K1 Konzeption internationaler Unternehmenskommunikation 4 5
K2 Cultural Concerns and the International Manager 4 5
Master-Abschluss 25 25 28%
MA Master-Arbeit 25
Summe: 24 30 24 30 4 30 52 90
date 2018-10-31T10:32:07Z
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conclusion of the first day, Marian Mure M.A., Prof. Dr. Andreas P. Weiß
09:15 – 10:00 Workshop “International Funding Projects”, Dr. Nico Riemann (Bavarian Research
Alliance (BAYFOR))
10:00 – 12:00 World
Risiken der Digitalisierung
u.a. Schnittstellenvielfalt erschwert Umsetzung
interne oder externe IT-Kompetenz erforderlich
Qualifikation und Akzeptanz der Mitarbeiter
Einbeziehung [...] g und Schulung !
Nutzungskontrolle der erhobenen Daten !
interne und externe Vernetzung bietet Angriffspunkte
Echtzeit-Anforderungen u.ä. erschweren Schutzmöglichkeiten
ales Technologiemanagement können durch ihr
interdisziplinäres Studium im Management von international agierenden und technologieorientierten
Unternehmen und Organisationen an der Schnittstelle zwischen
und Verständnis in der Praxis umzusetzen.
(3) 1Das Studium vermittelt die Fähigkeit, in international tätigen Technologieunternehmen Aufgaben
mit Führungsverantwortung in verschiedenen Tätigk [...] internationaler Unternehmenskommunikation 5 4 SU, Ü Kl 60 Min StA 1
K2 Cultural Concerns and the International Manager 5 4 SU, Ü Kl 90 Min. mdlP 1
MA Masterarbeit 25 MA MA
Auflage. Rheinwerk Computing 2016.
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
• Die Themen werden auch am Beispiel international agierender Unternehmen erarbeitet.
• Es werden englischsprachige [...] Kelley: The Art of Innovation
● T. Brown: Change by Design
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Modulprüfung [...] und ergänzende Literaturquellen zur Verfügung gestellt.
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Es werden primär englische Veranstaltungsunterlagen verwendet.
Bei Teilnahme von Studierenden
des Masterstudiengangs Medizintechnik sind
dafür ausgebildet Fach- und Führungsaufgaben in international tätigen Unternehmen
der Life Science Industrie, medizinischen oder wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen [...] technologische Entwicklungen und deren Bedeutung - auch im
Bereich der Digitalisierung - im international geprägten Markt der Medizintechnik zu
verstehen und dieses Wissen und Verständnis in der Praxis
Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt [...]
von Horst Rottmann
43 Die neuen europäischen Regeln zur Sanierung und
Ramadorai (2016), International Comparative Household
Finance, Annual Review of Economics 8, 111-144.
Badarinza, C., J. Campbell & T. Ramadorai (2017), What Calls to ARMs? International
Evidence on Interest [...] einer festen Zinsbindung gegenüber einer
variablen Verzinsung bei Immobilienfinanzierungen international sehr unterschiedlich ist.4
Uneinigkeit herrscht allerdings in der Literatur darüber, wie die [...] page
Rachel, L. & T. D. Smith (2017), Are Low Real Interest Rates Here to Stay?, International
Journal of Central Banking 13(3), 1-42.
Rampini, A. & S. Viswanathan (2016), Household Risk
Ramadorai (2016), International Comparative Household
Finance, Annual Review of Economics 8, 111-144.
Badarinza, C., J. Campbell & T. Ramadorai (2017), What Calls to ARMs? International
Evidence on Interest [...] einer festen Zinsbindung gegenüber einer
variablen Verzinsung bei Immobilienfinanzierungen international sehr unterschiedlich ist.4
Uneinigkeit herrscht allerdings in der Literatur darüber, wie die [...] page
Rachel, L. & T. D. Smith (2017), Are Low Real Interest Rates Here to Stay?, International
Journal of Central Banking 13(3), 1-42.
Rampini, A. & S. Viswanathan (2016), Household Risk
Expander versus Turbine –
Which is the Better Choice for Small ORC Plants?
Proceedings 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power
Systems, Brüssel (B), 2015.
[5] Mollenhauer, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Di
usc.edu.au/learn/international-students/how-do-i-apply-international-students/step-2-check-entry-requirements http://www.usc.edu.au/learn/international-students/how-do-i-apply-international-students/step [...] usc.edu.au/learn/international-students/how-do-i-apply-international-students/step-2-check-entry-requirements http://www.usc.edu.au/learn/international-students/how-do-i-apply-international-students/step [...] usc.edu.au/learn/international-students/how-do-i-apply-international-students/step-2-check-entry-requirements http://www.usc.edu.au/learn/international-students/how-do-i-apply-international-students/step
testing in an international context”. This is where we step into the picture. We extend the hedge
portfolio evidence of Chordia et al. (2014) to an international setting.4 Figure 1, reporting [...] McMillan, D., 2009. Financial Co-Movement and Correlation: Evidence From 33 International Stock
Market Indices. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1 (3), 215–241.
Fama, E., 1965 [...] significantly decreased exploitable returns of capital market anomalies in
the US. Using a novel international dataset of arbitrage portfolio returns for four well-known
anomalies (size, value, momentum and
Decker M. The role of ethics in interdisciplinary technology assessment. Poiesis & Praxis:
International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science, 2004. Ausgabe 2 S. 142
[6] Beschaffung [...] Fleßner M. Automated detection of artefacts for
computed tomography in dimensional metrology. International Symposium on Digital
Indutstrial Radiology and Computed Tomography. Gent, Belgien, 22. – 25. [...] (RSA) in phantom experiments using a single robotic x-ray
tube compared to conventional RSA. 5th International RSA Meeting, Adelaide, Australia.
06. – 08. Oktober 2017.
[11] Horsager K, Kaptein BL, Rømer
ors/course-library/bus/bus708-international-trade-and-finance https://www.usc.edu.au/learn/courses-and-programs/majors-and-minors/course-library/bus/bus708-international-trade-and-finance
annotation [...] s/bus710-marketing-in-an-international-environment https://www.usc.edu.au/learn/courses-and-programs/majors-and-minors/course-library/bus/bus710-marketing-in-an-international-environment
annotation [...] l Business and Technology Management
University of the Sunshine Coast program: Master of International Business (BU783)
Credit transfer assessment completed: 06 August 2018
Expiry date: August
Decker M. The role of ethics in interdisciplinary technology assessment. Poiesis & Praxis:
International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science, 2004. Ausgabe 2 S. 142
[6] Beschaffung [...] Fleßner M. Automated detection of artefacts for
computed tomography in dimensional metrology. International Symposium on Digital
Indutstrial Radiology and Computed Tomography. Gent, Belgien, 22. – 25. [...] (RSA) in phantom experiments using a single robotic x-ray
tube compared to conventional RSA. 5th International RSA Meeting, Adelaide, Australia.
06. – 08. Oktober 2017.
[11] Horsager K, Kaptein BL, Rømer
scale stationary
energy converters (< 100 kWel) heated by e.g. waste
heat in industry, waste heat of internal combustion
engines, geothermal heat or even solar radiation. An
ORC power plant works like a coal [...] Bayreuth. The research plant was designed to
investigate waste heat recovery from a 250 kW bio-
gas internal combustion engine with an exhaust gas
temperature of about 500 °C.
Process simulations and theoretical [...] Weiß. Volumetric expander versus turbine - which
is the better choice for small rc plants? 3rd International
Seminar on ORC Systems (22):301–310, 2015.
Publisher and distributor: Munich Society for the Promotion of Economic Research ‐ CESifo
The international platform of Ludwigs‐Maximilians University’s Center for Economic Studies
and the ifo Institute [...] depend upon multiple
(2016) give a literature review on the finances of international crime organizations which shows
that cash is used in many crime activities. Therefore, re [...] (ed), The usage, costs and benefits of cash: Theory and evidence from macro
and micro data, International Cash Conference 2012, Bonifatius Druck und Buch Verlag,
Rogoff, K S (1998), Blessing
auf der ganzen Welt geworden ist. In Zukunft wird sich
die F.-Branche national und international weiter ver-
ändern. Moderne Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten wie
Crowd-Funding und alternative Verw
- the EME GDP aggregate is based on ECB data after 1995, which are linked up to IMF
International Financial Statistics data (in year-on-year growth rates) before 1995
- industrial production [...] 617-625.
Chauvet, M. & S. Potter (2010), Business Cycle Monitoring with Structural Change,
International Journal of Forecasting 6, 777-793.
Christiansen, C., J.N. Eriksen & S.V. Møller (2014), F [...] Predicting Cycles in Economic Activity, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, International Finance Discussion Papers Number 926, April
Hamilton, J. D. (1989), A new approach to the
- the EME GDP aggregate is based on ECB data after 1995, which are linked up to IMF
International Financial Statistics data (in year-on-year growth rates) before 1995
- industrial production [...] 617-625.
Chauvet, M. & S. Potter (2010), Business Cycle Monitoring with Structural Change,
International Journal of Forecasting 6, 777-793.
Christiansen, C., J.N. Eriksen & S.V. Møller (2014), F [...] Predicting Cycles in Economic Activity, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, International Finance Discussion Papers Number 926, April
Hamilton, J. D. (1989), A new approach to the
piston expanders [7] and even < 5 for scroll or screw types. However, in exhaust
heat recovery of internal combustion engines high temperature differences and, therefore, high volume flow
ratios in the [...] water/glycol circuit. The ORC consists of an
evaporator (type plate and shell heat exchanger), an internal recuperator and a condenser (both type plate
heat exchanger), a pump and a tank. The main component [...] experience on ORC unse for waste heat
valorization in biogas power plant, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power
Systems, University of Liège and Ghent University, Brussels, Belgium, 2015
– her.
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