outside only via VPN FortiClient ) IMF eLibrary (e-books, articles, and other publications from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)) Oxford University Press (e-journals of the publisher) PsyJournals (30 e-Journals [...] Wettbewerbsrecht (Online commentary on competition law, german) European Patent Register IPC - International Patent Classification via DPMA Search for patents at the US Patent and Trademark Office Patentscope [...] de Gruyter E-Books (all subjects, German and English) EUR-Lex (European Union Law) Kluwer Law International Journals (DFG-Licence) NWB Steuer und Studium openJur (Case law database, german) SSRN (Social
advice and information services are available to users. (2) Consultation of service catalogs and internal reference works may be permitted in justified cases. (3) 1 Information resources and aids for their [...] the intermediary of the library in accordance with the provisions of the Bavarian, German and International Interlibrary Loan Regulations (interlibrary loan). ²Interlibrary loan orders which would circumvent [...] external use, items shall be sent in accordance with the provisions of the Bavarian, German and International Interlibrary Loan Regulations. ²In view of lending restrictions, the library may attach conditions
Seite 8 von 117
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
Seite 10 von 117
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Art/Umfang inkl. Gewichtung
Zu prüfende [...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
Seite 12 von 117
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
Combustion and charge cycle analysis with AVL Indicom and AVL Concerto (incl. Burn/ GCA) Simulation Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) AVL Fire Fluid dynamic calculations with Ansys Workbench and Star CCM+
reduce emissions, the entire CHP process is being considered and optimised, from the fuel to the internal engine processes to the exhaust gas aftertreatment. Efficiency increase Efficiency increase The [...] of the research work is to increase the electrical and thermal efficiency of CHP systems through: Internal engine improvements Optimisation of peripheral components Waste heat conversion Micro-CHP Biogenic
pdf:docinfo:created 2021-06-30T15:12:43Z
Important note: The International Energy Engineering master programme is legally regulated
by the "Studien- und Prüfungsordnung” [...] regulations.
Study and Examination Regulations
for the Master's programme
International Energy Engineering
at the University of Applied Sciences
[...] study programme
(1) 1The aim of the degree programme is to train engineers for national and international specialist and
management tasks in all areas of energy technology with application-oriented
Menü Program Global Research in Sustainable Engineering Course content (current) Course content Study programme Program Global Research in Sustainable Engineering Course content (current) Course conte
Creation-Date 2021-07-05T08:31:04Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Einrichtungen/International_Office/Benoetigte_Datensaetze/Checkliste_Personalmobilitaet_01.pdf
Author 410c
producer [...]
Vor dem Auslandsaufenthalt
Liegt Einladung der Gasthochschule vor?
Termin mit International Office (IO) vereinbaren, Optionen klären (STA, STT, sind
Förderkriterien erfüllt?)
[...] Agreement (GA) Erasmus+ unterzeichnen
Eintragung in das Mobility Tool der NA des DAAD durch das International Office
Während des Auslandsaufenthalts
STA: Lehrtätigkeit durchführen (Workshop, Lecture
password Excursion portal Contacts Study and Career Service Students’ Office Internship Office International Office Centre for Gender and Diversity Catholic university and Protestant student congregationStudent
al and
problem-solving skills. 7The international and intercultural competences are imparted by the obligatory
research stay abroad, the internationally composed student groups and, last but not [...] to qualify students to independently carry out scientifically based,
application-oriented, international research and development work in various fields of engineering
sciences, e.g. in the field [...] Computer Science
(EMI) and Industrial Engineering and Health (WIG) and in collaboration with international cooperation
partners. 2This ensures that the topics dealt with are
Angaben zur/zum möglichen internationalen Betreuerin/Betreuer |
Details of the possible international supervisor:
Akad. Grad/Titel, Name | Acad. degree/title, name: __________________________
interkulturellen Kompetenzen werden durch
den obligatorischen Forschungsaufenthalt im Ausland, der international zusammengesetzten Stu-
diengruppen und nicht zuletzt durch die englische Sprache des Studiums [...] II;
b) NULTE-Zertifikate: mind. Niveau B2;
c) Cambridge English Scale: mind. 160 Punkte;
d) „International English Language Testing System" (IELTS Academic): mind. Band 5.5;
e) „Test of English as a Foreign [...] BewerberIn | Signature applicant
Für den internen Gebrauch (von den PrüferInnen auszufüllen) | For internal use (to be completed by the examiners)
BetreuerIn: __________________________________
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
für den Masterstudiengang
International Energy Engineering
an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule
vom 01 [...] Energieforschung oder/und einer Promotion.
§ 3
Der Studiengang International Energy Engineering ist ein konsekutiver Masterstudiengang mit einem an-
wendungsorientierten Profil [...] oraussetzungen
(1) Qualifikationsvoraussetzungen für die Zulassung zum Masterstudiengang International Energy Engi-
neering sind:
1. 1Ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes, mindestens sechs theoretische
semester 2021/22
Prof. Frank Späte / Silke Fersch2
Study Plan GSE
The Master‘s programme ‚International Engergy Engineering‘ will start in the summer semester of 2022. In Winter
Semester 2021/22 only [...] valid throughout all the states of the European Union. The institution „Uni-Assist“ evaluates all international
degrees from outside the European Union according to the ECTS system.
- Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
Fully taught in English while still
acquiring at least B2.2 German skills,
international internship, cooperation
with partner [...] study program’s website
Our International Office
The university in general
https://www [...] de/en/inform-yourself-and-discover/facilities/international-office/incoming/ https://www.oth-aw.de/en/inform-yourself-and-discover/facilities/international-office/incoming/
annotation https://www.oth-aw
New international evidence. Banco de la República de Colombia, Discussion Paper No. 1074.
Ashworth, J., & Goodhart, C.A.E. (2020). The surprising recovery of currency usage. International
Journal [...] Performance
Indicators Practical Guide for Students 23
Istvan Simon Hungary
Colombia’s Progress: Internal Peace and Foreign Trade 42
Andrew F. Johnson, Rusty V. Karst
False Hopes, Missed Opportunities: [...] hinders tax evasion. Schneider & Linsbauer (2016) give a literature
review on the finances of international crime organizations which shows that cash is used in many crime
activities. Therefore, restrictions
handle the incoming
messages isolated from the internal network of the vehicle. A
vulnerability that allows introducing or reading messages in
the internal network from the charging port can leak private [...] single voltage source and an internal
resistance mostly denoted as Rint. An extension of the Rint-
Model can be achieved by simulating the ideal voltage source
and internal resistance as a function [...] Letia (Hg.): 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2013). Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 5-7 September 2013. 2013 IEEE International Conference
on Intelligent
Seite 8 von 112
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
[...] Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik
Seite 10 von 112
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
[...] Physik für Ingenieure Buch, Physikalische Formelsammlung
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
facilities, we do not disclose our service providers. Transfer of personal data to a third country or international organisations All of our social media providers are certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield and
the OTH email accounts. Since we only use your private contact data internally, only pass it on to authorised service units internally and do not pass it on externally, this does not predominantly conflict [...] subsequently be used for student and examination administration, to support the processing of your international affairs such as semesters abroad as well as for scholarship matters and as a basis for talent [...] scripts and information from individual organisational units (faculties, degree programmes, International Office). As an applicant and if you are enrolled with us, you will receive password-protected
- Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
Fully taught in English while still
acquiring at least B2.2 German skills,
international internship, cooperation
with partner [...] study program’s website
Our International Office
The university in general
https://www [...] de/en/inform-yourself-and-discover/facilities/international-office/incoming/ https://www.oth-aw.de/en/inform-yourself-and-discover/facilities/international-office/incoming/
annotation https://www.oth-aw
ity of family with studies, science and career Art. 2 Para. 3 BayHSchG) and the promotion of international and European cooperation in higher education Art. 2 Para. 4 BayHSchG) in accordance with the
Überblick über die ISO 27001
Anwendung der ISO 27001
Einführung der ISO 27001 in Unternehmen
Interne Auditierung der ISO 27001
Literatur: wird zur Verfügung gestellt
Workload 16 Std. Präsenz [...] 1, Properties and Selection of Iron, Steels, and
High-Perfomeance Alloys. ASM 10th ed.; ASM International
Berns H., Theisen W.: Eisenwerkstoffe- Stahl und Gusseisen.; Springer
Bhadeshia H.K.D [...] Menrath
verfügt über langjährige Managementerfahrung in Leitungsfunktionen als CEO
und COO bei international tätigen Unternehmen der Luftfahrt (Rolls Royce
Deutschland), der Defence Industrie (Krauss Maffei
(0961) 382-0, Fax: (0961) 382-110
E-Mail: international@oth-aw.de / Internet: http://www.oth-aw.de
International Office
Bitte füllen Sie den Bew [...] Creation-Date 2021-08-05T13:38:31Z
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Author 410c
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pdf:docinfo:producer [...] Bewerbungsbogen aus und leiten Sie
ihn an das International Office weiter
Ich möchte mich für das folgende Semester im
Erasmus-Programm bewerben:
Wintersemester ……………/………………
an interdisciplinary,
international education in the intersection of information and communication technology,
operational value creation processes and management in international companies and serves [...] realization,
implementation, marketing and procurement processes of digital technologies in
internationally active manufacturing companies and in the service sector, an intercultural
sensitization and [...] principles, methods and tools of
general business administration, business process management, internal and external
accounting, logistics, industrial engineering and digital marketing.