R), along with consultations, already indicate a number of general design tendencies.5 The main
features of these design tendencies will be listed in this paper, allowing us to discuss specific [...] date and the EU Commission's regulatory proposal (D€-
R) already indicate a number of general design tendencies.
Many questions remain unanswered at this stage, and the relevant Eurosystem [...] with regard to the compensation model, liability issues, the offline D€, holding limits and the
design of the D€ card. The focus on smartphones as payment device should also be viewed critically.
Bonussystem führen
Entwicklung und Konstruktion
Development and Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls
Kind of [...] anderer Megatrends auf Geschäftsmodelle und Organisationen
Grundlagen des Design Thinking Prozesses
Nutzergruppen und ihre Bedürfnisse, Anforderungen und Probleme verstehen (Persona [...] Keeping Customers with Enhanced Usability and User Experience, Springer 2016.
Schallmo, D.R.A.: Design Thinking erfolgreich anwenden, Springer 2017.
Kreutzer, R.T./Neugebauer, T./Pattloch, A.: Digital
date 2024-09-07T13:00:05Z
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Akademischer Verlag
Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
Meyer Bertrand, Object-Oriented [...] auf ein Bonussystem führen
Mechanical Construction Design
Zuordnung zum
Module ID
Art des Moduls
Kind of [...] Tietze, C. Schenk, E. Gamm: Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer, 2016
J. F. Wakerly: Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Pearson, 2007
Internationalität (Inhaltlich)
date 2024-09-18T12:15:17Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title Flyer_O
summarized in ONE course with the short designations of the respective study programs
accordingly in alphabetical order, e.g. TM/WI module designation.
+++ IMPORTANT: For our planning purposes
date 2024-09-23T08:54:45Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign 19.5 (Windows)
pdf:docinfo:title Flyer_Orange-Days_Programm_2024.indd
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dc:title Flyer_O
2024/25 Untis 2024
22.9.2024 5:18
MI 1
Name Langname
DPDM_Pr Design und Produktion digitaler Medien (Praktikum)
DPDM_VL Design und Produktion digitaler Medien (Vorlesung)
GDS Grundlagen digitaler
date 2024-09-24T14:03:40Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title Infomedium_Flyer_Erstsemesterbegruessung_2024.indd
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dc:title Infom
date 2024-09-24T14:12:59Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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pdf:docinfo:title Spiritueller-Impuls_2023.indd
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dc:title Spiri
date 2024-09-24T14:12:59Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title Spiri
date 2024-09-24T14:12:59Z
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dc:title Spiri
Agiles Projekt-u.
Innovation & Design
DBC 0.02
Big Data Analytics
232 232
Big Data Analytics
MS-O-Group 2
Event and Project Management
Design Science and Design
Seite 8
Block courses:
date 2024-09-26T11:36:23Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:title Spiri
date 2024-09-26T11:36:44Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.3
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dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3
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dc:title Spiri
date 2024-09-27T11:59:50Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.4
pdf:docinfo:title Design ohne Titel
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dc:title Design ohne Titel
modified 2024-09-27T11:59:50Z
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Design ohne Titel
07.10.2024, 14.00 Uhr, EMI109 - DBB (Digitale Bildbearbeitung): 08.10.2024, 9.00 Uhr, EMI313 - DC (Design Computation): 07.10.2024, 10.00 Uhr, EMI109 Wir bitten um Kenntnisnahme und Berücksichtigung! Euer
reward program
vs. COVID-19, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Central Bank Communication Design,
Working Paper Series No. 40, June.
Shepherd-Barron, J. (2016), Cash is Critical to Disaster
date 2024-11-18T14:36:23Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.6
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dc:title 210x2
Infoveranstaltungen, Lerngruppen und Mentoring.
• One-stop student support for year one
• Designed to ease the transition from secondary school
to university
• The programme offers consultation
Infoveranstaltungen, Lerngruppen und Mentoring.
• One-stop student support for year one
• Designed to ease the transition from secondary school
to university
• The programme offers consultation
• Kommunikation mit einem Server
Informatik als Schlüsseltechnologie
• Interface-Design
• Programmierung, APP-Entwicklung
• Künstliche Intelligenz
(z.B. Empfehlung weiterer Songs) [...] ng, mathematisch-
naturwissenschaftlich-technische Grundlagen
Design und Produktion digitaler Medien
Entwurf interaktiver Benutzerschnittstellen
Webanwendungen [...]
• Kommunikation mit einem Server
Informatik und KI als Schlüsseltechnologie
• Interface-Design
• Programmierung, APP-Entwicklung
• Künstliche Intelligenz
(z.B. Empfehlung weiterer Songs)
analysis and system design
• Notation in UML
• Relational database systems and their application
• Development of a relational schema
• Basics of SQL-queries
• Exercises in designing and using an exemplary [...] Applied research design process
• Critical evaluation of published research
• Objectivity, validity and reliability
• Quantitative and qualitative research strategies
• Questionnaire design
• Observation [...] School on Lowering Barriers for Minority Groups in Retail 41
International Winter Week on Service Design 42
KREA Spring School 43
International Summer School on Sustainability