Reversible Energy Storage Devices with an Improved Service Life: Aging of
Supercapacitors, 3rd International Congress, Next Generation Solar Energy Meets Nanotechnology, 23 – 25 November 2016,
bis hin
zur Stromerzeugung aus Biomasse, Altstoffen und Wohlstandsmüll.3
Schätzungen der International Energy Agency zufolge sollen die Erdölvorrä-
te in der Golfregion in den nächsten vierzig bis [...] dient Erdgas.61
Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffzellen (MCFC) 62 verstromen Erdgas direkt
durch „interne Dampfreformierung“ an einem Katalysator im Anodenvor-
raum mit der Abwärme der 630 °C heißen Schmelze [...] Nickelkatalysator auf der Brenngasseite Wasser-
dampf bilden. Das Brenngas Wasserstoff entsteht durch interne Reformie-
rung aus direkt zugeführtem, feuchtem Erdgas oder Flüssiggas. Leider
begrenzen thermo
Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2004.DOC
Proceedings: The 14th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 6-8, 2004.
ac [...] Standards
IEC 40/1378 and the German translation DIN IEC
62391 [14,15] create a draft international standard of
supercapacitors for use in electronic equipment and
power applications. Essential [...] supercapacitor.
Constant current
Constant resistance
Internal resistance
ac impedance
dc resistance
Self discharge
Leakage current
Robustness of terminations
Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2005-Kurzweil.DOC
Proceedings: The 15th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 5-7, 2005.
[...] linear relation of differential capacitance and
current I = C dU/dt holds for capacitors with low
internal resistance. Table 2 compiles the theoretical
corrections for equivalent circuits which take
account [...] dc leakage resistance R2
(polarization resistance in parallel) in real
Internal resistance. The voltage drop ∆UR = IR is
determined as the point of intersection between the
Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2005-Kurzweil.DOC
Proceedings: The 15th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 5-7, 2005.
[...] linear relation of differential capacitance and
current I = C dU/dt holds for capacitors with low
internal resistance. Table 2 compiles the theoretical
corrections for equivalent circuits which take
account [...] dc leakage resistance R2
(polarization resistance in parallel) in real
Internal resistance. The voltage drop ∆UR = IR is
determined as the point of intersection between the
Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2006-Paper.DOC
Proceedings: The 16th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 4-6, 2006.
[...] operated on these rigorous
conditions at least temporarily. All capacitors fail due
to the increasing internal resistance. The nearby
exponential decline of capacitance follows the
ARRHENIUS equation. With [...] roughly
4.6 months (at 2.5 V) to 7.7 months (2,3 V) and 12.5
month (2.1 V) at 90°C, until the internal resistance
quadruples to a value of about 600 mΩ. Lowering
operating voltage by 0.4 V stretches
(Erdgas), 7.4.3 (Wasserstofftechnologie und Ver-
DOE (US Department of Energy): 1st International Biorefinery Workshop, Washington 2005,
ECCP (European Climate
Electrolytically produced hydrogen offers to reduce harm-
ful exhaust gases of internal combustion engines. All these
applications require a self-regulating electrolyzer, which
works reliably [...] 2, 1992.
[6] H. Funke, G. Tan, SAE Technical Paper Series No. 961371 Pre-
sented at 26th International Conference on Environmental Systems,
Monterey, CA, 8–11 July 1996.
[7] P. Kurzweil, O. Schmid [...] Platinum Met. Rev. 38 (1994) 46–56.
[14] P. Kurzweil, H.-J. Fischle, in: Proceedings of the 11th International
Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, USA, 3–5
December 2001.
[15] W. Schmickler
supercapacitors based on carbon and
on metal oxides: aging behaviour and pH effects, Proc.
The 17th International Seminar On Double Layer
Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 10-
12, 2007.
[...] and
aging studies of supercapacitors based on acetonitrile
and ionic liquids, Proc. The 16th International Seminar On
Double Layer Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A.,
December 4-6, 2006.
11 [...] Capacitance
Characterization Methods and Aging Behaviour of
Supercapacitors, Proc. The 15th International Seminar
On Double Layer Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, FL.,
U.S.A., December 6-8, 2005.
aktuelle Angebote
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Off we go! - An overview of our international partners One more little hint - not all partners listed there are part of the (Erasmus) exchange programmes. With some of them we "only" have joint projects
Pa t e n t a n w ä l t e
Wir sind eine dynamisch wachsende, international ausgerichtete
Patentanwaltskanzlei. Wir suchen zur Verstärkung unseres Teams
Festlegung/Anpassung der Strategie bezüglich der Schutzrechteanmeldungen
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Patentinformationssystem DEPATIS, der Zugriff auf verschiedene externe und interne Datenbanken sowie
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Die Praxis zeigt, dass das Trennungsprinzip national und international hohes Ansehen genießt. Wichtig ist
allerdings, dass beide Verfahrensarten in zeitlicher Hinsicht [...] or statement or to produce a document or
other thing for use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal,
including criminal investigations conducted before formal accusation.
The order
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Interne städtische Schreiben (in der Schrift Arial TT, 11point, mit Folgeseitennumerierung)
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