ISC Who are we? Who are we? Hello and welcome to the International Student Club (ISC) of OTH AW. We are a student-organised body of the International Office and active both at the campus in Amberg and in [...] it possible for international and German students to explore our region, Germany and our neighbouring countries in an affordable way. Through regular meetings, such as the International Café or cooking [...] mission statement, we want to help international and German students to quickly feel at home at our university and in the surrounding area, to build up an international network and to encourage them to take
Contact Current Events Contact International Office The International Office is the contact for students at OTH Amberg-Weiden, for exchange students and for international students. We advise and provide [...] Appointment Request Kontakt OTH Amberg-Weiden International Office Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23 D-92224 Amberg oder Hetzenrichter Weg 15 D-92637 Weiden international More [...] studies (theoretical or practical semester abroad), offer intercultural services and provide international students with initial information on their studies in Amberg or Weiden. Important note We look
Conference 2024 The International Meeting of the STACK Community 2024 took place on 11. - 13. March 2024 at OTH Amberg-Weiden, Amberg, Germany. Nearly 100 participants made the International Meeting of the [...] full VR experience. In addition to the current posters, you will also find the posters from the International STACK Meetings in Tallinn 2023, Leoben 2022 and Tallinn 2021 as far as they were available. I [...] for STACK internships to promote STACK adoption in African universities – Santiago Borio (IDEMS International, United Kingdom) [Translate to Englisch:] Impression from: AuthOMath event: using GeoGebra in
Menü Housing and Living Housing and Living International Full-Time Students Thank you for planning to do your studies here with us. We will be happy to help you with information on how best to plan your [...] in mind... Before studying: What do I need to bring? Before studying: What do I need to bring? International applicants need the following in order to apply to the OTH Amberg-Weiden a university entrance [...] What do I need, what do I have to take care of? Application for a Bachelor's degree programme : International applicants (including citizens of EU member states) who obtained their degree outside Germany
International Buddy Program The International Buddy Program enables international students of the OTH AW to get to know German students and to have contact persons for questions and problems that arise [...] are interested in international and intercultural exchange have the opportunity to meet students from all over the world. Buddies are committed students who are interested in international exchange and who [...] like to get supported as an international student? Then get in contact with us :) Email: isc @ oth-aw . de Documents Download – Registration for Participation in the International Buddy Program (English)
Centre for Digital Exercises Innovative learning spaces News and announcements List of publications Internal preliminary inspection
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Aktuelles/Veroeffentlichungen/WEN-Diskussionspapier/Intern_Data_Flow_Management_and_Systems.pdf
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rate rules of the
Taylor type. Interestingly, this is not specific to the US but seems to be
an international phenomenon (see Gerberding et al. (2005) for Germany,
Gerdesmeier/Roffia (2005) for the Euro Area [...] To calculate real-
time output gaps, we have used Bundesbank sources (official publica-
tions and internal briefing documents) to reconstruct the Bundesbank’s
real-time estimates of potential output. The [...] 300. – Canova, F./Menz, T. (2011): Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Busi-
ness Cycles? An International Investigation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
43, 577–607. – Chadha, J. S./Sarno, L./Valente
are possible Target group: Refugees and international students 19.06.2023: Intern - working student - employee? - The basics of German labor law 19.06.2023: Intern - working student - employee? - The basics [...] useful information & links Contact Labor market integration for refugees and international students We support refugees & international students on their path to employment. What we do: Pre-study German courses [...] Metalltechnik (IPM) International Business (IB) Internationales Technologiemanagement (TM) Kunststofftechnik (KT) Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Künstliche Intelligenz – International (IK) Logistik & Dig
positions, theses, full-time positions Start-up advice centre Start-up information events for international students and graduates
annotation [...] Creation-Date 2021-03-11T15:06:28Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Einrichtungen/International_Office/Gefluechtete/Integra_Willkommensmappe.pdf
pdf:hasAcroFormFields true
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EUC 70740
Institution Website
International office Website
Address Campus Amberg
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23
92224 Amberg [...] +49 (961) 382-0
1.1. International Office - main contacts
Contact Person Responsibilities E-Mail-Address Campus
Ms Dr Annabelle Wolff Director International Office
Administrative contact [...]
companies, easy internship search, practical bachelor theses and excellent employment opportunities international contacts and cooperation with partner universities, from joint modules to summer/winter schools [...] July 15, Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl, head of the study program, and Dr. Annabelle Wolff, head of the International Office, answered the questions of host Daniel Kann and numerous interested viewers live. You can
designs and manufactures the competitive speedster, but also regularly takes part in national and international competitions and races. The ideas of each team member find practical application in this project
Lösung für den Operationssaal ist aber nach wie
vor ein kontrovers diskutiertes Thema. Ein international einheitlicher Standard liegt bis-
her nicht vor. Räume der Klasse Ia sind mit einer turbulenzarmen
groups meet in learning sites, which are designed to be cross-faculty. International: Learning sites are also suitable for international courses, such as summer schools.
• Auf Wunsch und mit Einverständnis der Betroffenen wird bei Bedarf eine enge interne
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Berater*in, Beauftragten für Studierende mit gesundheitlichen
schulreife, fachgebundene
Bachelorarbeit Intern oder extern (Hoch-
schule, Unternehmen,
Arztpraxis, Klinik etc.)
Grundstudium 6 Semester
schulreife, fachgebundene
Bachelorarbeit Intern oder extern (Hoch-
schule, Unternehmen,
Arztpraxis, Klinik etc.)
Grundstudium 6 Semester
schulreife, fachgebundene
Bachelorarbeit Intern oder extern (Hoch-
schule, Unternehmen etc.)
Vorpraktikum Bis zum Ende des zweiten
ingenieurwissenschaftliche Grundkenntnisse aufweisen.
Und da fast jedes größere Unternehmen international aktiv ist, sind Sprachen, Bereitschaft zur Mobi-
lität und das Verständnis anderer Kulturen u [...] rtner, mit denen wir uns regelmäßig abstimmen, bestätigen, dass unsere
breit ausgebildeten, international vielfältig einsetzbaren AbsolventInnen besonders gesucht sind.
Typische Berufsbilder und Ein [...] Rechnungswesen
Prozessmgt. / Organisation Englisch (Stufe III)
Fremdsprache 2 (Stufe III)Dt. und intern. Recht
Finanz- u. Invest.wirtschaft IT-Tools & Algorithmen Englisch (Stufe IV)
The field of study Digital Business (M.Sc.) has successfully passed the
internal quality assurance measures of the OTH Amberg-Weiden. Due to
the system accreditation of 28 March
Affairs & Qualitätsmanagement
Case Management
Gesundheitssysteme im intern. Vergleich
Business Model Innovation
International Healthcare Management
Präsentation & Kommunikation
Produktmanagement [...] & KH-Management III
Gesundheitsökono. & KH-Management IV
Business Model Innovation
International Healthcare Management
Präsentation & Kommunikation
Abschlussarbeit (10 CP) Praxisprojekt [...] -führung
Gesundheitsökono. & KH-Management III
Gesundheitsökono. & KH-Management IV
International Healthcare Management
Präsentation & Kommunikation
Qualitätsmanagement & Zulassungen
students will
earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (B. Eng.).
International Office Weiden
Phone: ++49 +961/382-1145
Stand: 01/2017
Information Sheet
Course of Study
International Technology Management
General Information
The programme International Technology Management
began at the Technical University [...] study combines
international business and engineering as well as
intercultural competences. As such, a mandatory stay
abroad is required (either as a study semester or working
as an intern).
With the demands [...] demands of international business and fast paced
technology in mind, the programme International
Technology Management has been designed to be very
practically orientated.
Course of Study
The course