date 2024-05-06T09:47:34Z
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electives like Robotics, IoT Technology or
Digital Image Processing.4 of 13
2 of 6
3 of 9
Design your own study programme
OTH Amberg-Weiden – Industrial Engineering - Prof. Dr. Kris Dalm
Welt vorantreiben. Wir arbeiten
Hand in Hand mit der Industrie, um Simulationsmodelle für den Design dieser Anlagen zu
entwickeln. Dabei betrachten wir alle Bestandteile der Prozesskette; von den [...] to a zero-emission world. We work closely with industry to develop simulation models
for the design of these plants. In doing so, we consider all components of the process chain;
from renewable
Corporate Governance,
Compliance & CSR
International Strategic Management
New Business Models &
Design Thinking
Environment, Climate Change
& Ecology
International Projects –
Processes & Change
• Research traditions (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, design of experiments (DOE))
• Research designs (e.g., experiment, survey, field study, numerical computer simulations)
[...] research methodologies, enabling them to design robust empirical studies. This includes understanding
the strengths and limitations of different research designs, statistical analyses, and how to apply [...] groups:
• The compulsory modules (10 ECTS) The compulsory modules of this certificate course are designed to
provide doctoral students with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and ethical principles
Several employees of a company in the "standard course", i.e. the course is not individually
designed for the company if the company pays
(In-house training courses are not included, these are
Several employees of a company in the "standard course", i.e. the course is not individually
designed for the company if the company pays
(In-house training courses are not included, these are
date 2024-04-30T08:58:32Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2024-04-30T08:58:32Z [...] u. CO. KG 06 NORMA Lebensmittelfilialbetrieb Stiftung & Co.KG
84 EDAG Group 46 Novem Car Interior Design GmbH
88 elasto GmbH & Co. KG 96 NTT DATA Deutschland SE
82 emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA 71 OTH P
date 2024-05-02T13:10:48Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.7
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2024-05-02T13:10:48Z [...] CO. KG 06 NORMA Lebensmittelfilialbetrieb Stiftung & Co. KG
84 EDAG Group 46 Novem Car Interior Design GmbH
88 elasto GmbH & Co. KG 96 NTT DATA Deutschland SE
82 emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA 71 OTH P
Students will be able to independently design, create, and query databases. Students refine their
knowledge of modern databases, including distributed data models. By designing and building complex infrastructures [...] objectives/competencies to be assessed
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
PrA project report Design and implementation of a sample application using Deep
*1) Please refer to the applicable [...] cies to be assessed
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
PrA project report (10-15 pages) Design and implementation of a selected application
*1) Please refer to the applicable overview of
Sustainable Building Technology Pres. - 5 x Späte / Pirkl Pirkl / Späte
IEE ohne 2 Plant and Equipment Design in Energy Technology Kl 60 5 x Prell Bischof
IEE ohne 2 Energy Management with AI-Methods ModA
Akademischer Verlag
Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
Meyer Bertrand, Object-Oriented [...] k, Medien und Informatik
Seite 13
1.7 Konstruktion
Mechanical Construction Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls
Kind of [...] Tietze, C. Schenk, E. Gamm: Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer, 2016
J. F. Wakerly: Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Pearson, 2007
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
date 2024-05-17T12:04:12Z
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Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3. In: 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2021, Virtual Event / Palermo, Sicily, Italy, September 1-3, 2021 , pages 268–277, IEEE. DOI
date 2024-06-18T07:15:05Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.7
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access_permission:modify_annotations [...] 64d-9fde-45e98790bd68
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pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign 19.4 (Windows)
access_permission:fill_in_form true
pdf:docinfo:modified 2024-06-18T07:15:05Z [...] card)
Letter of admission from the OTH Amberg-Weiden in order to get a cheaper bank account
designed for students
Do you already have a bank account within a European country? We still recommend
Internet Technologies 3 2 3 2 Internet Technologies 3 2 3 2
Cyberphysische Systeme 1 5 6 5 6 Design und Produktion digitaler Medien 5 4 5 4
Programmierung 1 5 4 5 4 Programmierung 1 5 4 5 4
[...] 5 Mediengestaltung 5 4 5 4
Einführung in die Systemtheorie u. Regelungstechnik 5 4 5 4 Screen Design 5 4 5 4
Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing 5 6 5 6 Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing 5 6 5 6
Internet Technologies 3 2 3 2 Internet Technologies 3 2 3 2
Cyberphysische Systeme 1 5 6 5 6 Design und Produktion digitaler Medien 5 4 5 4
Programmierung 1 5 4 5 4 Programmierung 1 5 4 5 4
[...] 5 Mediengestaltung 5 4 5 4
Einführung in die Systemtheorie u. Regelungstechnik 5 4 5 4 Screen Design 5 4 5 4
Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing 5 6 5 6 Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing 5 6 5 6
Informatik 5 4 5 4
Mathematik 1 8 8 8 8 Mathematik 1 8 8 8 8
Cyberphysische Systeme 1 5 6 5 6 Design & Produktion digitaler Medien 5 4 5 4
Programmierung 12 8 5 4 7 4 Programmierung 12 8 5 4 7 4 [...] osophie 5 4 5 4 Informationsethik &Technikphilosophie 5 4 5 4
Regelungstechnik 5 4 5 4 Screen-Design 5 4 5 4
Data Analytics 5 5 5 5 Data Analytics 5 5 5 5
Projektmanagement & agile Entwicklungsmeth
Informatik 5 4 5 4
Mathematik 1 8 8 8 8 Mathematik 1 8 8 8 8
Cyberphysische Systeme 1 5 6 5 6 Design & Produktion digitaler Medien 5 4 5 4
Programmierung 12 8 5 4 7 4 Programmierung 12 8 5 4 7 4 [...] osophie 5 4 5 4 Informationsethik &Technikphilosophie 5 4 5 4
Regelungstechnik 5 4 5 4 Screen-Design 5 4 5 4
Data Analytics 5 5 5 5 Data Analytics 5 5 5 5
Projektmanagement & agile Entwicklungsmeth
competence: Profound knowledge of the scientific principles required for the understanding, analysis, design and
operation of conventional and renewable energy systems.
• Methodological competence: [...] tion-based-post-combustion-capture-of-carbon-dioxide
• Thomas, W. J: Adsorption technology and design; Reed Educational and Professional Publishing; 1998;
PowerPoint, for example, we also need the original PowerPoint file.
We reserve the right to adapt the design of graphics to the layout style.
Please also insert your images/graphics in the text. Please
ng: Vorgehen, Methoden und Instrumente
• Strategien im B2B-Marketing und Value Proposition Design
• Bedeutung von Services, Möglichkeiten durch Digitalisierung in der Produkt- und Servicepolitik [...] Produktionssystemen
• Komponenten der Automatisierung
• Fertigungsgerechte Produktgestaltung (Design 4 X)
• Sensorik
• Von der Produkt-Idee zum Baujob für die Additive Fertigung
• Technologien [...] (ISBN: 978-3-8007-4267-7)
• Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 (ISBN: 978-3-446-45293-0)
• Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly (ISBN: 978-1-4200-8927-1)
• Handbuch Fügen, Handhaben, Montieren (ISBN:
and Practice”, College Publications, 2014
• Maier, A., „Handbook of Engineering Systems Design”, Springer, 2023
• Madni, A.M., “Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering”, Springer
Amplifiers: Principles of Operation, Design
Procedures, and Experimental Verification. In: Huijsing, J.H., Steyaert, M., van Roermund, A. (eds) Analog Circuit
Design. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi [...]
date 2024-06-16T07:19:28Z
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