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just as fit in the design of information and advertising material as they are in setting up and maintaining corporate websites, in technical editing as well as in the professional design of trade show booths [...] Geoinformation plays a crucial role in most projects in business or politics. It forms the basis for the design of our cities and landscapes or the development of innovative technologies such as autonomous driving [...] understand the language of their clients from the various engineering disciplines and, as IT architects, design clear software structures; as programmers, they implement these using modern software technology;
Corporate Governance,
Compliance & CSR
International Strategic Management
New Business Models &
Design Thinking
Environment, Climate Change
& Ecology
International Projects –
Processes & Change
ty“ (M.A.)
Corporate Governance,
Compliance & CSR
International Strategic Management
Designing Workshops for
Sustainable Product Development
Environment, Climate Change
& Ecology
date 2022-07-08T05:44:29Z
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dimensions of the capacitor,
and the correct labelling according to the design
specification are verified. Materials, design, dimens-
ions, fabrication processes, and rated values according
to the [...] series
resistor RS ≤ 1000 Ω is so chosen that the time constant
τ = RS C equals 60 to 120 s. A design specification may
ordain something different. Before the measurement,
the capacitor terminations [...] Robustness of terminations
Soldering heat stability
56 + 2
Materials, design, dimensions,
fabrication, rated values (C, R)
according to the specification
Sight check
capacitance and the lowest
resistance useful for the technical application, although
the B2 type was designated with the identical rated
values by a different manufacturer.
Fig. 18: Quality quantity
66. M. H. KAISER, Doppelschichtkondensatoren für Energiespeichersysteme, Werkstoffe und Design, Bericht zum 2.
Praxissemester, Fachrichtung Werkstoff- und Oberflächentechnik, Dornier GmbH &
Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Places are limited! Please register online: → →
„Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking“ [...] on 1.7
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modified 2023-04-28T08:57:32Z
Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Places are limited! Please register online: → →
„Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking“ [...] on 1.7
xmp:CreatorTool PDF24 Creator
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modified 2023-05-11T09:01:41Z
Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Places are limited! Please register online: → →
„Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking“ [...] on 1.7
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modified 2023-05-15T07:51:16Z
of a three-step design chain for the simple and efficient design of
tube bundle heat exchangers or evaporators respectively with a focus on ORC applications. It contains a design calculation
tool [...] calculation and design of the heat exchanger. The present paper deals with all of
these design steps in an attempt to integrate the solutions to these problems into a single design chain for ORC tube [...] CONCLUSION
With the three-step design chain for tube bundle heat exchangers in ORC plants, the operator has a great tool at
his hands for designing basic heat exchangers as they are used in
date 2017-01-09T09:23:55Z
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dc:title Flyerp
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2017-02-14T09:55:31Z [...] wirtschaftliche und juristische Aspekte. Jedes Schutzrecht – ob Patent, Gebrauchsmuster, Marke oder
Design – erfüllt einen anderen Zweck, ist unterschiedlichen Anmeldevoraussetzungen unterworfen und
1985–1989 Education as technical designer 1992–1993 Free study at the Institute of Art and Design in Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab 1994–1998 Graduated with a degree in communication design (Diploma) 2002–2007 Study
in New York City, USA Head of music and audio design (1994 - 2008) at ProSieben in Unterföhring/ Munich. Various lectures at symposia on TV audio design, including ZDF Mainz, Filmhochschule Babelsberg [...] production (since 2008) at the OTH Amberg-Weiden Consultant for the Eyes & Ears Academy (auditory design and audio production) for the Eyes & Ears of Europe Association: Vice Dean of the Faculty [...] Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt on "The influence of different audio design for the same moving image". Dean (faculty spokesperson) of the Faculty EMI (since winter semester
date 2022-05-27T07:29:32Z
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date 2024-04-10T06:27:07Z
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dc:title Poster
getriebene Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten. Ein besonderes
Augenmerk liegt dabei auf dem Human-Centered-Design, um ein
positives Nutzererlebnis in diesem Kontext zu gewährleisten.
Somewhat satisfied
• Very satisfied
• Extremely satisfied
Q2. How satisfied are you with the design of the tasks?
• Not at all satisfied
• Not so satisfied
• Somewhat satisfied
• Very satisfied [...] student's work only computer-based (built-in online calculator, sketchpad)
• Develop a clearer design of questions according to the possibilities of STACK
Question 1 Question 2
Question 3 Question