on the international stage, we promote your social competence, willingness to cooperate and communication skills during your studies. This will enable you to work successfully in international teams and [...] technological developments, business and economic contexts, and the importance of cultural factors in international business. But most importantly: you will learn how to link these different aspects. This holistic [...] bachelor's degree with technological and economic components, such as Industrial Engineering or International Technology Management? Then this degree program is the perfect complement. The master's program
Menü Program International Business (current) Job opportunities Study models Application Access and admission requirements Quick start guide for international students FAQ first-hand experience Program [...] Course Language: English Program International Business (current) Job opportunities Study models Application Access and admission requirements Quick start guide for international students FAQ first-hand experience [...] well as start-ups and medium-sized businesses engage internationally more and more. If you wish to participate and shape these markets, our International Business Bachelor’s Degree Program (CEE) provides
national and international climate targets, but above all highly qualified experts. And if there are many of them, we can achieve the global energy transition. In the master's program "International Energy [...] context of sustainability, the master's program "International Energy Engineering" is just right for you. Career opportunities In the field of international energy technology , you will work in a constantly [...] will still be needed in the long term, both in Germany and internationally. Application You want to apply for the Master's program International Energy Engineering at our university? The program starts in
business models in an international context? Do you want to be able to work internationally, lead a team and inspire people to act responsibly? Then the Master's degree program International Management & Su [...] program International Management & Sustainability we show you how to turn these challenges into opportunities. In addition to the important linguistic expertise, you will also acquire international knowledge [...] fields of international management, sustainability, general management and corporate responsibility in order to achieve their individual goals. As a graduate of the Master's Program in International Management
Program International Technology Management (current) Structure as of WS 2019/2020 Specialization "Product Life Cycle Management" Combine languages, management and technology! In International Technology [...] with a broad range of specialist skills and who can be deployed internationally and interculturally and who have expertise in international trade and technology management. People like you, after your successful [...] Menü Program International Technology Management (current) Structure as of WS 2019/2020 Specialization "Product Life Cycle Management" Apply now Information on admission Information for the start of studies
role in national or international companies. The degree program provides you with the ability to take on tasks in various areas of activity both in nationally or internationally operating medical-technical
Thermodynamics Process Engineering Patent Search Techniques Intellectual Property Rights European and International Patent Law Procedural Law Protection Law of Non-Technical Services Applied Industrial Property
acquire in your International Business studies at our university. You will attend the following planned in-depth modules: International Business Law International Taxation International Marketing Communication [...] available) for the International Business program. Timetable for the Bachelor's degree program International Business (451 KB) Examination schedule for the Bachelor's degree program International Business (293 [...] Menü Program International Business Program Structure (current) Course of studies Content Documents Contact Partners Program International Business Program Structure (current) Course of studies Content
titutionen /
Experiences from international healthcare projects
financed by international financing institutions
12:30 – 13:00 Henning Lensch,
RRP International Singapore, Singapore
Private [...] Förderungen für Entwicklungsländer – LEED
Gold international standard hospital in Lahore, Pa-
kistan / Private funds for emerging countries – LEED
Gold international standard hospital in Lahore,
[...] UNG
by the Mayor of
Amberg, Michael Cerny
short Uni-Assist
11:00 International Office
(application & selection
process) Cornelia Eichinger
OTH AW Study and Career [...] 14:30 Lunch Break & Coffee End of Program: 13:00
14:30 Adaptation and Integration of
International Students
Office Rallye Feedback
optional activity: a trip
to Regensburg
(UNESCO heritage)
Designs; New Models impacting Design
and Organisation - case study
Henning Lensch, RRP International Hospital Planners
Pte. Ltd. / Singapore
Decker M. The role of ethics in interdisciplinary technology assessment. Poiesis & Praxis:
International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science, 2004. Ausgabe 2 S. 142
[6] Beschaffung [...] Fleßner M. Automated detection of artefacts for
computed tomography in dimensional metrology. International Symposium on Digital
Indutstrial Radiology and Computed Tomography. Gent, Belgien, 22. – 25. [...] (RSA) in phantom experiments using a single robotic x-ray
tube compared to conventional RSA. 5th International RSA Meeting, Adelaide, Australia.
06. – 08. Oktober 2017.
[11] Horsager K, Kaptein BL, Rømer
& 2000er Party
Vergünstigung für Running-Snail-Racing-Team
Di, 28. Juni International Night
& Bier-Pong-Turnier
Vergünstigung für internationale Studierende
Turnier ab 19 Uhr
& 2000er Party
Vergünstigung für Running-Snail-Racing-Team
Di, 28. Juni International Night
& Bier-Pong-Turnier
Vergünstigung für internationale Studierende
Turnier ab 19 Uhr
& 2000er Party
Vergünstigung für Running-Snail-Racing-Team
Di, 28. Juni International Night
Vergünstigung für internationale Studierende
Mi, 29. Juni Karaoke-Night
Do, 30. Juni
& 2000er Party
Vergünstigung für Running-Snail-Racing-Team
Di, 28. Juni International Night
Vergünstigung für internationale Studierende
Mi, 29. Juni Karaoke-Night
Do, 30. Juni
Donnerstag, 09. Juni 2022
8.15 – 11.30 Uhr International Management (Sprache: Englisch)
Hörsaal 223 Studiengang International Business, Prof. Fischer
8.15 – 11.30 Uhr Informationssysteme
topics, but also the prospect of deepening their knowledge. Industrial Engineering offers an international orientation and flexibility through a wide range of elective options. These can be used either [...] t of specialist or individual competences. On the one hand, the degree programme is aimed at international students who have a basic knowledge of the German language (level A2) and want to develop this
technology that helps people to live a better life? Are you looking for a diverse role in an international environmen t? Do you want to learn something new every day and enjoy interdisciplinary collaboration [...] opportunities The global healthcare industry is the industry of the future par excellence , internationally positioned and always on the lookout for qualified engineers to work in companies, medical i [...] knowledge and offers the opportunity to specialise in various fields. Medical Engineering has an international focus and presents flexibility through a wide range of options. These can be used either for language
conclusion of the first day, Marian Mure M.A., Prof. Dr. Andreas P. Weiß
09:15 – 10:00 Workshop “International Funding Projects”, Dr. Nico Riemann (Bavarian Research
Alliance (BAYFOR))
10:00 – 12:00 World
first step is to design and develop the adaptive learning modules, including measures to support international students (link to WP2 and WP3). Above all, the contents of a typical basic lecture such as "E [...] innovation network for digital adaptive teaching and networking with cooperation partners from the internal and external university landscape. For this purpose, two workshops are expected to be held at the
in Pilsen as part of the project „Innovation skills for internationally active project managers” (funded by BTHA) (June 2024) Report International Day with hands-on activities organised by KOMO (photo booth [...] and online (November 2024) Report Excursion for OTH students to Prague to participate in the ‘International Seminar on Agile Project Management Frameworks’ at the ČVUT University of Technology (November [...] Innovation") (October + November 2023) Excursion for OTH students to Prague within the project "International Standards - Seminar on Project and Process Management at ČVUT in Prague" (funded by BTHA) (November
Bayerisches Fernsehen: From the first concept to the finished TV production using the example of the International Jazz Festival in Burghausen (in cooperation with Bayerisches Fernsehen, Munich) Marco Hanelt:
fahrens aus, so kann diese bzw. dieser dennoch für laufende
Promotionsverfahren als interne Prüferin bzw. interner Prüfer in die Prüfungskommission
bestellt werden.
(5) Der Promotionsausschuss
aus, so kann diese bzw. dieser dennoch für laufende Promotionsverfahren als interne Prüferin bzw.
interner Prüfer in die Prüfungskommission bestellt werden.
(5) Der Promotionsausschuss kann [...] die Geschäftsführung des Promotionszentrums bei Bedarf hinzugezogen wer-
den. Es können sowohl nur interne Sitzungen der vier Mitglieder als auch Sitzungen der Mitglieder mit
eingeladenen Dritten stattfinden