2006 to
the beginning of 2008 and resulted in a oil price of over USD 140 per barrel. Subsequently,
the oil price fell to below USD 40 by the beginning of 2009, only to rise to levels of up to USD
80 [...] research to determine whether the correlations discovered here are also
to be found in models with monthly or quarterly frequency. Above and beyond that, it is
interesting to investigate to what extent [...] Greek Treasury. Main tasks of the Specialist are to
participate with continuity and efficiency to the governments' securities auctions, to contribute to the efficiency of the secondary market through market
erreichen und steht allen Studierenden zu Verfügung (http://
blackboard.haw-aw.de oder http://www.meet-to-learn.de). Aktu-
ell unterstützt Blackboard über 100 Lehrveranstaltungen in un-
terschiedlichen [...] Mentoringprogramms „first steps…“
(BayernMentoring, Stufe 2). Das Programm steht unter dem Mot-
to „Studentinnen fördern Studentinnen“ und richtet sich an Stu-
dentinnen ingenieurwissenschaftlicher [...] Electrolytes Based on BMPl-TFSI with Graphite
Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries, Postersession, 216th Meeting of the
Electrochemical Society (ECS), Wien, 04. – 09.10.2009
• Kurzweil, P., Precious Metal
sogenannte Hessische Bewertungsmodell aufsetzt.
The conversion of the cameralistics to the new local account system requires the opening
balance sheet, in which all assets and liabilities [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
sogenannte Hessische Bewertungsmodell aufsetzt.
The conversion of the cameralistics to the new local account system requires the opening
balance sheet, in which all assets and liabilities [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
the top 5 paths, 3 paths
belong to behavioral culture, 1 path belongs to institutional culture, 1 path belongs to
spiritual culture, and no path belongs to material culture.
15 [...] held 12 study
meetings to find the paths of creating harmonious corporate culture. Authors identified 62
analysis units and 27 small categories and 4 categories. All paths were assigned to 4
categories [...] harmonious corporate culture in order to seek out
which paths were perceived and received by most people. The results of this paper are
useful to entrepreneurs who want to build harmonious corporate culture
the top 5 paths, 3 paths
belong to behavioral culture, 1 path belongs to institutional culture, 1 path belongs to
spiritual culture, and no path belongs to material culture.
15 [...] held 12 study
meetings to find the paths of creating harmonious corporate culture. Authors identified 62
analysis units and 27 small categories and 4 categories. All paths were assigned to 4
categories [...] harmonious corporate culture in order to seek out
which paths were perceived and received by most people. The results of this paper are
useful to entrepreneurs who want to build harmonious corporate culture
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
However, in order to gain additional insights on the models’ ability to explain monetary developments, the
last four available observations (2008 Q4 to 2009 Q3) are used to produce out-of-sample [...] seems to interact with wealth and borrowing. In order to
be able to more fully analyse the interaction between money holdings, consumption and wealth, the
financing of households needs to be modelled [...] Landesberger 3
1 We are grateful to Mika Tujula for providing euro area household wealth data, to Gabe de Bondt for sharing his equity market related measures
and to Wolfgang Lemke for providing his
and 2000) to improve the scope of protection for patents. In contrast to the United
States, where a first-to-invent system operates, China follows a first-to-file system.35
“First-to-file” means [...] help individuals to act systematically
and to enable them to define their approach to operate within a company with a focus on
OMI. A defined process is a key for organizations to follow their business [...] and a shorter time to market for
new products. Aiming to reduce R&D expenses through new ideas and improved pro-
cesses, some companies offer incentives to suppliers in order to increase the exchange
and 2000) to improve the scope of protection for patents. In contrast to the United
States, where a first-to-invent system operates, China follows a first-to-file system.35
“First-to-file” means [...] help individuals to act systematically
and to enable them to define their approach to operate within a company with a focus on
OMI. A defined process is a key for organizations to follow their business [...] and a shorter time to market for
new products. Aiming to reduce R&D expenses through new ideas and improved pro-
cesses, some companies offer incentives to suppliers in order to increase the exchange
which we compare to actual developments to
get an idea of the magnitude of the evolving disequilibri-
um. This helps to answer the question whether the bond
market overvaluation from 2004 to 2006 has been [...] represents the state of technology. In order to
be able to represent all economically relevant information
of the underlying technology, the cost function has to meet
certain regularity conditions: C must [...] 2006 from USD 1100 billion to USD
2000 billion. This is equivalent to about 35 % of Federal
Government’s total liabilities.
Our sample of monthly data runs from 1986:1 to 2006:6.
The business cycle
erreichen und steht allen Studierenden zu Verfügung (http://
blackboard.haw-aw.de oder http://www.meet-to-learn.de). Nach
Außen ist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Renninger als Sprecher des Arbeits-
kreises Virtuelle [...] von überall (z.B. von zu Hause aus) zuzugreifen.
eLearning (Blackboard)
Ebenfalls aus Mitteln des Konjunkturprogrammes II wurde das
eLearning-System der HAW modernisiert. Im Rahmen dieses Pro- [...] Power Sup-
plies in Industrial Automation, Vortrag bei der Vector Fields Eu-
ropean User Group Meeting and Conference, Oxford University,
13.09. – 17.09.2010, Oxford (England).
Prof. Dipl.-Ing
FINANCE (2010): Capital flows to emerging market economies, IIF
Research Note, January 26, 2010, Washington D.C.
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (2010): Meeting new challenges to stability and building a safer [...] out that the empirical evidence is ambiguous. Especially it has to be distinguished be-
tween the short and long-term effectiveness. Due to the economic costs accompanying capital restrictions
a full-coverage [...] capital flows to emerging-market econo-
mies, in: Bank of Canada Review, Winter 2009 — 2010, S. 15-27.
SULA, O. / WILLETT, T. D. (2009): The reversibility of different types of capital flows to emerging
or posting to personal, institutional or third party
websites are prohibited.
In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the
article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal [...]
As mentioned in Section 3.2 we had to restrict our estimation
sample to firms which have answered at least six consecutive years.
Since this restriction leads to a larger share of large firms in the [...] coefficients are stable and very similar to Specification
(6). Thus, we use this model without contemporaneous innovation
variables to include further interaction terms to check for some effect
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting [...] for the potential user and the deferred taxation put the performance in
question. The author came to completely different results: the complexity is lower
and the yield is significantly higher than [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting [...] for the potential user and the deferred taxation put the performance in
question. The author came to completely different results: the complexity is lower
and the yield is significantly higher than [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
height at the front, the roof gradually
curves upwards …“ und “To maintain load height and space for a single deck trailer,
we had to increase the trailer height at its highest mid-point by 500mm; [...] Hybrid-Lkw gestartet.“ [DAI-09b]
Vom Modell Mitsubishi Fuso 5 Canter Eco Hybrid (5,5-Tonner mit 2 to Nutzlast)
wurden bereits 1.000 Stück in vier Jahren verkauft, vor allem in Japan, Australien, [...] bereits von verschiedenen Dienstleistern angeboten, z.B. DEKRA
[DEK-10b,c] oder DB Training, Learning & Consulting [DBT-10b].
3 Sonstige ökologische Maßnahmen
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
from an equilibrium with perfect to one with imperfect information, high-ability workers
have to invest more in education to separate themselves and move from point B to point C in Figure
page [...] productivity-enhancing effects of education. To
this extent there is a huge amount of literature which tries to test which of the two theories is correct
by trying to separate empirically the purely prod [...] salaries of workers in occupations relevant to their educational qualification
to those with the same qualification working in jobs not directly related to their qualifications.
• An experimental
organization like the church to bring these systems into balance? Based on assumptions of the
New Economic Sociology is transferred from the idea of communicative action to the church.
Journal [...]
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
organization like the church to bring these systems into balance? Based on assumptions of the
New Economic Sociology is transferred from the idea of communicative action to the church.
Journal [...]
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp