is no longer profitable for banks to guarantee access to
cash and for retailers to accept cash [...] countries are quite heterogenous, both
with respect to the real sector (e. g., Belke, et al., 2017) as well as to the financial (ECB, 2020a)
and to the payments environment (Esselink & Hernández, 2017) [...] for all frequencies.
Therefore, further modifications are needed to allow for these eventualities and to enable
this method to be implemented. Fairly accurate estimation results can often be obtained
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
solutions for the future‘s mobility.
We are constantly looking for passionate personalities who wish to
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AVL Software and Functions [...] solutions for the future‘s mobility.
We are constantly looking for passionate personalities who wish to
grow and develop themselves. We offer you a modern working envi-
ronment with flat hierarchies. Our
of up to −56.77%, which are related to a momentum crash (reversal)
12The scaled time index ts can be obtained from the original index to = 1, ..., T via ts = (b−a)[to −min to]/[max to −
min to] + a [...] NYSE has reduced tick size only a few times: from 8th to 16th in June
1997 and from 16th to penny in January 2001. Comparing 1993 to 2000 with 2001 to 2008, Chordia et al. (2011)
document a 75% decrease [...] investors
declined from 48% to 22% from 1980 to 2007, while the share of open investment funds increased from 5% to 32%.
Second, bonuses for investment bankers also lead to increased demand for high risk
force companies to rethink
their business models and industries - their strategy, relationships with customers and
suppliers, processes and structures. The aim of this publication is to provide a starting [...] Adner: Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem, in: Harvard Business Review,
April 2006, 2006, https://hbr.org/2006/04/match-your-innovation-strategy-to-your-innovation-ecosystem
[11.07 [...] Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem, in:
Harvard Business Review, April 2006, 2006, https://hbr.org/2006/04/match-your-inno-
vation-strategy-to-your-innovation-ecosystem [11.07
data migration as the process of perma-
nently moving data from one database to another whereas the databases both belong to ap-
plications”78. Eine Implementierung einer neuen Cloud-ERP-Lösung geht [...] Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] software solutions, companies have new options
for providing the information infrastructure they need to do their business. Based on a concrete
scenario in a corporate context and a structured analysis
Studienplan festgelegt sein.
(7) Einzelne Veranstaltungen können auch virtuell in Form von E-Learning oder Videokonferenzen stattfinden.
(8) Ein Anspruch darauf, dass der Masterstudiengang bei [...] 3D-Computeranimation 4 SU/Ü/Pr schr. P. 90 – 180 oder
From Real to Virtual /
4 SU/Ü/Pr schr. P. 90 – 180 oder
Precision to Plan
Compared with Manual Techniques. J Knee Surg. 2018 May. [Epub ahead of print].
[16] Sodhi N, Khlopas A, Piuzzi NS, Sultan AA, Marchand RC, Malkani AL, Mont MM. The learning curve [...] analysis (RSA) in phantom experiments using a single robotic x-ray
tube compared to conventional RSA. 5th International RSA Meeting, Adelaide, Australia.
06. – 08. Oktober 2017.
[11] Horsager K, Kaptein [...] Bauteilen und Strukturen.
Springer Vieweg 2017.
[3] Wong TM, Jin J, Lau TW, Fang C, Yan CH, Yeung K, To M, Leung F. The use of three-
dimensional printing technology in orthopaedic surgery. J Orthop Surg
different motivations and lead to different effects for each individual.
Searching for their own personality, people look for clues in many
dimensions to be able to evaluate their own selves. In [...] presentation of products is supposed to make those
products more preferred, and its impact on Low-Involvement-Products. The
purpose of the current study was to examine to what extend the Mere-
Expo [...] Psychology at the
University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden. To consider the research
question from different angles, it was important to use a quantitative as well
as a qualitative method in each
companies with higher ESG
scores were more likely to leave Russia. This seems to justify the high ethical standards
attributed to such stocks, leading to the aforementioned protective effect.
So did [...] for the economic ties to Russia and
Ukraine has to be considered. After all, the degree of economic dependency to Russia
5. When using characteristics that are related to the social pillar of ESG [...] the risk-return
patterns of stocks.1 To achieve this, it is essential to gain a deeper understanding of
the risk-return patterns, with particular attention to tail-risks and their interconnec-