kurzgefaßt, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
for international or interested students, we offer readings and selected teaching material in English [...] et.al.: „EDV-Grundwissen“, Addison-Wesley-Longman Verlag
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
[...] Steiner: „Grundkurs Relationale Datenbanken“, Vieweg + Teubner
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
Modulprüfung (ggf. Hinweis zu Multiple Choice - APO §9a)
Method of Assessment
2022 - Lier, Belgium
Description of the Service Design Workshops
This International Week on Service Design aims to teach through crash courses, exercises,
tools and methods how
Bachelor Künstliche Intelligenz – International
Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor Künstliche Intelligenz – International Wintersemester 2022
Erstellt [...]
Bachelor Künstliche Intelligenz –
Deutsch als Fremdsprache:
Verwendbar zum Studium des
Studiengangs Bachelor Künstliche
Intelligenz – International
Englisch: Verwendbar zur Vorbereitung [...] des Moduls,
16 / 111
International Affairs & Intercultural Meeting
International Affairs & Intercultural Meeting
Zuordnung zum Curriculum
ab dem 3. Fachsemester
• Datenerhebung
Erhebungsmethode: Online-Befragung
Erhebungsart: interne Evaluation
Erhebungsform: formativ/summativ
• Grundgesamtheit
Angeschrieben: 1660
- davon [...] Studiengängen (Fakultät WIG)
Abdeckung der Grundgesamtheit
bei International Studierenden
Grundgesamtheit Befragte
page [...] [Nz=8]
Erreichbarkeit von Service-/Beratungsstellen (Studienbüro,
Studien-/Careerservice, International Office) [Nz=63]
Literaturversorgung (Print und Digital) [Nz=23]
Wie bewerten Sie derzeit
Prüfungsordnung im
Bachelorstudiengang International Business
Zum Wintersemester 2022/2023 tritt die neue SPO für den Bachelorstudiengang International Business
in Kraft. Alle derzeit immatrikulierten [...] immatrikulierten Studierenden im Bachelorstudiengang International Business
haben die Möglichkeit, mit Antragstellung vom 01.10.2022 bis 28.10.2022, in die neue SPO übergeleitet
zu werden.
Bitte beachten [...] ____________________
M.A. Cornelia Oszlonyai
Studiengangsleitung Bachelorstudiengang
International Business
Bachelor's degree programme in International Business
The new study and examination regulations (“SPO”) for the Bachelor's degree programme in
International Business will come into force in the [...] winter semester 2022/2023. All students currently
enrolled on the Bachelor's degree programme in International Business can transfer to the new SPO by
submitting an application between 01.10.2022 and 28.10 [...]
Place and date M.A. Cornelia Oszlonyai
Programme Coordinator, Bachelor´s degree in
International Business
Studiengang: Semester:
Personenbezogene Daten werden nur intern verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.
-> Anmeldeformular abzugeben im Institut für Nachhaltigkeit
» Trends: Welche Trends gibt es in der Hochschuldidaktik (national und international)?
Themenblock 2: Innovationen in der Hochschullehre
Innovationen in der Hochschullehre sind [...] Harald Hinterleitner
Quantitative Analysis of the Challenges in the Mathematics Courses of the International
Study Programme Electrical Engineering at the School of Engineering in Wels.
Implementation [...] Newsletter des ZHD als Unterstützung oder Inspi-
ration für ihre Lehre zu verwenden, 19 % besuchten interne didaktische Weiterbildungsange-
bote, 11 % wurden außerdem bereits persönlich beraten. Die Webseite
Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
Zentrum für Gender und Diversity
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23
92224 Amberg
Intern per Hauspost an das ZGD Büro in Weiden
per E-Mail: oe-ajazaj@oth-aw.de
a second step we try to estimate the amounts used for transaction and store of wealth purposes,
internal hoardings and foreign demand with indirect methods with a special focus on different
variants of [...] evidence of a shift from transactional to non-transactional demand for
cash over time.
5 In an international study (including France) Bagnall et al. (2016) find significant cross-country differences with [...] the unemployment rate, the corruption perception index for
France provided by Transparency International and different tax variables (direct and
indirect taxes, taxes of households and firms).
on the effects of a harmonization of EU cash payments limits on illicit activities
and the internal market, and a public consultation, the EU Commission stopped the
3 In addition, there are [...] access to ordinary
central bank accounts. According to the latest survey by the Bank for International
Settlement, 90% of 80 surveyed central banks are currently engaged in CBDC work, mainly
[...] Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt
on the effects of a harmonization of EU cash payments limits on illicit activities
and the internal market, and a public consultation, the EU Commission stopped the
3 In addition, there are [...] access to ordinary
central bank accounts. According to the latest survey by the Bank for International
Settlement, 90% of 80 surveyed central banks are currently engaged in CBDC work, mainly
[...] Seitz, Gerhard Rösl und Nikolaus Bartzsch
31 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment. An International Comparison
von Horst Rottmann und Gebhard Flaig
32 The Rule of the IMF in the European Debt
STACK-Network STACK-Network: We share the common goal of (1) informing each other about national and international activities and news on the topic of digital exercises based on STACK as Open Educational Resources [...] STACK-Based Moodle Quizzes Taking into Account Self-Regulation and Different Proficiency of Learners. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) , 17 (23), pp. 38–55. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet [...] self-learning modules for engineering mathematics using STACK and JSXGraph [Presentation]. 3. International JSXGraph Conference, online. https://jsxgraph.org/conf2022/program/knaut Knaut, J., Altieri, M
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
für den Bachelor-Studiengang
Künstliche Intelligenz - International
an der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule
vom 05.02.2021
[...] Prozessen und Robotern zum
Einsatz kommt. Als IT-Spezialisten „Künstliche Intelligenz - International“ wirken sie bei der
automatischen Gewinnung und der Integration von, sowie der Adaption durch [...] page
Anlage: Module und Prüfungen des Bachelorstudiengangs Künstliche Intelligenz - International
Art der Lehrver-
für Forschendes Lernen. Postervortrag von M. Hommel auf dem HDS.Forum 2016 „Hochschullehre: international, studierendenorientiert, nachhaltig?!“, 11.11.2016. Hommel, M., Schlicht, J., Fürstenau, B. & [...] Analysis of Online Information Provided by Banks. Vortrag von B. Fürstenau und M. Hommel, 11th International Conference of IACSEE in Göttingen. Hommel, M. (2015). Reflexionsgelegenheiten im berufsqualif [...] The Aspiration, Occurrence and Promotion of Higher-Order Thinking in Mathematics Classrooms Internationally” (David J. Clarke) auf der European Conference (ECER) der European Educational Research Association
problem‐based learning process as finding and being in flow. Innovations in Education and Teaching international , 47 (2), 165-174. Barrows, H. S. & Tamblyn, R. M. (1980). Problem-based learning: An approach
setzen? Angesichts der Herausforderungen, die
uns als Kollektiv betreffen (lokal, national und
international) ist es eine dringende Aufgabe für
die Wissenschaft, theoretische Antworten und
konkrete Lösungswege [...] fordern die Bürger*innen von
der Wissenschaft Lösungsansätze, was getan
werden kann, wenn die international verein-
barten Klimaziele nicht erreicht werden. Sie
wollen wissen, welche Folgen der Erderwär- [...] werden und die Behandlung wenig
verbreiteter Krankheiten an Wichtigkeit gewinnt?
Wie kann die interne Kommunikationsstruktur in
Krankenhäusern trotz wirtschaftlichen Drucks und Corona
verbessert werden
Café International Café International Regulars’ table for international students at OTH Amberg-Weiden. For all those of you who want to exchange their views and experiences with other international students [...] USA The International Student Organisation (ISO) offers recurring web tutorials for studying abroad in Canada, Australia or the USA. You can choose between the following universities: International College [...] destination countries, study opportunities, the application process and financing options, including international financial aid and our exclusive scholarships.
promotes digital strategy Dr. Annabelle Wolff, Head of the International Office at OTH Amberg-Weiden OTH Amberg-Weiden is becoming even more international: the university is focusing on an innovative digital [...] Mobility Online software and the redesign of the International Office website. The Mobility Online software supports and simplifies many processes in the international area of the university, such as Erasmus+ [...] workers. International students in particular have good prerequisites for the labour market: They know the language and culture and have a recognised university degree. But how can international students
study programmes An overview of the english-taught programmes . For language requirements for the international degree programmes, please refer to the respective degree programme websites. As a rule, the following
Menü Housing and Living Housing and Living International Full-Time Students Thank you for planning to do your studies here with us. We will be happy to help you with information on how best to plan your [...] in mind... Before studying: What do I need to bring? Before studying: What do I need to bring? International applicants need the following in order to apply to the OTH Amberg-Weiden a university entrance [...] What do I need, what do I have to take care of? Application for a Bachelor's degree programme : International applicants (including citizens of EU member states) who obtained their degree outside Germany
offer two English-taught programs Bachelor International Business Master International Management and Sustainability as well as one bilingual program International Artificial Intelligence The Language Center [...] exists at the International Office of your home university. First of all, your university must nominate you for an exchange program with us. The nomination is made by the International Office of your [...] process, contact your International Office. Ansprechpartnerin Austauschsemester Ansprechpartnerin Austauschsemester M.A. Cornelia Eichinger Contact M.A. Cornelia Eichinger International Office Amberg, Department
(Bachelor): Artificial Intelligence International (Hybrid, English and German) Digital Technology & Management (English) Industrial Engineering (English) International Business (English) Medical Engineering [...] Applications (English) Global Research in Sustainable Engineering (English) International Management & Sustainability (English) International Energy Engineering (English) [...] English-taught Programs To strengthen our international profile we are aiming to offer more English-taught degree programs. Currently, there are four programs whose language of instruction is English.
Off we go! - An overview of our international partners One more little hint - not all partners listed there are part of the (Erasmus) exchange programmes. With some of them we "only" have joint projects
ISC Who are we? Who are we? Hello and welcome to the International Student Club (ISC) of OTH AW. We are a student-organised body of the International Office and active both at the campus in Amberg and in [...] it possible for international and German students to explore our region, Germany and our neighbouring countries in an affordable way. Through regular meetings, such as the International Café or cooking [...] mission statement, we want to help international and German students to quickly feel at home at our university and in the surrounding area, to build up an international network and to encourage them to take