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Searched for "weiden".
Found 736 results in 30 milliseconds.
Displaying results 676 to 700 of 736.
The GigaMove service provides a simple and user-friendly way to exchange large amounts of data.
This data exchange can only be initiated by a user who belongs to an organization that is a member of the DFN AAI Federation. Authentication is done via Shibboleth - no further authorization takes place. We are members of the DFN AAI and can therefore use this service.
This user either uploads a file via HTTPS protocol and passes on the automatically generated HTTPS download link - or this person generates an HTTPS link that can be used by the partner to upload a file.
The data is automatically scanned with an up-to-date virus scanner and deleted after 14 days (with the option to extend). There is an option to protect the download via password. A total of max. 1 TB of data may be stored per account, whereby the size of a single file may not exceed 100 GB.
More information can be found at this link at RWTH Aachen University
By the way: If you want to exchange data within our university, please use our network drives!
When logging in for the first time, please select our university in the list of institutions (hint: write Weiden in the text field) and choose both selection options. For all further logins in this browser the selection will be omitted in the future. If you are already logged in to our Shibbolethserver, you don't need to log in to Gigamove - thanks to SingleSingOn.
[NEWS] Corona regulations as of January 17, 2022
17.01.2022 | Corona[PDF] Amtsblatt_Nr._2007_2.pdf
[NEWS] New regulations on infection control
24.11.2021 | Corona[FAQ-FRAGE] How do I order books from the OPAC?
[PDF] Stromsparen.pdf
The following explains how to create a certificate with the new certificate manager.
You can access the application page via the following link:
Click on your Institution.
Type OTH.
Choose Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden.
Choose "OTH-AAI-SSL-Serverzertifikat-mit-CSR"
Your certificate sign request will then be checked and approved.
After approval, your certificate will appear in the overview. You will also receive the following e-mail:
Select here:
For Windows Server PKCS 7.
For Linux Server Certificate (w/issuer after).
You can then install the certificate on your machine as usual.