date 2009-04-23T08:38:09Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.4
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2009-04-23T08:38:09Z [...] eigenständige Marke im Wei-
terbildungsbereich aufgebaut werden. Das zugehörige Corporate
Design wurde erarbeitet und ebenso wurden Marketingmaßnah-
men eingeleitet. Der Arbeitstitel „Donauschiene“
Fortbildungsseminar „Designer 6 Embedded Intelli-
gence“ der Firma Altium Europe vom 26.-27.10.2006 in
Karlsruhe; Teilnehmer: Matthias Saffert
Fortbildungsseminar „Designer 6 – EU – Entwickler Semi- [...]
date 2008-02-06T08:23:35Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.4
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date 2007-01-02T09:48:43Z
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pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CS2 (4.0.4)
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2007-01-02T09:48:43Z [...] verarbeitungstechnik“.
Frenzel, B.: Workshop „Mechatronik an Hochschulen“.
Rönnebeck, H.: „Design of an open wheel race car using
PRO/E Wildfire 2, PTC User Conference 2006, Friedrichs-
me Online-Auskunftssystem“ 10.01.2005
34. Öffentlicher Vortrag aus dem Patentingenieurwesen:
Design und Geschmacksmuster – Der Schutz von Pro-
duktgestaltungen nach dem deutschen und europä-
Das laufende
Berufungsverfahren für das Lehrgebiet
Mediengestaltung und Kommunikations-
design konnte nach der vierten Ausschrei-
bung mit der Berufung von Herrn Dr. Mi-
chael Thiermeyer [...] beschafft. Ferner wurde das
Labor um Software-Entwicklungstools für
objektorientierte Analyse/Design im Em-
bedded-Bereich erweitert.
Im Multimedialabor konnte mit der Be-
schaffung eines [...] PUBLIKATIONEN
Wilden J., Dolles M., Emmel A.: „Plasma-Assisted Laser Cladding Process Design and Prop-
erties“, Laser in Manufactoring 2003, Munich, June 2003, Seiten 189-194
date 2022-04-11T12:49:19Z
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date 2021-05-20T09:13:11Z
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Households in Euro Area Countries
Hans-Eggert Reimers
University of Technology, Business and Design Wismar
Friedrich Schneider
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Franz Seitz
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date 2022-07-22T14:58:13Z
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Project (BIP) on Service Design - 14 till 18 Nov. 2022 - Lier, Belgium
Description of the Service Design Workshops
This International Week on Service Design aims to teach through crash [...] Discover the challenge
• Introduction to Service Design
• Define-design ‘the right thing’
• Introduction to Creativity
• Added Value - Design ‘the thing right’
• Validation and prototyping [...]
Blended Intensive Project (BIP) on Service Design - 14 till 18 Nov. 2022 - Lier, Belgium
14-18 NOVEMBER 2022
LIER (province of Antwerp, Belgium)
them Webtechnologies & Technical Language: Design of web pages and relevant technical terms and their meaning Computer Science: building computers, designing programs, excerpts from theoretical computer [...] with AI? I have a degree in Communication Design as well as a Master's in Computer Science and a PhD in Computer Science. For a few years I worked as a media designer, software developer and as an independent [...] lectures do you currently give and what do students learn in them? Cyberphysische Systems: Applications, design and modeling of cyberphysical systems using the example. Project management: methods for agile project
• Financing and Investment Policies
• Marketing
• Production Technologies
• Engineering Design
• Accounting
• German and International Law
Additionally, students have also had four semesters
date 2020-07-15T14:57:05Z
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dc:title Inter
Decoding the Disciplines & JSXGraph - an approach to resolve learning obstacles in energy balancing Designing graphical physics problems with JSXGraph Empowering African STEM Education: A Journey from Intern
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xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
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xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
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xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent Adobe InDesign 6.0
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Reifschneider, D./Tetlow, R./Finan, F. (2000): Errors in the Measurement of the
Output Gap and the Design of Monetary Policy, Journal of Economics and Busi-
ness 52, 117–41. – Rudebusch, G. (2002): Assessing
reduced cost-effectively. The principles of the control methods have hardly changed in their basic design over the past decades. However, they have been extended to include additional functions such as
date 2021-03-30T16:56:31Z
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dc:title WILLKOMMEN [...] Katharina Fourier, Rachel Estévez Prado,
Hannah Eßing, Anke Zuber, DAAD Gestaltung und Satz DITHO Design GmbH, Köln, | Druck W. Kohlhammer
Druckerei GmbH + Co. KG, Stuttgart © DAAD |
macht in die-
sem Zusammenhang aber auch darauf aufmerksam, dass
insbesondere dem „institutionellen Design“ der Zentral-
bank eine entscheidende Rolle zukommt, wenn es darum
geht, Inflationserwartungen auf
Formula Student racing car that is powered purely by electricity. The team not only independently designs and manufactures the competitive speedster, but also regularly takes part in national and international
date 2015-02-09T09:46:59Z
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! Here you have almost 80 m² at your disposal for individual development. The Learning Hall was designed as an innovative space for individual learning and working with digital media. At the heart of the [...] into a modern, mobile, height-adjustable, battery-powered workstation. The battery capacity is designed for a busy working day. However, should it not be enough, you simply replace the battery and continue [...] right tower, as seen from the inner courtyard, is a gem with trend-setting equipment. This room is designed with the "bring your own device" concept in mind: every student (and lecturer) brings their own
on interdisciplinary topics. Diverse: Interdisciplinary groups meet in learning sites, which are designed to be cross-faculty. International: Learning sites are also suitable for international courses,
date 2017-07-27T08:09:29Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2017-07-27T08:09:29Z [...] from all disciplines to aquire new and additionals
competencies. Increasingly, they must be able to design and implement innovative business
models, analyze and evaluate data and understand digital economics