Aktualisierung der Module
• Schritte:
• Kooperationsvereinbarung mit Fraunhofer: IT-Sicherheit, E-Learning
• Anmietung Fraunhofer-Arbeitsgruppe im E-House und am Standtort AM
• Verfahren Einstellung [...] Level 2
Nur Fahrer
Level of automation: terms acc. to SAE draft J3016
2013 (Mercedes S-Klasse)
1998 (Mercedes S-Klasse)
1959 (Porsche 356)
[...] Beobachtung der
Für alle Fahr-
Level of automation: terms acc. to SAE draft J3016
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Nur Fahrer
• Draw a professional or private
interest next to the card
• Link to other persons (draw line)
Spider Web
Let’s get to know each other
01.10.2024Welcome Presentation IIE & IME 2 [...] EMI, MB/UT, WIG
Folie 1: Welcome to OTH Amberg-Weiden
Folie 2: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 3: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 4: About Me
Folie 5: Study Profile [...] Lerngruppen und Mentoring.
• One-stop student support for year one
• Designed to ease the transition from secondary school
to university
• The programme offers consultation, mentoring,
• Draw a professional or private
interest next to the card
• Link to other persons (draw line)
Spider Web
Let’s get to know each other
01.10.2024Welcome Presentation IIE & IME 2 [...] EMI, MB/UT, WIG
Folie 1: Welcome to OTH Amberg-Weiden
Folie 2: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 3: Let’s get to know each other
Folie 4: About Me
Folie 5: Study Profile [...] Lerngruppen und Mentoring.
• One-stop student support for year one
• Designed to ease the transition from secondary school
to university
• The programme offers consultation, mentoring,
"Supervised Machine Learning Assisted Hybrid Positioning based on GNSS and 5G",
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
Lessons learned
• Regulatorische [...] develops VTOL solutions “SONGBIRD” including mission planning software
• Industrialized the prototypes to a commercial version with high level of safety
• Designed for BVLOS operation
SB500 und SB1400
Proof [...] bei 3.75 GHz
• Septentrio GNSS Empfänger für
Duong et. al.: "Supervised Machine Learning Assisted Hybrid Positioning based on GNSS and 5G",
International Conference on Indoor Positioning
met prior to enrolling in the course. Students who wish to enrol in
these courses must seek approval to enrol from the Course Coordinator and will be
required to provide evidence of meeting the prerequisite [...] page
Courses to be completed at UniSC:
Courses remaining to be completed at
The courses listed are correct at the time of writing but are subject to
change. Advice should be [...] be sought from Student Central prior to enrolling
in courses.
Developing and Graduate courses (1) 12 units
BUS306 World of Work: Your Pathway to Employment
Major and Elective courses (7) 84 units
01 Wie entwickeln wir Kultur und Kreativität?
18 Wie kann friedliches [...] lernbar?
Welche Möglichkeiten sind sinnvoll, um ein niederschwel
liges und unbelastendes Lifelong Learning zu ermög
lichen? Wie können Bildungsangebote den Arbeitsalltag
Digitalisierung [...] ten gibt es, sich Wissen anzueignen
außer durch schulisches Lernen und Lernen durch Han
deln (Learning by Doing)?
Wie kann ich Menschen zu mehr lebenslangem Lernen
Wie könnte schulische
the actual learning content and the person related
to the learning setting (Hidi, 2006)
Cognitive activation
§ “the potential to trigger students’ conceptual
involvement with the learning task” (Kunter [...] between cognitive activation and situational interest in
learning processes with complex learning arrangements ?
§ Business simulations contribute to the development of knowledge about
economics, understanding [...] situational interest
Complex learning environment
§ Business simulation (“Auto Manufacturing”,
§ Students (working in groups of 3 to 4) had
to manage an internationally operating
Huang, F., Teo, T. & Zhou, M. (2020). Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based
technology for learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 575–
Jiang [...] die
tatsächliche Nutzung von IKT durch die Verhaltensintention zur Nutzung („behavioral intention
to use“) geprägt ist, die von den individuellen Einstellungen zur Nutzung von IKT („attitude
toward using“) [...] bei Älteren im ländlichen Raum.
Qualifizierung von Technikbotschaftern und Anwendung der Peer-to-Peer Didaktik. Bericht
zum Projekt „Gemeinsam in die digitale Welt“ an der Volkshochschule Zwickau
Huang, F., Teo, T. & Zhou, M. (2020). Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based
technology for learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 575–
Jiang [...] die
tatsächliche Nutzung von IKT durch die Verhaltensintention zur Nutzung („behavioral intention
to use“) geprägt ist, die von den individuellen Einstellungen zur Nutzung von IKT („attitude
toward using“) [...] bei Älteren im ländlichen Raum.
Qualifizierung von Technikbotschaftern und Anwendung der Peer-to-Peer Didaktik. Bericht
zum Projekt „Gemeinsam in die digitale Welt“ an der Volkshochschule Zwickau
Huang, F., Teo, T. & Zhou, M. (2020). Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based
technology for learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 575–
Jiang [...] die
tatsächliche Nutzung von IKT durch die Verhaltensintention zur Nutzung („behavioral intention
to use“) geprägt ist, die von den individuellen Einstellungen zur Nutzung von IKT („attitude
toward using“) [...] bei Älteren im ländlichen Raum.
Qualifizierung von Technikbotschaftern und Anwendung der Peer-to-Peer Didaktik. Bericht
zum Projekt „Gemeinsam in die digitale Welt“ an der Volkshochschule Zwickau
area corresponding to the needle was extracted. The Euclidian distance [mm] to the annotated tip position (Median=
4.4, Q60=5.24, Q90=16.9) and angular difference [°] to the label (Median=0.2, [...] orientation is crucial to get effective
diagnostic (e.g. biopsies) or therapeutic results (e.g. thermal ablation). Automated needle tracking approaches are
anticipated to reduce the duration of [...] image processing with excellent results
. This work investigates the capability of a deep learning
algorithm to detect needles in porcine in-vivo images.
Methods. The CNN was trained on image data
was erroneous due to manual billing errors
(under-/overcoding). Thus, the target data of the test set were corrected exam-wise to generate a ground truth test dataset, which allowed to both evaluate
the [...] due to logging errors and offers
only incomplete information (e.g. the type and amount of injected contrast agent is missing). It is reasonable to assume that the algorithm can also be
applied to a similar [...] header information. The manually corrected test data allows to evaluate manual billing errors and shows
that the billing procedure has to be improved to reduce errors. This improvement can be achieved with a
is hardly likely to have distorted the results, as this
denomination is not likely to be used much in non-euro-area countries. The approach had to
be modified when applied to individual denominations [...] employ this method to try
to calculate foreign demand for US dollar banknotes, we have decided not simply to exclude
by definition those months in which there were net return flows to the Bundesbank [...] introduction of the euro is more likely to be predominantly due to
foreign demand. As a precise statistical recording of foreign demand is not possible, it is
prudent to make corresponding estimates using
comprise high-value denominations, from Germany to
these countries. As euro cash taken abroad for exchange to foreign currency is conceptually to
be assigned to transaction balances and thus probably chiefly [...] denominations up to €100 is likely to take place
largely via foreign travel (intra and extra euro area), whereas the €200 and €500 banknotes are
likely to be shipped en masse to non-euro-area countries [...] cumulated net shipments (€104 billion) are likely to have been to Russia (€45 billion) and that
these banknotes are likely to be kept there due to their store-of-value function or for activities
the central bank to reduce its
response to current inflation, thus enabling it to avoid inefficient reactions to cost push
One reason why we consider these results to be interesting [...] Taylor rule and to 6.2% (6.4%) for the speed limit rule.
One explanation for the welfare gain compared to the standard rules is that responding
to money growth allows the central bank to reduce its [...] response to inflation in both the
TRM and the SPLM rule, thus enabling it to avoid inefficient reactions to cost push
shocks. By contrast, augmenting the speed limit rule with a response to the output
targeting. It consists of an interest rate response to deviations of the inflation rate from
target, to the change in the output gap, to money demand shocks and to the lagged
interest rate. In the second part [...] from 1979 to 1998 quite well. This
result is robust to the use of real-time or ex post data and to the consideration of serially
correlated errors. The main lesson is that, in addition to anchoring long-term [...] rate rules feature a response to the
lagged interest rate, to deviations of inflation from target, to the change in the output
gap and possibly, but not necessarily, to short-run movements of money
Bavaria. Learn more about your field of expertise
from two different cultural angles, thus gaining a significant edge
in a competitive global labour market.
The Double Degree Programme aims to combine [...] Biological and Environmental Process Engineering
» Student has to be enrolled fulltime in Electrical Engineering at
» Student has to possess a minimum level of B2 in German
» Student must have [...] have completed and passed most of three academic years,
corresponding to a total amount of at least 140 ECTS at Novia UAS.
To obtain the Bachelor’s degree from OTH, the student must com-
plete at least
Bavaria. Learn more about your field of expertise
from two different cultural angles, thus gaining a significant edge
in a competitive global labour market.
The Double Degree Programme aims to combine [...] Engineering and Information Technology
» Student has to be enrolled fulltime in Electrical Engineering or
Energy Technology at Novia
» Student has to possess a minimum level of B2 in German
» Student [...] have completed and passed most of three academic years,
corresponding to a total amount of at least 140 ECTS at Novia UAS.
To obtain the Bachelor’s degree from OTH, the student must com-
plete at least
Das digitale Klassenzimmer
Das digitale Klassenzimmer
Die Learning Hall
Die Learning Hall
Die Learning Hall
Lehre und Lernen im Lehrraum-Lernort-Duo
Vielen Dank!
[...] century skills and global education roadmaps. In: 21st century skills development through inquirybased learning. Springer.
Redecker, C. (2017). European framework [...] Bildquelle:
Beichner, R. J., Saul, J. M., Allain, R., Deardorff, D. & Abbott, D. (2000). Introduction To Scale Up: Student Centered Activities For Large Enrollment University Physics.
American Society
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur Klausurteil: Betriebswirtschaft
Dauer: 30 Minuten
Gewichtung: [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten
prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
presentation(s) (40 %)
written test (40 %)
oral contributions to the class room discussion
(20 [...] are not eligible to sign up for more than 11 Advanced Modules or more than 4 Soft Skill Modules prior to having completed a minimum of 120 of 150 possible ECTS.
According to §6 (2) of the old [...] will be on relating theoretical concepts to assessment and evaluation of practices in organizations. Empiri-
cal projects will be analyzed to extract lessons learned and suggestions for improvement. Explorations
Business Analytics Capstone • How to ask the right questions of the data, and know how to use data effectively to address busi-
ness challenges • How to make data-driven decisions to real business challenges [...] petenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Up to 10 individual and group assignements to
form the grade.
The practical performance is used to test the entire [...]
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to learn the process that applies a broad range of behavioural science knowledge and practices to help organi-
sations build their capability to change
you have to take in your current semester.
• In order not to miss important information and deadlines, please subscribe to the newsletter on the noticeboard.
• Please note that in addition to the weekly [...] 17:15
6 17:30
7 19:15
Introduction to Academic Research
Introduction to Academic Research
MS Office Expert
MS-O-Group 1
240 [...]
Negotiating Globally
DBC 0.01
Negotiating Globally
DBC 0.01
Meetings, Negotiations & Conflict
Creativity & Innovation
DBC 0.01
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to impart the basics of operations and supply chain management related to the industrial transformations.
Starting [...] prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
presentation(s) (40 %)
written test (40 %)
oral contributions to the class room discussion
(20 [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 60 min
Gewichtung: 100%
Hinweis: Die Klausur kann bis
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
60% - Fallstudienbearbeitung eines empirischen [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min.
Gewichtung 100%
Über die Klausur werden [...] eitung: ca. 30 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
After the lecture, the students are able to (professional, methodical, and social competencies):